Reason Thirteen: Glee

To think it was almost over would be relieving if I didn't know how painful the last reason could be. Rachel has exposed the faults we have tried so hard to hide. One more reason. But honestly it was also one more dead lifeline.

After Finn broke my heart I thought Glee would be the thing that got me through. Well turns out it didn't because Glee is reason number thirteen.

Thirteen is an odd number, an unlucky number, a baker's dozen. Thirteen is also the number of hits it took to take me down. Thirteen is a thing nobody really thinks about. It exists but it has no real function. Just like me.

Glee was the home that was never completed. As you all went on with your lives I stayed stuck in the past. I tried to practice singing as it is my dream to go to Broadway but nothing came out. My voice came out but no emotion. I could only sing to sad songs but never happy lyrics. I was a failure to my dream.

It was then I broke. I really broke. I decided if I had no dream then I had nothing. I went out driving. I went got drunk. I danced with strangers. I wanted back some control. If I couldn't control my dream then I could control the nightmare.

Not one person noticed. Not the guy who I thought I loved. Not the teacher who I thought could teach me. Not the people I thought could be my friends. Not until it was too late.

I guess finding their naked daughter in a tub with a complete stranger proved too much. It was a reality too big to ignore. My fathers decided it was time to leave. It was time to move on. It was time to go.

Quinn it is time to go and become more in your life.

Finn it is time to go and choose a better world.

Shelby it is time to go and raise you perfect girl.

Jesse it is time to go and become a star.

Mercedes it is time to go and show the world what you are.

Artie it is time to go and spread your love.

Tina it is time to go and discover who you are.

Kurt it is time to go back to the place you belong.

Santana it is time to go and think of what you have done.

Mr. Shue it is time to go and teach what is really going on.

Puck it is time to go and love.

Finn it is time to go…just go.

Rachel it is time to go and move on.

That is why I left. Not because I didn't get a solo. Not because Finn broke up with me. I left for a chance. I left to become a person worth saving. I left to prove the world I am someone that is worthy. I am somebody to love.

I am now at a school of arts in New York. Thanks to Puck I am now trying to reach my dream and become his equal. At first I didn't want to try but then I started to create the tape and realized I have something worth fighting for.

I am a person.

I am a star.

I am Rachel Berry.

The last hour I have spent listening to a girl who could do so much but was limited by a world that was not ready. She was here but not really. What made Rachel Berry, well Rachel Berry, is gone.

The tape stopped and I never knew that the loss of the grainy sound could bring along so much utter despair. Silence is golden. What a lie. Silence is nothing but regret. Silence is nothing but an absence. Silence is not Rachel Berry. And right now I would give anything to be with her. To tell her what her heart had craved all along.

A/N: Done! So I hope you have enjoyed the story or at least stuck to it until the end. I made a really cheesy banner for it which I have linked in my profile. Big thanks to all the people who alerted and favorite-ed the story as well as:

Shelz, rainthenrainbows, kaycedilla2011, Notjustanotherperson, zodiac dragonHatori, and PuckleberryExpress for the reviews.