Summary: After the Attack, where Dimitri is not killed, he leaves. Just up and leaves without a word. After five years working at the Court he is being called back to the Academy. Will Rose want her back? Rose and Dimitri POV. Plus, each chapter as a song to go with it.

Disclaimer: I own nothing. Richelle Mead owns it all minus the songs, they belong to their owners. :)

What Hurts The Most By Rascal Flatts


I slipped the white envelope out of my P.O. Box. I shut the door and walked back to my apartment. I didn't have to go to work until noon so I planed on getting so more sleep. I looked at the back of the envelope; it was sealed with the all too familiar blood red seal. St. Vladimir's Academy in Montana. I peeled off the seal and slipped out the sheet of cream colored paper. I expected Alberta's all too neat handwriting but instead I found someone's script that made me choke on my own tears, which threaten to spill out on to my cheeks.

Dear Guardian Dimitri Belikov,

I, in the best interest of this Academy, would like to call you back to your duties that you left five years ago as a mentor to students and as a guardian at the school. Please consider my offer.

-Guardian Rose Hathaway

It was short but it brought back so many memories. The cabin, where we made love. The attack where Rose was almost killed. I left right after that. I didn't say I love you on more time, I didn't say goodbye. I just left a note in the office saying that I quit. And I left, I went to the court, where I work now as Hans' right hand man. And now she wants be back. No she would like to have be back at my old post.

"Roza." I whispered and sat on my bed. "Rose. Oh my Rose." I put my head in my hands. Could I do it? Could I go back? Could I face her again? Would she want me back that way? No, she hates me. But I could try, I could at least say I was sorry. Immediately I picked up the phone and dialed the number I had almost dialed so many times in the last five years.

After a few rings she picked up, "Hello?"

"Rose!" I tried not to sound excited.

"Dimitri?" She paused, then laughed at something in her world. "Adrian stop." She ordered someone near her.

"Yeah, I got your letter." Then I paused. "I'll take it. I'll take to job back."

"Okay. Don't you want to think about it? Hans said you had a pretty nice job at the Court."

"No, I want to be back at the Academy. By the way why didn't Alberta write me?" Part of me was afraid of the answer.

"She gave me the job as Head Guardian. Claimed she was too old."

"You on the other hand are not." I heard someone say to her on her end of the phone. She laughed.

"Hey, really stop that. I'm working." She didn't really sound like she wanted anything to stop. I felt a pang of anger as I heard to voice say.

"When your done working that job then you can work on me. I'm in some major need of fixing. Speaking of which who are you talking to?" After a minute of pause and a rustle of some sheets I heard Rose's feet hit the floor and the voice say, "Hey, I'm not done with you. Don't leave this bed."

I swore in Russian as Rose walked across the floor then a door opened and closed. "Dimitri!" She tsked with a small laugh. "You forget that I do know that the only Russian you ever speak is swearing. So any way, when can you here?"

"I can be there tonight." I said.

"Great. And Dimitri, thanks we really need your help."

"Anything for you Roza." I hung up and the beat my head against the wall. I called her Roza. Am I an idiot? Yes, yes I am. I was glad she moved on though. She was with Adrian, that's who that must have been. Adrian Ivashkov. I was glad for her, she seemed happy. I on the other was miserable. I was nothing without Rose. Just the shell of the man I once was. I finally got up and pulled on my leather duster, the one Rose always use to tease me about. I headed down to Hans' office; he was the Head Guardian at the Court. When I walked in he looked up at me.

"Dimitri? You aren't suppose to come in 'til noon."

"I know," I said. "I'm quitting."

Surprising Hans wasn't easy to do but I did it. "What?" Was all he could say.

"I'm going back to the Academy." I said matter-of-factly.

"I see. Rose told me she was going to hire you back." I froze.

"You've talked to Rose?"

"Well yeah." He said, "She and I are the head Guardians of the only two major vampire buildings in the U.S. Did you think we never talked?"

"No, I just… just" I stammered.

"You just thought we were talking about you. I know what happen Dimitri. How you left. And she did ask me to look out for you and make sure that you never left the Court so she could kill you when she got a chance to get out of the Academy." I must have looked almost scared because he continued with a laugh. "I'm just messing with you boy. But she did bring you up last week. She said she needed some extra help at the Academy and asked if you could come."

"She really asked about me?" I asked almost flattered.

"Yes, she did." Hans said. Then handed me a plane ticket. "Pack your bags boy. You're going home to your lover."

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