Deeks drives her home because he has the feeling that he wouldn't be able to sleep if he were to let her go alone in the state that she was in. The truth was that she would probably kill him if he dared to say that out loud but she needed him there, even if she wasn't aware of that fact yet. He knows that she is tough but he also knows that she is not made of stone and people tend to get emotional after a day like the one that she had just had.

They had had a hard day and that had been caused by one single name: Jack.

The entire team had watched while she had shared one of her most painful memories with a guy that had ended up being the one who had committed the crime in the first place.

Sam had seemed surprised with the whole story and Deeks had to admit that he hadn't seen that one coming either. Callen had seemed calm and they know that he is already familiar with the story, even if he doesn't say a thing about it. Deeks notices the way his hands form tight fists and sees that he would punch Jack so hard that the guy would never be able to breathe again, if he laid eyes on him. He knew this because he was feeling exactly the same thing.

He hadn't known Kensi for that long but he knew enough. He knew that she didn't deserve to be treated like Jack had treated her. She deserved more, still does.

He wants to make her see what's right in front of he but knows that the wrong move can make him go back to the starting point and he has worked too hard to stand where he does now. It's not his perfect scenario but she trusts him and he knows that that is all he has the right to ask for, at least in such a short period of time.

He drives her home because he is more concerned with her than what he lets on in front of Callen and Sam. Kensi sits in silence, staring at the streets. He knows that the simple thought of a silent Kensi should scare him more than what it actually does. He knows why she's silent, knows that she has too much on her mind so he lets her be.

He parks his car just outside her house and waits. A part of him wants to stay with her to make sure that she really is okay but there's another part of him that lets him know that she would never accept that so he waits. He waits for her to do something but she stays silent for a few seconds, staring at her house. He starts to think that maybe he should have driven them both to his own house and make her stay there with him but he also knows that she would call Callen and he would have his ass kicked because of that little stunt.

When she finally speaks he is not sure if he hears her right but what he sees in her eyes makes him see that his ears did not trick him.

"Stay!" To anyone else that would sound like an order but he knows better than that. It's a request, a plea. She doesn't want to stay alone tonight and the vulnerability that he sees in her eyes, something that he is not used to see in her, is enough to scare him. He's not scared of dealing with her, he's scared because he knows that he won't be able to deny her anything tonight and she might want something that he shouldn't give her.

He tries to resist, tries to say no but he is weak when it comes to her. He still tries.

"Are you sure that you want me to stay?" He emphasizes the word 'me' because that's what it really matters. They both know that any of the guys is just one phone call away from her house that she could have them both there in less than half an hour. She nods but that is not enough for him. He needs a verbal answer.

"Kensi, you had a long day…Are you sure that you want me to ruin your peace and quiet?" She doesn't give him a verbal answer this time either but this answer is enough for him. She leans in and places her warm lips on his. The kiss doesn't last more than 5 seconds but it's enough for him to create an addiction. When she pulls back he can taste her on his lips. She tastes like the chocolate cake that they had for dinner and something sweeter that he can't describe in any other word but Kensi. She looks at him and repeats her request.

"Stay!" This time he doesn't question her. He nods and she gives him a big smile, one that always makes him smile too. He locks the car and follows her to her house. She leads him to the living room and excuses herself to go change clothes, claiming that she needs something more comfortable to wear around the house.

He sits on her couch and waits for her. He has been there before but always in the morning and never for longer than 20 minutes. He has sat on that couch many times while waiting for her to finish getting ready to drive them both to work but this time he feels anxious, almost nervous to be there.

This is unfamiliar territory to him. He knows that his feelings for her are not easy to hide and knows that he will become putty in her hands if she tries anything at all with him but wishes to remain strong because she's vulnerable tonight and that might be clouding her judgment.

She walks in the living room 10 minutes later and he's sure than she has never taken such a short time to change clothes before, at least he has never witnessed it. She is wearing a t-shirt that is way too big for her (he guesses that it belongs to either Callen or Renko) and black shorts that reach mid-thigh. She is barefoot and her hair is tied up in a ponytail but he finds this much sexier than all the previous outfits that he has seen her wearing before.

Kensi sits next to him on the couch after putting a movie on the DVD player. Deeks is sure that it is a comedy, a good one but he can't focus on the movie for more than one minute at the time. He is sure that it is because she has her head resting on his shoulder. There is something about their closeness that gives him a sense of comfort that he wasn't expecting to feel.

Ten minutes after the beginning of the movie he understands that her mind is not into it either because she grabs his hand and starts playing with his fingers, just like a little kid would do in a moment of boredom. He knows what she wants but he can't give it to her, not tonight anyway. He tries to fight against that feeling that tells him to kiss her and never let her go again because he knows that he can't do that tonight.

