A/N: I swear, Fringe is the best thing on TV today! So, I apologize at any OOC thing here. It's been a long time since I've been compelled to write.

Disclaimer: I don't own Fringe. And, spoilers.

Through a Mirror Darkly

Peter felt like a fool.

He should have known about FauxLivia. He should have known that she wasn't his Olivia. But, she was fun. And, he felt something deep inside of him feel complete when he was with her. For the first time in his life.

He had always felt different. At first, he thought it was due to him being sick all the time. Then, having a crazy father who murdered his lab assistant was grounds for others to look at him differently. He also tried to downplay his intelligence, unless he could use it to manipulate people.

Peter discovered as a young teenager that he could con people. Somehow, he could talk to people and get them to trust him. He was good at that.

However, the dozens of aliases he had probably also helped and hindered him. They helped that he could just keep going, trying to figure out what made him different. However, they also kept him from really feeling comfortable in his own skin.

When he found out that Walter had kidnapped him from the other universe, Peter wanted to hurt this man. He was an imposter, just as genuine as Peter himself. The only thing real about Walter was his insanity.

Peter figured that two years of trying to reconnect and having a family was enough. Time for him to discover who he actually was.

Walternate was no better. At least Walter tried. Peter knew now that the older man loved him so much. And, Walter did save his life. His real father wanted to use him as a missing component of a doomsday machine.

He was a man without a universe.

Then, Olivia…

He had been attracted to Olivia since the moment she appeared to him in Bagdad. Then, she showed she felt the same way by risking her life to come after him in the other universe and then that kiss… Peter could still feel and taste that kiss.

And damned if FauxLivia didn't kiss the same way. No, she didn't. FauxLivia was a lot more flirty, even in her kisses. There were other things that Peter should have picked up on, but he didn't.

He was actually falling for her. Maybe because they were from the same universe, so she fulfilled a primal attraction?

And he was just a mission to her.

Now, that feeling had gone from being sweet to being vile. He wanted to peel off his skin, destroy everything that she touched. But, since he couldn't do that (although he was pretty sure that Walter probably worked on some serum that compelled people to do just that), he just felt like a fool.

He was so tired. Tired of fighting himself. Tired of fighting for things he had o control of. He ever had any control of anything. Everything around him always spun out of control, and he always had to be the eye of the storm.

The doomsday machine responded to him, and he was drawn to it. Those shapeshifters knew about it, since they were sent over by Walternate's orders. And if they didn't want to tell him about FauxLivia's mission or about the machine, then they were just collateral damage. Just things that can be destroyed. After all, they all killed the people they impersonated.

Walter was wrong. Walter was wrong about a lot of things.

It wasn't the machine that weaponized him.

But, Peter felt both in more control than he had ever felt before and falling in a downward spiral at the same time. It exhilarated and terrified him.

He wondered if he were flying or falling. Because right now, they felt the same.


A/N: As always, I feel I should apologize for this drabble. But, what an incredible episode! Josh Jackson always does solid work, but Peter isn't the flashiest role. He's often overlooked, especially with Anna Torv and John Noble getting the meatier roles. So, watching this was unbelievably awesome. Evil! Peter was cool and absolutely terrifying at the same time.