Results of Training

Chapter 1: A New World

Disclaimer: The following is a non-profit fanfiction. Naruto is the property of Masashi Kishimoto and TV Tokyo. Dragon Ball Z is the property of Toei Animation, Funimation, Fuji TV and Akira Toriyama. Please support the official release.

Smoke was still rising from the ashes of the destroyed buildings of Konoha. It was 2 weeks since Pain of the Akatsuki attacked the villlage and everyone was doing their part to slowly, but surely help to rebuild the village. Kakashi helped rebuild the Hokake's mansion, Iruka started on rebuilding the ninja acadamy, Yamato was making new houses using his Wood Style Jutsu and Naruto was obviously making a new Ichiraku's Ramen. Naruto, Sakura, Sai and Kakashi were working hard and decided to take a break.

"So, hows the new Ichiraku's coming along?" Sakura asked Naruto.

"I've nearly got it done! Just a few more days and I'll have it done!" Naruto cheered gleefully.

"Naruto, Sakura, Sai, Kakashi, I've been looking for you." Naruto turned to see Shizune. "I've got a mission for all of you." Everyone lifted their heads, eeger to hear their assignment. "The village is running low on food supplys, there's a farm 2 miles north of here go there to get everything we need."

"You mean the old Naiduke farm?" Kakashi asked. "We've never had to buy anything from there in years."

"Yeah, we used to get all our food supplys from there at rediculous prises. But since the next nearest farm is 10 away we had no choice but to give in to their rediculous prices."

"And then what happened?"

"Well, since the village was running so low on funds we decided to make our own farm for our food. But since the village was destroyed we'll have to resort to them again."

"So where do we go?"

"This is a map of the route to the farm." She handed them a really old looking, wrinkled map. "Here's all that we need and the money to pay for it." She handed them a list of their requirements and a LOT of money.

"Whoa!" Naruto yelled, seeing more money he makes in a year."Um, Shizune I think that's far too much!"

"Trust me, Naruto. That'll barely cover it."

"Uh... OK then, let's get moving guys."


And so, they set out for the farm with Kakashi studying the map.

"Are we there yet?" Naruto moaned.


"Are we there ye-"

*Smack!* "Shut the hell up, Naruto!" Yelled an angry Sakura. "Don't even think of starting something like that!"

"Oww... sorry."

"Are you guys done?" Kakashi asked. "Get ready, we're going to take a shortcut." He pointed to a split in the road surrounded by dark trees, yellow eyes in the darkness and an eery growl being heard.

"Ugh, Kakashi sensei? Are you sure that road's safe?"

"Don't worry Naruto, no ones been here for years."

"Let's not be the first to do so."

Meanwhile, 6 miles east of th Leaf, Sasuke and his group; 'The Taka' were makinig their way to Konoha.

"*pant,pant* Geez, Sasuke, slow down would ya?" Suigetsu complained.

"Grr, shut up! If you can't keep up then you shouldn't be here!" Sauke yelled angrilly and ran on ahead.

"H-Hey! Wait up!" Karin yelled but before he could hear he disapeared into the forest. "Ugh, just great! Where did he go?"

"Dunno. I hope he'll be OK." Jugo said nervously.

"Please, this is Sasuke we're talking about. He can take on anything. But... where did he go?" Suigetsu looked around in search of him. "Oh, boy..."

"Tch, amateurs." Sasuke was thinking to himself. "How am I supposed to get to Konoha with-" Suddenly, Sasuke felt a stinging sensation all through out his entire body and he was being blinded by a bright light. "Gah! What the hell is this?" The stinging was becoming more severe and he passed out from the pain. "AAAGGGGHH!"

Meanwhile, Naruto and the others were on their way through the forest.

"Ugh, Kakashi sensei? How long's left?"

"Not far now." Kakashi raised his head out of the map. "There's... something not right here... I can sense something out of place here."

"Is there something wrong, Kakashi sensei?"

"Hmm? Oh,it's nothing." Kakashi smiled. "Anyway, just a little bit furth-" Kakashi was interupted by his leg sinking into the ground. "Gah, what's this?"

"Kakashi sensei! Hang on I'll save you!" Naruto ran over but got his leg got sucked into the ground. "Aahh! Save me Kakashi sensei!"


The ground around them began to crack and Sakura and Sai got trapped in them. Light sudenly began seeping out of the cracks eventually blinding everyone. And the last thing Naruto remembered was a searing pain throughout his entire body.

"... ruto ..." Naruto's head was thumping. "... Naru ... ake up ..." Naruto's mind was racing with thinking of what happened to Kakashi and the others. "Hey, Naruto wake the hell up! *Whack*" Sakura knocked Naruto out of his trance.

"Ooowww! Ya didn't have to hit me, Sakura!"

"Well,it seemed to be the only way to get you into focus."

"So,what happened?"

"Last thing we remember we were were in the forest and that light shined and we were here."

"Huh, where are we, anyway?" Naruto looked around. The trees were a lot brighter than back in the oter forest, birds were chirping and you could see a few mountains. "Wait, where's Kakashi?"

"He ran ahead to look for anyone who might help us."

"GUYS!" Naruto turned and saw Kakashi runing as fast as he can towards them with his Sharingan out.

"What is it,Kakashi sensei?"

"*pant* There's *pant* guy *pant* insane *pant* power *pant*"

"What?"Naruto asked with a puzzled expression.

"Y-You just have to look at them. Follow me!" Kakashi ran back in the direction he came from.

"Well, better go after him." Naruto said and followed him.

