AN: Ok, so first off, I'm am sooo sorry when I said that I was going to post a couple weeks after Something to Fight For. I was so busy with school and life, I really didn't have the time. I started to write this after I saw the Deathly Hallows movie (which was awesome btw. anyone who still hasn't watched it should). I finally finished after exams.

This is a remake of the Malfoy Manor Scene because when I saw it, I was impressed on how intense it was. Emma and Helena were really good in this scene, very convincing. So this has SPOILERS FROM THE DH MOVIE!

I have to admit, it's a bit darker/angsty-er than I anticipated... Hope you enjoy!

"Wait," said Bellatrix sharply. "All except…except the for the Mudblood"

Of course it would be her. Just because she was Muggle-born. She knew it, but it didn't help stop the wave of terror that ran through her like ice cold water.

"No!" shouted Ron. "You can have me, keep me!"

She hoped that Bellatrix didn't accept it, she rather it be her than him any day. She wouldn't have been able to stand it if he got hurt because of her.

Bellatrix struck him across the face; Hermione winced as the blow echoed the room, her heart racing with fear.

"If she dies under questioning, I'll take you next," she said, "Blood traitor is next to Mudblood in my book. Take them downstairs, Greyback, and make sure they are secure, but do nothing more to them – yet."

For once, Hermione didn't know what to do. She had no plan, no nothing. Her mind was at a blank. She threw a panicked look at Ron as Bellatrix cut the rope binding her to them. She saw Ron's own scared look before Bellatrix dragged her roughly into the sitting room by her hair.

Her scalp was burning with the force she was using. She didn't let go of her hair though, in fact it actually got tighter as Bellatrix's face came within inches of her own. She could barely move her head, so she had no choice but to look at her dark eyes filled with sadistic intent.

"Where did you find this sword, sweetie? Tell me now and I might give you a quick death." Bellatrix said as if she was talking to a six year old, dragging her wand down the side of Hermione's face and neck. It was almost like it she was teasing her, taunting her on how hopeless she was. Hermione gave a small shudder.

Trying to not look and sound as terrified as she felt, she said "I don't know what you are talking about."

Bellatrix clenched her teeth in anger before slapping her across her face. The force of it made her stagger to the side. She didn't stop there though; she pointed her wand at her chest and yelled out "Crucio!"

The pain was so unexpected, Hermione screamed out loud. It felt like her insides had turned to acid, burning her slowly, and all her bones felt like they were getting shattered to little pieces. She didn't think such pain existed. Each second felt like an hour. When Bellatrix lifted the curse, she was on her hands and knees, gasping for breath and trembling all over. The intense pain had reduced to a dull ache but the memory of the curse was burned into her brain.

She could hear Bellatrix say something and then someone pulled the back of her collar harshly, pulling her into a kneeling position. A rough hand secured her hands behind her back and the other wrapped itself tightly around her jaw and neck. "Just one bite, please, it wouldn't kill her. She looks…mhmm delicious." A raspy rough voice said; a voice that could only belong to Greyback. She swallowed, trying to struggle away as she felt him smell her hair.

"No, not yet. You can have what's left of the bitch after I'm done with her." Bellatrix bent down so that she was inches away from her face.

"Where. Did. You. Get. My. Sword? I'm getting very impatient; I'm afraid I might kill you before you tell me anything useful." She spat out, her eyes filled with anger and disgust. She had dropped her childish voice, revealing the mad, vile woman she was.

She tried to summon all of her courage because she needed all the courage she could get. Taking a deep breath, she chokes out through clenched teeth, "Then you'll just have to kill me. I don't betray my friends."

With an angry scowl and an almost lazy flick of her wand Bellatrix casted the Cruciatus Curse at her once again.

She bit her lip hard, tasting her own blood, trying not to scream but it was too much. The fiery pain flooded Hermione once again as it ripped screams out of her throat and made her body writhe in Grayback's arms. She could feel her body contorting violently as it tried unsuccessfully to escape the pain. It seemed worse this time if it was even possible. Dimly she could hear Bellatrix screaming at her but she didn't know what she was saying. She couldn't concentrate. Death had to be better than this, more peaceful. Easier.

As soon as Bellatrix dropped the curse, she was gasping for much needed air again and spitted out the blood that has accumulated in her mouth. She could still feel the pain as it lingered in her body. Greyback was the only thing that kept her from collapsing. She could feel his hand roam down her shoulder and side as she weakly struggled with no avail. "D-don't touch me." "Such a pretty voice you have" he whispers, his voice dripping with lust. She couldn't decide who was the lesser of two evils: Bellatrix or Greyback. Both would kill her eventually but the question was how long she would have to suffer before she was granted the eternal sleep.

