I love Hunger Games

By Lii


I woke up under the covers of none other than Gale's. My eyes adjusted to the darkness of the room. I clutched the covers to my nose and took a whiff. Gale... Gale always had a very distinct smell. It had to be a mix between cinnamon and the wood's forest air. The smell was surrounding me and engulfing me with it.

I remembered the past afternoon with him-it was amazing. I curled up in Gale's soft bed. No, it was more of a nest. There was a huge-and I mean huge-bed that once belonged to his father, but after his death was inherited to him.

Gale's father was possibly the biggest man in District 12, or any other. Not width wise, but height. He was probably around six foot eight, which is huge for the Districts. In the Capitol though, people do inexplainable things to their bodies.

There was a sheet over the mattress and maybe three layers of covers. All strewn around were the many, many pillows he required. He needs to be comfortable, or his distaste is open. I looked over to the empty side of the bed. There was still a compressed area on the left side of the bed, meaning that someone was there recently. I laid my head back down on one of the pillows and closed my eyes once again before opening them to look around.

Gale's room had always been the same. He disliked changes, so he never moved anything from its original place. There was his closet across from his bed and next to it was a couple weights that the blacksmith in the town had created personally for Gale. There was a long window that took up almost the whole right wall. Light was streaming in on me from the rising sun.

I pulled the warm Gale smelling covers. I looked down to see myself. I had been stripped of my shirt and leggings. I was merely clad in my boxer briefs and the strap that did its best to hold back my breasts. Women didn't have the best form of comfort nor padding around their chest area because no one really minded. Only wild teenage boys who had hormones running through their heated bodies really cared.

I got out of bed and decided to take a look around. I looked under his bed. A couple books and some more weights. I looked in his closet. A very slim selection of clothes and shoes. I pulled out one of his big shirts. Wait, they're all big. On me. I closed the door and walked over to Gale's dresser. It was about my height with many drawers.

I remembered going into his room once and trying to look around. I opened it an inch and Gale screamed at me for going through his personal business. I never went through his things again.

But now, Gale isn't here. How is he supposed to know? I thought deviously. There were ten drawers in all. I smirked and started at the top drawer. It held a couple small knives and some animal bones. I closed it and checked in the second one. It had some socks and boxers. I blushed and slammed it shut. The third one held a couple more books with odd titles. They looked educational. I'm sorry, but who's the nerdy one? I said in my head.

I closed it and looked through the fourth one. Nothing. The fifth one held some pills and some creams that my mother must have given him at some point. The sixth one had some photographs. I picked one up and examined it. It was of Gale and his father-when he was still alive. There were others of him and his mother, and ones of the whole family. I sat down on the wood floor and smiled as I looked through them. There was one of Vick right after he was born. I smiled brightly. Then next couple shocked me somewhat.

They were of me.

What the...? I asked myself. How did Gale take these pictures of me when I hadn't noticed? There was one of me standing in the meadow by myself. Another was of me sitting in a tree, poising my arrow at some innocent animal. There was one of me with Prim and my mother all holding hands. There were many more, but I thought I'd had enough of looking at myself.

But some were just weird. There were ones of me on my couch by the fire, reading a story to Prim, me looking in the full length mirror in my room changing, and one of me in my bed, asleep. How has this individual achieved this?

I threw the photographs back into the drawer and slammed it shut. What the hell! I opened the seventh one-more pictures of me. The eighth and ninth ones were nailed shut, as if there were something in their that even Gale couldn't face, himself. And the tenth one. Very last one.

My underwear.

I screamed at this point. I picked it up and examined it. It was a recent one, in fact, it had only gone missing about a month ago! It was something that my mother had forced me to wear when I needed to wear a dress to a fancy event. I was definitely freaked out. My pink lace, thin, actual girl panties were in my best friend's dresser.

I ran down the stairs to the kitchen where Hazelle was in the middle of the living room floor. She was on her knees washing some clothes in a big basin of water and soapy suds. She looked up at me with her coal grey eyes and a smile formed on her lips.

"Hi honey, finally awake?" She asked and put the clothes down and got up and walked over to give me a hug. I hugged her back, but not so convincingly. She pulled away and looked down at my face. Hazelle was also a tall one. "Are you okay? You look a little sick," she said as she placed her hand over my forehead.

I shook my head, "No, no I'm fine, thank you," I said politely, trying to make up for my ugly rudeness to her yesterday. She smiled.

"Would you like some food?" She asked and walked into the kitchen. She opened her refrigerator and pulled out some eggs.

