Hold My Hand

A/N: Hi peeps! How are you all? My new fandom is Hannah Montana, and I so have my eye on Oliver and Jackson, though Oliver is on the top of the list (Jackson's third… Justin Bieber ties with Oliver/Mitchel for first). This is just a little dialogue drabble, about when Oliver mentions that his father still holds his hand in parking lots in 'You Never Give Me My Money'. I have some more Hannah fics coming soon, so stay tuned!

'Dad, I'm fifteen! Come on! What if I saw anyone I knew?' whined Oliver Oken as he and his father crossed the parking lot, on their way somewhere.

'Oliver Oscar Oken, must I remind you that you hold the world record for most trips in one day, and I don't mean going places, other than the ground.'

'Dad, I would rather fall flat on my face in front of a cute girl than have a cute girl see me with my father holding my hand.'

'Why on earth would you rather damage your face for any prospective cute girl when you can protect it by simply holding someone's hand?'

'Because you can laugh off a fall, make an excuse, and pray that she thinks it's cute or adorable. You cannot do anything other than change your name and go into hiding if you are seen holding your father's hand.'


'Oh, and Dad; for future reference, the only person's hand you can hold in public is your girlfriend's.'

'You don't have a girlfriend, son.' *pause* 'I could never imagine why…'

'Dad, there is no need to rub it in.'