Sasuke's mind was spiraling with thoughts of what the heck just happened. He slowly opened his eyes but they stung because of the light in the room. As his vision finaly came to he saw that he was in a room made of logs and wood. His bed wasn't exactly five star, infact it ached his back a lot but that wsn't the thing he was focused on at the moment. As soon as he woke up a girl about 6 years old entered the room with a basin of water. "Oh,you're awake! Good, we were geting worr-"

"Where is this place?" Sasuke said angrilly.

"Urm, sorry I-I didn't think you'd-"

"Where the hell am I?"

"Y-You're in our village. We found you unconcious in the forest and-"

"Quiet lier! You set a trap for me didn't you!"

"W-What? Why would-"

"'Shut up!" Sasuke's Sharingan blazed in his eyes. He ran over to the side of the room where his sword lay. He took it out and pointed it at the girl. "Now... start answering questions!"

"So what's the matter up ahead, Kakashi?"

Kakashi stopped and turned to Naruto with a serious look in his eyes. "Naruto... I saw these people fighting each other... it was a mere boy and a man dressed in orange. I pressume it was training but their speed... even with my Sharingan I couldn't even catch a glimpse of their moves."

"So what? They're really fast. That doesn't mean that much."

"Y-You should've seen what happened when they accidentaly missed and hit the ground! There were a bunch of cracks in the ground! And... a-and..."

"And what?"

"Naruto... they were flying..."

"F-Flying? Are you sure you aren't going blind?"

"I'm definetly sure. It wasn't some jutsu... they were just... flying."

"Woah... now I really wanna see what this is!"

"Um, Naruto I think that might be a-" But before he could tell him to stop he ran ahead. "*sigh* Well, we might as well folowing him."

Sasuke gathered everyone he could find to the village square, breaking down doors if necessary. Everyone was sitting down and Sasuke was slowly walking around them in circles.

"OK, everyone ready?" He pulled out his sword. "We're gonna play a game. If you don't say where the Leaf village is you'll have to try to dodge my sword!" He walked to the oldest looking man in the village. "You, old man, do you mind telling me directions to the Village Hidden in the Leaves?"

"Listen, young man, I've been around the world once or twice but never have I heard of a Hidden Leaf village."

"OK, that tears it!" Sasuke raised his arm up high. "Time to die!" He was about to lower his hand and kill him but he felt a hand holding onto his stoping him. Sasuke turned his head to see a young boy.

Kakashi placed his hand on Naruto's shoulder. "Slow down. They're just up ahead. Take it slow so we don't alert them." Everyone slowly creeped through the bushes. Through it they saw a man, dressed in a blue vest, wrist bands and boots with an orange shirt and pants. His hair was just mad. It was black and really long. It was pointed and somewhat resembled a palm tree. Facing him was a short boy with a bowl cut hair. He wore blue wristbands, a deep blue shirt being tied with a red belt and the top of another white shirt appeared at the top of it. The last person was sitting under a tree. Legs and arms crossed, head down and eyes closed. His skin was... green? He wore clothes that resembled the boy's but he had a turban on his head and a cape. The man and the boy stood in front of a dome shaped, yellow house

"OK, Gohan." Said the man. "Wanna try it again?"

"Y-Yes, Dad!"

Kakashi scratched his chin. "So..." he thought to himself. "They're father and son... they aren't attacking with the intent to kill."

"OK, Gohan... here I come!" The man ran fast at the boy, supposedly called 'Gohan' so fast that he looked like he simply blurred out of existance. Naruto didn't have the slightest idea where he was but he was really surprised to see Gohan put up his hand and block the man's punch and tried to punch back but the man easily sidestepped. Gohan jumped back a few feet but then started running towards his father. He started bombard him with virtually a hundred punches a second. The funny thing was that the man simply dodging with his arms crossed.

"Woah! Now I see why you had your Sharingan out, Kakashi." Gohan stopped doing repeated punches and he pulled his fist back and launched forward with force but the man dodged causing Gohan to acidentally hit the ground and cracks appeared where his fist hit the ground.

"Uhhh... sorry Dad." Gohan sweat dropped.

"Hehe, that's OK, Gohan. Wanna leave it for today?"

"No!" Gohan raised his hand above his head and an ominous yellow light appeared in his hands. "Masenko!" He placed his hands in front of him and the light seemed to shoot out of his hands at the speed of light but the man jumped up really high but as Naruto was watching him he didn't seem to come down. He actually was flying!

"Um, maybe that really should be the end of the training for today." The man levitated himself down slowly. "By the way..." He turned the bushes where Naruto and the others were hiding. "You can come out now."

"Uh oh! He knows we're here! I was sure we didn't make a sound!" Kakashi panicked.

"So, what'll we do?"

"I... geuss there's no point in hiding if he knows we're here."

"OK, that tears it!" Sasuke raised his arm up high. "Time to die!" He was about to lower his hand and kill him but he felt a hand holding onto his stoping him. Sasuke turned his head to see a boy roughly in his teens. "Who are you?" He asked the bot who was dressed in a black shirt, blue jacket with a logo that had 'CC' on it and black pants. He had purple, short hair and a sword on his back.

"I don'y see how that's important right now." The boy tried to punch Sasuke but he back flipped and the boy was forced to let go. The boy turned to the elder. "Sir, you and the others get out of here."

"Th-thank you, young lad. Who are you?"

"My name.. is Trunks. Now get outta here."

Sasuke eyed Trunks with hate in his eyes. "You... stopped me from killing him. You shouldn't have done that!"

"Well, I saw what you were doing and I intervened. I was going to check up on how Goku was doing but I think this is more important right now."

"You'll rue the day you lay eyes on me... prepare to die."

"Bring it!"