I again shook my head no. "Um no thanks, I think I should go back home so my mother and Prim don't worry too much about me," I said. Hazelle nodded and smiled.

I took my leave and ran through town almost naked. Everyone was either in the mines or at school so no one except for a few merchants were out and about. I quickly arrived at home, since Gale's family and mine aren't too far away. I slammed the door shut and took my slippers off. I walked up the stairs and checked my mother's room.

I put on a straight face. "Hi mom," I said as I looked over at her in her bed.

She turned over to me and gave me a kind, motherly smile. "Hi Katniss. Hazelle told me you slept over. Prim's in school right now. You can stay home if you want," she said and drifted off into sleep once again. I closed the door and rolled my eyes. I walked off into my room and collapsed onto my bed. My bed as well as Gale's is big. No where near his size though. It's a tad bigger than a twin, since Prim often gets scared and crawls in with me.

Screw school, I thought. It isn't even mandatory here, like it is normally in another District. Without another thought, I slid under the covers and fell into a dreamless sleep.

Around midnight, I was awoken. My eyes shot open and they searched around. I sat up instantaneously. My room was completely dark except for the window that stretched across the wall, exactly like Gale's. There was bright, white, moonlight streaming in. There was a shadow in it, though. I squinted and tried to make out who, or what, it possibly was. Who else?


I pushed the covers away and got out of my bed, half awake, and walked over to him. He, knowing I was coming over, held his arms out for me. He engulfed me in a warm, very Gale hug. I loved it. I smiled into the hug and he squeezed tighter. I pulled away as did he and we examined each other. The window was opened to the extent that allowed Gale to sit on the window pane.

"Why are you here?" I asked as I stared into his coal eyes.

"To see you. I do this all the time when I can sleep and you're the only one on my mind," Gale said with a shy blush.

I leaned in and placed a small, but loving kiss on his warm lips. Gale, not wanting to end this, leaned into me and placed an exact replica of mine on my lips. I smirked at him.

We shared a common want. Sex.

It was the look in his eye. I'd only seen it once or twice before. It was a naughty sort of daring look, as if he was thinking up something unexpected. He smirked at me and leaned in to kiss me.

I allowed it. He stuck his tongue in straight up and licked all around. I love the feeling. I leaned in as well and rested my hands on Gale's thighs. He smirked into the kiss and took his hands up to my shirt. He lifted it over my head and I had to break from the kiss to help. I unbuckled his belt and slid it off blindly.

By now, I had no top on and Gale was only clad in his boxers. I blushed as I pulled away from the kiss to look. Gale was rock hard and I had a perfect view of it. Gale looked up at me with an impish look, as if trying to find my reaction to his body. There was the form of a smile tilting one side of his mouth. I gulped and Gale shook his head with a chuckle. He picked me up and carried me onto my bed and laid me down with him on top. He roughly kissed me and scavenged my neck with kisses. A moan escaped my lips as he went deeper into the crook of my neck. He sucked and licked everywhere.

He looked up at me before he pulled my bra down under my breasts. This look was a sort of reassurance look, one he had sent me before, as if saying through thoughts-it's fine, Catnip.

His eyes roamed my chest as his hands grabbed around. He pulled off his shirt and put a knee on each side of my waist. He leaned over and rubbed his bare chest to mine. He smirked at me as I squeezed my eyes shut in embarrassment. He played with and fondled my exposed breasts. I blushed and tilted my head back so that Gale couldn't see my completely flushed face. He leaned in and put his mouth on my right nipple and sucked and played with it with his teeth.

"A-aa," my voice cracked as I let a moan out. Gale knew all the places that I was most sensitive-how is this?

Gale looked up at me and half smirked, half smiled. He knew he was getting to me in all the right places. I gasped and clutched the sheets-he bit and sucked everywhere it seemed.

"Catnip," Gale said with a deep blush on his face. I-for some reason-knew exactly what he meant. He slid into my spot and I took his. I ever so slowly pulled Gale's boxers down. I pulled it to about mid thigh and his member popped out-completely erect. This was now his turn to be embarrassed by his bodily actions. I smirked and finished pulling his underwear all the way off. I leaned in slowly and stuck my ass in the air. I started off licking his balls. It was awkward for the both of us, but we both knew he was enjoying it. I ran my tongue on the length of his teammate. I did that a couple of times before putting the whole thing in my mouth. I sucked on the tip until I had the urge to stuff it down.