And then there is a flash of red light and then Greyback was flying backwards "I told you can have her later, werewolf." Bellatrix snarled. She can hear him growl in response but stays where he is. Without the support she feels her body slump forward, hitting the floor with a thump.

The dark floor was cold against her cheek as she tried to regain her breath. She could almost hear someone say her name. It sounded like Ron or maybe it was her imagination. She couldn't think clearly enough to wonder much about it.

"I'm going to ask you again! Where did you get this sword? Where?" Bellatrix lifted her foot only to stomp hard on her ribs. She let a painful shout.

"We found it – we found it –" She gasped out as Bellatrix applied more pressure on her ribs. "PLEASE!" Hermione screamed again, tears forming in her eyes. She just wanted it to end. The torture was slowly breaking her, slowly tearing her apart physically and mentally. She wasn`t sure how long she could stand before it was too much and she gave up.

Too bad the answer she gave was unsatisfying to Bellatrix. The pressure grew until she heard cracks. She muffled the scream in her throat by clenching her teeth hard; releasing a pained moan instead as the sharp pain burst through her chest. "You are a lying, filthy Mudblood, and I know it! You have been in my vault at Gringotts! Tell the truth, tell the truth!"

Hermione shook her head frantically but Bellatrix aimed her wand directly at her head and shot the Unforgivable at her and everything disappeared except for the pain. It seemed as time went on the curses got stronger or maybe it was because that Bellatrix was getting angrier. She screamed louder than she thought was humanly possible. Large nails were surely being hammered into her head. Every part of her body was throbbed and everyone in the room is getting blurry. She could hear the voice again too, even though there was a ringing in her ears. It cried out her name.

Ron. Or at least she pretends it is him.

He sounded so scared and desperate but it gave her strength knowing that he cared so much. She pretends he's there with her and it helps her remember everything that was at stake.

She feels herself being pulled up roughly halfway. "What else did you take? What else have you got? Tell the truth or, I swear, I shall run you though with this knife!" Bellatrix said brandishing her knife in front of her face. The blade is pressed against her cheek.

"I'm telling the truth." She pleads weakly. She doesn't know what to do.

Bellatrix trembled with fury, she looked ready to kill. She couldn't escape the whimper that came out of her but she didn't curse her again. She smirked suddenly and there was something twisted in that smile, something that made Hermione's blood run ice cold.

"Maybe I need to remind the girl who she really is." She said coming closer, her grin growing in twisted excitement when Hermione moved backwards subconsciously.

It happened so fast, she didn't have time to react. Bellatrix jumped her, knocking her to the ground once again. Her head slammed onto the ground and a dull pain pulses behind her eyes. She could feel the tears in her eyes threatening to fall.

Bellatrix's angry face was inches from hers; she could feel her vile breath on her face. Letting out a choked gasp, she struggled to get free but Bellatrix had effectively trapped her body.

"That sword is meant to be in my vault in Grignotts. How did you get it?" Bellatrix snarled out. Her fear was reaching a peaking point as she let out a couple sobs. She wanted for this whole thing to be one horrible, sick nightmare. She wanted Ron for him to hold her and feel safe and protected. "What did you and your friends TAKE OUT OF MY VAULT?" Bellatrix's voice gets louder until she is screaming in her face.

"We didn't take anything, please. I didn't take anything." She pleaded desperately. She was struggling not to hyperventilate as terror gripped icy claws into her chest. Panic bubbled inside, all she could see was Bellatrix's twisted face.

"I don't believe you."

For a second she thought Bellatrix was getting off her but then she felt the horrible burning pain of cutting flesh in her left arm. She screamed and screamed as she struggled to get Bellatrix to stop. She couldn't see what the dreadful woman was doing; Bellatrix had forced her head in the opposite direction with one of her hands. And that was torture itself; not knowing what was happening to her.

Using her free arm, she frantically clawed at Bellatrix's shoulder, trying to get her to stop. Bellatrix annoyed, told Narcissa to hold her arm down. "Please." She begs her, giving a pleading look but Narcissa's face was emotionless if not a bit scared as her cold hands held her wrist down.

Hermione couldn't do anything as Bellatrix continued to make slow and deep cuts into her flesh except thrash on the floor and scream in agony. The pain was too excruciating. At the far back of her mind, she thought it hurt too much to be simple cuts from a knife. She must have cursed it.

It felt like a lifetime passed before Bellatrix got off her. Her throat burned from screaming herself hoarse. She could feel the pain in her arm and feel her blood dripping down her arm and onto the floor. Her body wouldn't move as she lay there, shocked and breathing heavily.

"Hurt didn't it? The knife's especially made for it. I must say though, it is quite the masterpiece. Maybe this will remind you of your place, Mudblood." She looked almost giddy as she wiped her bloody knife on Hermione's shirt.

