Disclaimers: I don't own the song "Long Live" by Taylor Swift or the Harry Potter series. No duh. Thanks for making me rub it in.

I met you that day, on the train, and you were absolutely horrid to me. You told me that you hated me, my parents, my cousins, my entire family. You were trying to push me, and I knew that. I knew that, on the inside, you were just a scared little boy, just like my cousin Albus. You just didn't know how to show it, how to deal with it.

You were scared, Scorpius Malfoy, of being Slytherin and hated, of not being Slytherin and being disowned, of not making any friends because of something that you didn't do. I don't blame you for being mean. I don't blame you for trying to hide your fear. I blame you for letting your fear define you.

I knew, in that instant, that you were not Slytherin material. I knew that you would be placed somewhere else, and I was happy for you, because I knew that deep down, you didn't want to be Slytherin. You didn't believe in the pureblood mania or the other nonsense that your parents, friends, and grandparents drilled into you.

So I walked back to my compartment, hardly phased, knowing that you would come around after the Sorting. After you were placed where you were supposed to be.

I still remember this moment
In the back of my mind
The time we stood with our shaking hands
The crowds in stands went wild
We were the kings and the queens
And they read off our names
The night you danced like you knew our lives
Would never be the same
You held your head like a hero
On a history book page
It was the end of a decade
But the start of an age

We walked up to the sorting hat, one by one. Albus was sorted into Gryffindor, and I was sorted into Gryffindor. No surprise there. The hat called your name, and I could see the conflict on your face. I could see the urge to make everyone happy, because I had dealt with that aspiration before, and I know that it was impossible. We all waited, silently, as the hat pondered you carefully. I saw you mouth the words, the seemingly impossible words…"not Slytherin". And the hat put you in Gryffindor.

Everyone was dumbstruck, left in awe. They couldn't get over their prejudices, and neither could you, at first. You wouldn't move, you couldn't. So I made a snap decision. I looked at Albus, nodded, and we both walked up to you, grabbed you by the arms and sat you down at the Gryffindor table, next to us. We stood up and started clapping furiously, waiting until the rest of the hall followed. I swear I could see Headmistress McGonagall shed a few tears.

Long live the walls we crashed through
All the kingdom lights shined just for me and you
I was screaming, "long live all the magic we made"
And bring on all the pretenders
One day we will be remembered

You seemed to have regained your confidence, because you raised your head up and put on a show. But that's all it was…a show. I knew that you were still the scared little boy that you were on the train. But when Al and I sat down, we knew that something had changed, because you immediately apologized. I told you to stop, and that you had nothing to apologize for. And at that moment, we were inseparable.

I said remember this feeling
I passed the pictures around
Of all the years that we stood there on the sidelines
Wishing for right now
We are the kings and the queens
You traded your baseball cap for a crown
When they gave us our trophies
And we held them up for our town
And the cynics were outraged
Screaming, "this is absurd"
'Cause for a moment a band of thieves in ripped up jeans got to rule the world

Seven years passed, you and I were the Head Boy and Girl. Albus was Quidditch Captain. Life was great. But still, I could see that people didn't accept you, didn't treat you as a true Gryffindor. I could see that you were bullied, beaten down, and broken from having to carry the past of your family on your shoulders. But you still wouldn't understand that you had me and Al. You had us to help you, but you wouldn't let us share your burden.

Long live the walls we crashed through
All the kingdom lights shined just for me and you
I was screaming, "long live all the magic we made"
And bring on all the pretenders
I'm not afraid

Long live all the mountains we moved

I had the time of my life
Fighting dragons with you
I was screaming, "long live the look on your face"
And bring on all the pretenders
One day we will be remembered

As we grew closer to graduation, it happened. The Death Eaters rose again. And surprise, surprise, your father and grandfather were right in the middle of it. And I knew that you were blamed for it. I knew was people did to you. I tried my best to stop them, but you started shutting everyone out. You started to shut out me and Al, as well.

When the uprising was stopped, you had nowhere to go. Your father and grandfather were dead. You had no home, no money. I forced you to listen to me, I brought you to my home. I told you that you were NEVER alone. That you never would be, as long as Al and I were there.

Hold on to spinning around
Confetti falls to the ground
May these memories break ?

And you take a moment
Promise me this:
That you'll stand by me forever
But if God forbid fate should step in
And force us into a goodbye
If you have children someday
When they point to the pictures
Please tell them my name
Tell them how the crowds went wild
Tell them how I hope they shine

We were getting closer to graduation, and I was scared. Scared that we would be apart, scared that we wouldn't see each other again. So I told you to never forget me, and Al. I told you never to forget what happened here, at Hogwarts, some of the best years of our lives. And you agreed, you said that you couldn't possibly forget these years, forget us. And finally, I saw that you were sharing your burdens with us, like we had wanted you to the whole time.

Long live the walls we crashed through
I had the time of my life with you

Long, long live the walls we crashed through
All the candlelight shined just for me and you
And I was screaming, "long live all the magic we made"
And bring on all the pretenders
I'm not afraid

I could still see that you were hurting, that people didn't believe in you, in how amazing you were. They wouldn't see past the Malfoy, to get to the Scorpius. They just couldn't get past that.

The day before we were to graduate, the Daily Prophet published an article about me and Al, being the Golden Trio's children. They talked about you too, but only about how you must have enchanted us to like you or some other convoluted story. I know that this hurt you, because it hurt me too. I comforted you, I helped you get through it. But still, people were doubtful, and this didn't help.

Singing long live all the mountains we moved
I had the time of my life
Fighting dragons with you

And long, long live the look on your face
And bring on all the pretenders
One day we will be remembered

The day of graduation, we both had to give speeches. Yours was more timid, yours was one of those cliché graduation speeches that everyone does. I know that you didn't want to make things worse.

I stood up on the stage. I had had a speech prepared, but I scrapped it at the last minute. I talked about the war. I talked about prejudice and overcoming it. I talked about houses and house unity. I talked about you. And when I was done, everyone was dumbstruck, yet again. I walked off stage, ran up to you, and kissed you full on the mouth, in front of everyone. I told them "If that doesn't prove that I'm not being controlled, then I don't know what will." And you looked at me, beaming, and I knew, that finally, after seven long years, that the scared little boy was gone. He was replaced with Scorpius, the Scorpius that Al knows, the Scorpius that I know and love. And that day, everything that our parents wanted for us, everything they fought for, came into play. The revolution was finally over.