After the Battle:

Severus Snape let go of Harry Potter's hand, his eyes closing as the poison pulsed through his veins. It hurts, Lily. It hurts so much. Did it hurt like this for you?


He was lost in his own world of pain and death when he felt himself being lifted, heard murmured voices. He slipped peacefully into unconsciousness.

"He's waking up..."

"It's about time!"

"How long has he been in that coma?"

"Nineteen years, and he hasn't aged a day! Funny, what comas do to people."

"Hello? Mister, can you hear us? Do you understand what I am saying?"

"Did his eyelids twitch? Is that a yes?"

"Maybe. He's not waking up this instant. Let's go, our shift ended two hours ago."

"The relief's not here!"

"Who cares? That's their fault. I'm getting out of here; who's coming with me? Party at the bar down the street!" Footsteps faded, a door slammed.

Fingers gently caressed his cheek. "Push the red button when you wake up. Someone will come and explain." Lips touched his forehead, more footsteps, another door.

Severus opened his eyes to see a Muggle hospital room. He blinked for a second, recovering rapidly. With a muttered spell, he was free. He had no intention of staying.

The window opened as he tiptoed over to it, his wand flying into his hand.


"He was here! Right here!" Harry cried.

"We know, Harry..."

"We saw him too..."

"It's not your fault..."

Harry dropped to his knees, staring blankly at the floor. The one man whom they owed this war to, was gone. They couldn't even honor him with a proper burial. Tears streaked down his face as he thought of all those times they thought of how much they wanted him dead; and now that he was, they wanted him back. Ginny went over and wrapped her arms around him, whispering comfortingly into his ear.

They held a special ceremony on the first day of summer. Not only had Harry seen Severus' memories, but as they went through and cleaned out his rooms, they found a series of journals dating from when Snape was only five or six until the day he died. Having read those and his will broke many people, but none more so than Harry. Even Ron admitted to having regrets about all those times he called Snape "An ugly slimy git." Every journal stated that his favorite day of the year was the first day of summer, because it felt so magical.

Harry, Ron, and Hermione took turns speaking at the funeral. Hermione and Harry sobbed their way through it, and even Ron had tears dripping from the end of his long nose.

Months later, engagements and weddings took place, the Wizarding world sorted itself out, and Snape was given many awards and a special status as a hero. They were even considering placing a class on judgements in the Hogwarts curriculum that they would dedicate to him.

Years later, children had been born, and Snape was all but forgotten. Except by Harry, as he stood by the crib containing his second son, Albus Severus Potter. Harry looked up at the stars through the window and whispered, "I'll give him all the fun and love you never had, Professor. I'm sorry for everything you went through. And thank you for everything you did for us. Goodbye."

And so even Harry let go.

But Severus Snape himself had not given up yet, even long after the rest of the world had.