What did she mean? She forced her sore body to turn and look but immediately wished she hadn't. What she saw nearly made her heart stop.


It was carved deep into her forearm. The bloody red letters stood out vividly against her pale skin.

"No." She whispered, horrified. She couldn't stop the tears that leaked out of her eyes like small rivers. Blood dripped in time with her tears. She couldn't stop looking at her marred skin, she was too stunned.

She didn't even hear Bellatrix saying something until she shouted "ANSWER ME! CRUCIO!" She didn't even have a chance to speak before the Unforgivable curse hit her.

Hermione screamed as the feeling of being ripped to pieces ran through her body once again. The pain was overwhelming; there were no words for it. Names, faces and all coherent thoughts disappeared when she was under. It was eternity filled with pain and hopelessness. Everything felt like it was in a haze. Objects were turning into strange shapes, twisting and turning around. She wondered how it would feel to be insane.

"How did you get in my vault?" Bellatrix screams as she finally lifts the curse, "Did that dirty little goblin in the cellar help you?"

"We only met him tonight!" Hermione sobbed, "We've never been in your vault…" She tried to think of something, anything that could help them out of this horrible mess. She just wanted to stall enough for Ron and Harry to escape. She was ready to welcome death, she knew it is unavoidable. "It isn't the real sword! It's a copy, just a copy!"

"A copy?" screeched Bellatrix, "Oh, a likely story!" She points her wand at her again and Hermione tries to brace herself.

Lucius intervened for some reason she didn't know, "But we can find out easily!" Lucius said, "Draco, fetch the goblin, he can tell whether the sword is real or not!"

Blurry-eyed she saw as a frightened Draco all but ran out of the room to get the goblin. Bellatrix turned to Hermione "You better be goddamn right or I can guarantee you a fate worse than death. How do you like to feel your sanity slowly slipping away, piece by piece? Or maybe I can kill you and bring up the little blood traitor or maybe even wittle Potter. Maybe one of them will tell me what I want to know."

Anger and the need to protect her best friends clawed its way past the pain. Grabbing Bellatrix's skirt she growled, "Don't you dare hurt any one of them or I swear I will find some goddamm way to kill you, you psychotic, sadistic bitch." Maybe she really was crazy, threatening her torturer in her defenseless state, but she knew she wouldn't hesitate to give her life up for Ron and Harry if it meant they would be safe. "Hurt me! You hate Mudbloods don't you? You can hurt me all you want, just don't hurt them, please!" She cried out, her tone turning desperate near the end.

Bellatrix gave a manic, mad laugh and digs her heel into the hand that was gripping her skirt, "Oh, I didn't know the little Mudblood was a masochist. Do you like our little game together as much as I do? Ha! You are pathetic. Just looking at you makes me sick." She had continued to step on her hand until a small crunch was heard, followed by a cry of pain.

At that moment Draco reappeared with the goblin. Bellatrix went to stand right in front of him, leaving Hermione to cradle her broken hand, "You better tell the truth or you will end up like her. Now, is this the real sword?"

When Griphook didn't respond right away she slapped him across the face.

"Stop! Don't!" Hermione cried out weakly before she realized that it was a stupid mistake that would only further anger Bellatrix. She made a slashing motion with her wand, making Hermione yell out painfully as she felt the flesh of her back cut open before cursing her again. Everything goes black for a moment before the pain and shrieks coming out of her mouth brings her back to awareness. She was sure she broke something; breathing was becoming harder to do.

"What was that?" shouted Lucius as a faint crack sound was heard, "Did you hear that? What was that noise in the cellar?

"Draco – no, call Wormtail! Make him go and check!" Hermione heard footsteps leave the room once again and tried to fight the darkness that was trying to overtake her. She was ready to give in but she was hanging on, hoping to see that red-haired boy she fell in love with one more time.

Hermione could see him in her mind but it was not as good as in real life. His ginger hair that was always a bit messy, his blue eyes that she loved so much and his infamous lopsided grin that never failed to make her heart race. She remembered all the times he made her cry but also all the times he made her laugh. She knew she was going to die and now she regretted that she never got to tell him how she really felt about him.

The whole world was a blur now. Objects and people merged together, creating a twisted warped reality. She could faintly hear people talking but it wasn't important now. She was hanging on the cliff of consciousness by her very fingertips. But then she heard the most glorious sound in the world: Ron's voice. "Like hell!" she heard. She sighed in relief as she knew they were okay. As long as they were alright, she would be happy.

Don't swear Ronald was her last thought as she lost her grip and fell into the darkness.

AN: I love reviews, they make my day!

For those who read my other Harry Potter story, which one is better?

Thanks for reading!
