This is my first week on Fanfiction but this is already my second story. I was not patient enough to wait to post this! I was going through my math notes and they all had nothing to do with math. Most of them looked like something Dan would write... I was inspired...

"I have held you later just to tell you that the teachers have been watching you closely, and have come to a conclusion," Mrs. Lenaldre stated. Dan's mind raced. Had they found out that he was the one who had put the plastic wrap under the bottom lids of all the toilets in the girl's bathroom? "We realize you're mind is very brilliant, great at math and holds an amazing memory. You have missed a month of school, do your homework during passing periods, never pay attention in class, yet you'd have all A's if it wasn't for your conduct. You got in trouble three times on just the first day of school, you have random outbursts, and you get distracted easily. The teachers and I just wanted to tell you are a smart kid and if you work hard and look past your ADHD you can really go somewhere." She smiled like she had just fixed his whole life.

Dan had already "gone somewhere". All around the whole freaking world! Dan hated how teachers thought that they could figure him out like he was some sort of puzzle. They were lost. Dan just nodded and flashed a smile. "Okay Mrs. Lenaldre... um... can I go to my class now." As much as he'd love to miss math class, it was awkward being alone with a teacher who was basically telling you that you're a freak of nature.

"Sure, here's a note that explains why you're late. Hand it to Mrs. Collate and please don't read it." Dan nodded and left. As soon as he got in the hallway he laughed. You can't hand Dan Cahill a note and not expect him to read it. He unfolded it and read it, nothing special really. Everybody else was in the classrooms, leaving the hallway wide open and empty. This was the chance he was looking for! He somersaulted, cartwheeled, and even attempted to flip a couple times, all the way to his next period class...

In math class he couldn't stop fidgeting. He had understood what they were taking notes on since kindergarten. His mind understood math. Worst of all, he was by Tricia Colvester who would laugh and flip her hair at everything he said, even if it wasn't funny. At least Izek, his best friend, was two seats down from him. He opened up to the back of his notebook and wrote at the top, "Dan Cahill's 100 Things to do While Bored in Math Class!" He wasn't going to just sit there like a zombie and stare at the board like everyone else... though zombies were cool. He started his list of his most common preoccupations.

1. Write calculator words.

2. Color each square in a fun design on your graph paper. Use lots of color.

3. Make a Flip-Book Movie in the bottom right corner of your notebook!

4. Calculate EXACTLY how many seconds there are left in class.

5. "That's what she said," everything the teacher says in your mind and laugh out loud if it makes sense.

6. Draw dinosaurs and alligators on all your less than and greater than signs.

7. Look in the glossary of your math book for math terms that sound inappropriate. For example polynomial, bicinditional, or postulate…

8. Make up quotes about math that will someday get you famous!

-"Math is the art of giving the same name to different things."

-"Mathematics consists in proving the most obvious thing in the least obvious way."

-"In math, you don't understand things. You just get used to them."

-"Math is being able to count up to twenty without taking off your shoes."

9. Look for shapes of animals, objects, people, letters or other shapes in the ceiling.

10. Pretend you are in pain.

11. Write a "100 Things to do list."

12. Go to the bathroom and climb around on the stalls like a ninja.

13. Count air molecules.

14. Color your jeans with a highlighter.

15. Have a picture war with a friend sitting close to you. RULES:

-The first person draws a picture

-The next person has to make something that will "kill" that thing.

-Keep repeating step II.

-Example: P1 draws a cockroach. P2 draws a bomb. P1 draws water. So on and so forth.

16. Pretend that you're a ninja while sneaking Goldfish crackers from your open lunch box to your mouth.

17. Count the lines on your notebook and the amount of words you write per page. Find the average number of words you write per line.

18. Have a deep conversation with your imaginary friend. Freak your desk partner out.

19. Make words out of named points (a, b, c, q, p, r…) on geometrical shapes or planes.

20. Say "like a good little girl" after everything people say in your head. It is fun.

21. Draw a detailed picture of your "invisible" friend to show to your desk buddy. Explain to them who it is.

22. Pretend to paper cut yourself to death.

23. Make a list of math suicides. (Scissors, paper cuts, calculator concussions, choking on erasers…)

24. Ask if the person sitting next to you if you can burrow some pudding. Continue to ask them every single day at around the same time.

25. Pretend to are paying attention to what the teacher is teaching by nodding and making "Hum…" noises, like you are thinking about the lesson. Act intelligent.

DAN! Yelled the teacher, interrupting his awesome thoughts, are you working out the problem on the board like everyone else? Teachers loved to pick on Dan. If he looked lost in thought, did anything out of the usual, or just opened his mouth… they would attack. That was a major disadvantage of being a class clown, which he had never tried to be in the first place. Dan just flipped to the blank middle section of his notebook incase the teacher walked over and nodded. Tricia giggled. As he expected, the teacher walked toward him and peered at his blank paper. Triumphantly the teacher questioned, "Then what, Dan Cahill, is the answer to the inequality?"

Dan looked at he board thinking for a few seconds. "X to the negative third power over 23 times Y," he replied. The teacher looked baffled and walked away. Dan had to resist the urge to laugh and could see Izek was having the same problem. A couple minutes later the bell rang announcing lunch. Lunch was Dan's favorite subject, however, lunch was not as enjoyable as it used to be. Fiske had told all the teachers and lunch ladies that Dan was allergic to chocolate. Why? So he would be less hyper in school. Whatever… it was taco day! Dan decided to finish his list the next math class.

Hahaha! Special thanks to April Mayz! She thought of the idea and is a great author! The beginning of the story sadly came from my personal experiences.

I will update every other day until it is done!

Fiske's method of banning Dan from chocolate... that is exactly what my mom did to my brother for a while. Private message me or comment any of your ideas for the list! I will give you credit if I use them!

Also review what is your favorite number so far! I would love to hear.

Be sure to check out my other currant story, Amy's Inbox. Hope you like!

FOTD: Dan asked if he could do his history report on Benjamin Franklin's interest in farts and the teacher scolded him for disrespecting one of the founding fathers. Dan then replied that Franklin's greatest accomplishment could not be ignored. This was in the BBOBS.

Where Adventures Begin...

Alex Almighty