Now I think Gale's height has something to do with the size of this thing. It's an inch away from the size of both my hands straight up and flat. I was surprised that this actually fit in my mouth. I slid it down my throat and Gale called out.

"Kat-KatNISS!" He yelled as I slid it farther and pulled it back out. "Aaa, baby... I-I'm coming!" he said and a big gush of white creamy liquid came out the tip of his length and went straight into my mouth. It tasted sort of gross, but I swallowed it nonetheless. I leaned over him and kissed him on the lips, with his juices still on my lips. Gale didn't seem to care. He pushed into the kiss in fact. He held my face in his hands.

"How did you learn to do that?" Gale asked surprised. His face was completely wowed at my ability.

I blushed, wanted to avoid the subject. "I-I don't know... I saw a girl doing that to some guy behind the school a week ago..." I said and trailed off. Gale had a bright smile on his lips and kissed me again.

"It was amazing, Catnip. I love you," Gale said. And those were the magic words. I was pulled into another kiss that I forced back as well with passion. This was one of those kisses that I wished I could keep going forever. It was just to lovely. Beautiful even.

Gale slowly advanced as he pushed me over and rolled on top. I laughed into the kiss as he smiled. He bit my lip and I sucked on his harder. He pulled away and sat at my opening on his calfs.

"Now, I don't know if you know the consequences of this..." Gale started. I closed my eyes tightly and bit my lip where Gale had and there was a pain.

"Just do it..." I said, wanting the hurting part to be over with so that I could feel the orgasmic one. I opened my eyes and I saw Gale with his head hung high in a thinking sort of way, as if pondering if this whole thing was such a good idea or not.

"I just want you to know, that once I start, I cannot under any circumstances stop myself," Gale said with a straight face. I remembered this face. It was one that he made quite often when we were hunting together.

"It's fine, just go ahead," I said and slammed my eyes shut. All of a sudden, I felt warm hands on my face and Gales soft lips on mine when I felt sharp, piercing pain downstairs. Gale's lips stopped me from crying aloud. After all, we were both in my own room, where Prim or my mother could wake up any moment and come in. We weren't being all that quiet, though.

"Aa, C-Catnip... you're so... tight," Gale said as he tried to push himself in farther.

Gale thrust in and out once and my spit worked well for lubrication. I screamed into the kiss, Gale's penis seemed to be tearing me open. After a couple more thrusts, it didn't hurt as much. Our hips were in unison. It was so smooth and comforting, that everything felt numb. The world seemed to be in a spin.

I looked up at Gale's face. He was bitting his lip, obviously stopping himself from making any noise whatsoever. There was a scarlet red tint to his cheeks and his eyes seemed to be glued shut. I touched my hands to his cheek and his eyes opened in slow motion. It seemed like everything stopped. Maybe everything did. Maybe time had stopped for a couple seconds. I couldn't tell.

Gale then smirked.

"I'm going to send you to oblivion for what you did," Gale said and chuckled harmoniously. I cocked my head to the side in confusion.

"What did I do to you?" I asked, genuinely confused. What is he talking about?

"You know what you did. Don't try to hide it. That was a crime," He said, persisting. I still didn't get what I had done to him. What crime?

"No really Gale... What did I do to you? I never mean to do anything bad to you, you know that," I said as Gale thrust into me powerfully. I screamed.

"You went through my stuff," Gale said as he pounded into me again. "I've told you before, that stuff is off limits. You know that," he said mockingly. I remembered the past days events, and yes, that was on the list. Gale slammed into me again.

"Gale I just-" I was cut off as Gale pulled himself all the way out until there was only the tip connecting to me, and I knew the terror coming for me. I scrambled up to Gale and screamed into another kiss. Gale merely smirked as he knew the deal he was giving me. "I just wanted to see!" I said pleadingly. A lot of my juices came out all at once. I wasn't sure what was happening, but it felt like a great release, and I felt a lot more relaxed.

"Look what we have here," Gale said deviously, now picking up the pace. He didn't give a second thought to my cum.

"Gale!" I screamed. He pounded all the way in, and I felt his member hit my womb, and hard, at that. I was sure it was going to break through and then make its way into my stomach.

"Babe, why do you go against me?" Gale asked with a smirk playing at his lips. A childish pout was on mine as I held onto the mattress for leverage. "Why are you so naughty?" He asked, almost chuckling darkly to himself.