However, Kensi is stubborn and not the type of person who easily takes a no for an answer. She lets go of his hand when she understands that that is not working and lifts her head from its place on his shoulder. He looks at her and sees that innocent smile that always means trouble. This time, he is sure that he will be on the receiving end of her plans.

She climbs onto his lap and straddles him, resting her head on the crook of his neck. He tries his hardest not to give in but his hands seem to have a mind of their own and make their way to rest on her hips. He can feel her smile against his neck but is not strong enough to push her away. She starts to kiss his neck then and he can feel every single rational thought flying out of the window.

Deeks closes his eyes and tries to think about anything that will allow him to be strong enough to push her away but nothing seems to work. He tries to picture his grandmother in a very revealing bikini but ends up imagining Kensi in that bikini instead so he figures that he is as good as lost.

When her line of kisses reaches his chin his hands are already squeezing and caressing her thighs and he can feel his blood travelling south. He knows that she feels it too by the way that she keeps rubbing herself against his crotch.

Kensi finally reaches his lips but pulls back a little before kissing him. He knows that she is searching for any sign that he doesn't want this as much as she does but he can't give her any. He just smiles and applies pressure on her hips to make her sit on his cloth-covered erection to make her feel just how much he wants her. He feels her squeezing his shoulders, sees her closing her eyes in pleasure, hears her soft moan. He takes that as his cue to take the lead.

Deeks leans in and kisses her. It's not a soft peck on the lips this time…it's a passionate kiss that leaves them both breathless. He feels her nimble fingers unbuttoning his shirt and feels her hands against his chest. Her hands are warm against him and he can't help but wonder just how warm the rest of her body is so he explores. His fingers make their way to the hem of her shirt and dive underneath it to feel her soft skin while his lips start making their way to her exposed neck.

Kensi finally manages to take his shirt off and he has the sudden urge to feel her skin against his so he takes her t-shirt off too. She is still wearing her black bra but he doesn't have the time to take it off because she starts kissing him again and he can't think straight anymore.

He feels her hands making their way to the place that is aching for his touch and that's when he wakes up and realizes that he shouldn't be doing that. She's vulnerable today after the difficult day that they had and this might be just an expression of that vulnerability. He wants her, he really does but he can't give it to her while he's not one hundred percent sure that she wants this and not just because she doesn't want to feel alone tonight.

Deeks manages to pull back and she gives him a confused look. Her lips are swollen from his kiss and her chest rises with every breath that she takes, pushing her breasts closer to his naked chest. He closes his eyes and sighs before opening them again; knowing that he has to stop even though his entire body is begging him not to.

"We can't do this, Kensi!" It's a whisper but he knows that she understands what he's saying. She still looks confused though so he continues. "I want to, I really do but we can't do that tonight. You had a difficult day and I need to know that this is not just your way to feel less alone tonight."

She smiles at him gives him a sweet peck on the lips before looking at him.

"It's not because of that, I swear! I want you…" She understands that he's not convinced yet so she leans in and whispers in his ear the words that he is sure that can erase all his rational thoughts in less than just a few seconds.

"I've dreamt of you, of the things that I'm sure that you are capable of doing to my body. I wake up drenched in sweat every morning and I need a very cold shower to calm myself down before you arrive to drive us to work. Last Monday, when you arrived I was late because I couldn't calm myself down just with the cold shower so I needed to use some…assistance. I need you, Marty! Are you going to deny me that?"

He fights against the urge to tear off her clothes and have his way with her right there on her living room couch. He knows that he won't be able to forgive himself if he allows himself to do that tonight. He makes her look at him and almost gives in when he sees the lust in her eyes but manages to speak anyway.

"Tomorrow…I will give you anything you want tomorrow when I'm absolutely sure that this is not just your crappy day talking. Tomorrow, I promise that I won't deny you anything…" She gives him a soft smile and grabs his shirt that was on the other side of the couch.

She puts it on and buttons it before getting up and taking his hand. Kensi starts walking to her bedroom and Deeks follows her because he knows that she's not going to try anything else tonight. He's happy with that because he is sure that he was one kiss away to completely loose his mind and give her whatever she wanted to.

She kisses his cheek as soon as they enter her bedroom and gets under the covers. He follows her and gets under her cover too. Kensi rests her head on his chest and he wraps his arms around her, knowing that he is about to have the best night of sleep that he has ever had with the woman that had made her way to his heart resting in his arms.

She kisses his chest and he kisses the top of her head before closing his eyes, ready to fall asleep. He hears her whisper and smiles at her words.





I noticed that there were not enough M stories about Densi so I decided to do something about it. Let me know what you think about it and I might write a second chapter.
