[Chapter One]

Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters from Lord of the Flies by William Golding. Trust me, if I did Jack and Ralph would definitely be together more often!

The fair boy jumped onto the hot beach. The sand grabbed at his ankles mockingly and threw him down. His tanned body hit the ground with a muffled thud, and before he had a chance to get back up, they were on him. These boys—no Ralph didn't know what they were—savages; whose faces were painted beyond recognition.

The butts of spears chest like a strike of lightning. Ralph prepared himself for the worst: a stick sharpened at both ends. Soon his head would be the next gift for the long distant beast.

Ralph caught Roger's grey eyes amongst the mist of savages. And as the pain got more and more unbearable death became more inviting. He would be with Piggy and Simon again. They could be happy forever. Sure he would miss his mum and dad (even Samneric), but the hope of rescue had faded in his mind. Death seemed to be the only way out. Finally, the pain was more than his body could handle, and mercifully he slipped into unconsciousness. Ralph didn't bother trying to catch his last glimpse of light. There is no light here. He thought, and the darkness took him away.

Jack finally caught up to the rest of the boys who were huddled around Ralph like vultures at a fresh carcass. Immediately Jack began running through the sand toward his hunters with practiced feet. His mind flitted madly. No, they couldn't have killed him already! He was supposed to be mine! Jack shouted at the boys to move away. His voice was dripping with venom and scared even Roger away from beating the boy farther.

Ralph's crumpled form was on the sand. Bruises were already welting up around his eyes and arms. His chest was filled with open gashes and scratches, giving the sand around him a sickly crimson color. Jack's heart stopped. Why was he so upset? This is what he wanted. He wanted Ralph dead. All the fair boy did was tease him. He had made Jack fall for him, and lust uncontrollably for his skin, his touch, his love. The only way Jack could cover that up was deep hatred, and killing Ralph was the only logical way to get rid of this problem.

But, now that Ralph was dead, Jack soon wanted to join him. He shoved the remaining hunters away and knelt down next to Ralph, placing his hand gently on the boys' neck. Jack tried not to sigh in relief when he felt a faint pulse under his fingers. Roger walked up to him concerned.

"Chief, is he still alive?" The dark boy asked.

"Yes." Jack said with the smallest hint of relief; he hoped Roger hadn't caught that. Then, the Chief stood up, taking authority. "I've changed our plans!" He yelled, even getting the littluns attention. "We're going to take Ralph as our prisoner!" The hunters cheered and jumped up and down at the thought of torturing the poor boy. Roger was the only one who seemed unsatisfied.

"But Chief-" Roger protested, however he was soon cut off by the red head's next plan.

"Tie him up like we do with our pigs!" He said, and soon boys began knotting Ralph's arms and legs together with vines. "When we get him to Castle Rock, Roger you can take the biguns and go hunting. We'll have a feast to celebrate." More cheers, and even this statement seemed to bring Roger out of his glowering.

Jack led the way back to the fort. He let the boys try and handle Ralph's limp body through the foliage. He smirked to himself. "I'm so brilliant." He murmured. Now all he had to do was convince Ralph to join his tribe. Then, they could be together; and once Ralph saw what a good leader he was Ralph would surely fall for him.

It's dark…

There is no light here.

A voice…?

"Piggy? Simon?" Ralph's voice came out as a quiet choke. He coughed, an immediate pain burning him in the chest. His left eye was swollen to the point where he could barely see out of it. The ground was hard and cold. There were walls around him. Could he be dead? Then, Ralph heard the voice again, and with a groan sat up. "Simon is that you?"

"Ralph, you're not dead." A sharp voice from the darkness hissed. Ralph flinched away from where he believed it was coming from. He knew this voice: Jack Merridew. A spark screeched and suddenly the place was lit by the dim glow of a flame.

Ralph was in a small cave, with a rotting pig skin as a thick carpet over the entrance. Jack sat in front of the entrance next to the fire. Ralph could barely remember what the boy used to look like. Jack's red hair was an uncontrollable mess (much like Ralph's), and if Jack did have freckles they were covered by that damned war paint. Ralph sucked in a painful breath.

"Where am I?" He spat. The fair boy was too weak to stand, so glaring at Jack's ice cold eyes was all he could do.

"You're at my fort." Jack said proudly. He couldn't hold Ralph's eyes in his own and looked down at the fire. A blush was concealed under his paint, and he once again got a rush of power from hiding his identity. "We took you prisoner here Ralph. The others are getting a pig. We're going to have a feast!" He poked the fire eagerly with a stick. "You're welcome to eat with us and join my tribe." Ralph couldn't refuse.

"I'd rather die." Ralph said, holding his chest. Jack tried not to flinch at his words. "Kill me now." Ralph held Jack's eyes furiously before the Chief had to look away.

"You don't have a choice! You have to! Otherwise you can stay in here and starve!" Jack yelled, trying to hide his melancholy behind anger. "You know you want to join my tribe! You can be with Samneric and all the others again!"

"Jack, why do you want me in your tribe?" Ralph asked quietly. He hoped for Jack to admit that he couldn't bring himself to kill Ralph. Did any of the Jack Merridew from before still exist?

Jack stood up, his face pained. "I'm sorry Ralph…" he murmured under his breath so Ralph couldn't hear. Jack turned and left the cave, holding back tears. Why did he expect Ralph would just forget everything that had happened?

The wind ruffled his mess of red hair. An unwelcome tear slid down his cheek, smearing off a strip of war paint. He wiped his face irritably. "I'm sorry Ralph." He said again, and sat down on his rocky throne. Jack gazed at the ocean; waiting for a solution to crawl out of the sea.

Wow! I actually made this! I have been thinking of writing a Jack and Ralph fiction for a while. It's my first…so I'm keeping this close to my heart :). Don't worry; my writing will be a lot better in the next one. I would appreciate reviews and stuff so yeah bye xD!