I let out a loud moan, and I had to admit, it did sound a bit naughty. I blushed and squeezed my eyes shut. Gale suddenly grabbed my ass in the midst of a thrust and it caught me off guard. I clamped down on Gale accidentally, causing him to flinch.

"Catnip!" he yelled, disregarding the two other sleeping women in the house. I snickered at his reaction to my reaction. Gale glared at me and grabbed my tit and squeezed as hard as he could. This time, I was the one to scream.

"OW! What was that for?" I asked angrily. Gale just laughed.

"What goes around comes around, babe," he said and continued thrusting into me. "Hmm, lets try something a little different," Gale said and pulled himself all the way out. I felt my self close up all the way, like I was zipping up the zipper to my hunting jacket.

He took my spot laying down on the bed and pulled me up by my hips on his thighs. I looked at him, expecting him to say something. "What's this?" I ask.

Gale lifts his dark eyebrows. "Hop on," he said comically. He chuckled a little at his literal joke. I consciously lifted my butt off Gale's muscular thighs and positioned myself right above his large boner.

I glued my eyes shut and found Gale's hand to squeeze to help with the pain. I eased myself onto him, going as slow as possible. Gale rolled his eyes and grabbed my hips and pulled me down onto him. I shrieked at the pain he inflicted.

"Oh come on, Catnip. Don't be such a wuss," Gale said and lifted me up and down on his own. He smirked and chuckled a little bit. "Hey this is better than lifting weights, I would choose this over weights any day!" He said happily and continued.

I came. Again.

My hot, wet juices were spilled all over Gale's downstairs as they leaked out of me. I looked up at Gale impishly and blushed. "If you cum on me one more time," Gale said dark grin, "I'm going to beat the snot out of you," he said and I clamped on him as he was pulling my waist down to screw me harder. Gale cried out loudly.

I took it upon myself to make Gale cum this time, instead of me. I leaned in and licked his chest all the way up to his neck where I attacked with my lips all over. I kissed here, sucked there. I lifted my head up and planted a simple kiss on Gale's lips and his face distorted as he clamped his eyes shut and pressed his lips into a straight, hard line and yelled, "I'm cumming!"

And it came.

A rush of warm fluids squirted from Gale's member straight into my womb. I screamed aloud as the heated sensation filled my core. Gale pulled his dick out of me and more of his juices leaked as well. I collapsed on top of him. I made choppy, hot breaths on Gale's neck.

I lifted my head with the little strength I had left. The same words formed on our lips.

"I love you," We said both at the same time. My eyes widened and Gale just laughed his sexy, throaty laugh. I smiled and laid down on his chest, with myself pressed to him.

We just rested for a moment when a thought was burning me to ask.

"Gale...?" I asked to make sure he was still conscious.


"What do you do with my panties?" I ask and a blush spreads across my face. Gale snorts.

"I sleep with them," He said and I giggled. "Every night-I'm serious, I'm infatuated with those undergarments of yours."

I laughed and sighed in happiness. "I won't even start about how you got those photos," I said.

"Simple, I get Prim to," Gale says and as soon as the words leave his lips, I bolt up and look at him questioningly. "Prim's been helping me out for the longest time now, that's how I get all these things of yours and know about all these things that are current in your life," Gale admits.

A weird sound escapes me. I felt... weird, just knowing that Gale has been stalking me through my own sister, and I hadn't known about it till now.

"Look, don't tell anyone about tonight-especially not Mellark-anyone but him, really. I will get reported for adultery to a minor," Gale said.

"Hey! I'm sixteen!" I yelled almost a little too loud, but I'm sure my mother and Prim have already heard everything. "I'm not a child anymore."

"Yeah, but you are in my eyes. I love you so much, you will always be the object of my interest and don't you ever doubt that," Gale said as he stared into my eyes deeply as he spoke from the heart.

"I know Gale, I know," I said, and we both fell asleep in each other's arms.


Aw damn this was tough. It's fucking me up right now. I feel hella bad putting these innocent kids together. It was also hard not to think of current, twenty first century items like condoms,butt fucking, or dildos or other creepy sex shit. I can't say how many times I had to stop writing this to calm myself down. GEEZUZ. I think it was the most difficult because it was in first person haha. I tried hard not to make this sound too dirty with omitting most naughty words. C:

Even though I'm full Team Gale, I think imma write another story on Peeta and Kat. It's just not as fun. :/ don't worry team peeta pplz. ill write a good wun fer yuhs

noh ss!w ! look at it upside down!

Yah I think this story is done. Don't expect anything more from this thing. haha. I'm open to requests though.