The Golden Trio and The Marauders Unite

The Northern Lights… In England?

James Potter POV

"Sirius!" I yelled.

I was strung by my feet hanging upside down, and having just woken up, it wasn't fun. My room mates were sure having fun though, laughing until they puked.

"James….. You look… So….. Stupid!" Sirius wheezed between laughs.

That's when Lily walked into the room.

"Hey, what's going on! The rest of the house is actually trying to sleep you know!" she said angrily. Oh, did I forget to mention that it was Thursday morning at 3:00 AM.

Then she saw me. "Sirius! You good for nothing idiot! Let him down!" she said, now fuming.

"Why do you automatically assume that I did it!"

"Because you are the only one here selfish enough to wake the whole house up for your amusement!"

"Alright, alright, it was me."

"Yes, I know it was. Now put him down and go to bed!"

"Fine then. Liberacorpus." Sirius muttered.

I fell onto my bed with a thump.

"That's better. Now off to bed all of you." And with that Lily was gone.

"Nice girlfriend you got there James." said Remus.

"She isn't my girlfriend!"

"But we all know you want her to be" said Sirius tauntingly.

"And now I conquer with Lily, off to bed!" I said quite embarrassed.

"Alright then cranky." Remus said.

And incredibly we all fell asleep

The next few days passed rather slowly until the weekend. It was a Hogsmeade weekend and everyone was exited to go. The Marauders made their way through

the village when they spotted Lily walking towards them.

"Hi, would you mind if I spent the day with you all. Karina will not stop going on about how wonderful Adam is." She asked.

"Sure, welcome aboard." Said James, never taking his eyes off Lily.

The Marauders plus one trudged through the snow of January.

"What's that over there?" asked Sirius after peeling his eyes away from Zonkos.

"What?" asked James.

"Over there past the Hogshead, over the trees.

Where Sirius was pointing you could see colorful glowing lights just above the treeline.

"Let's find out." James said eagerly.

"All the way over there? Do we have too?" said Lily.

"Hey, you're the one who asked to come along today." said Sirius.

"I don't want to walk though. Oh, James will you give me a piggy back ride there. Pleeeeaaaasssseee!" she said sweetly.

"Carry you all the way over there, no way!" James said.

Lily leaned forward and kissed James on the lips.

"How about now?" she said, her eyelashes fluttering.

"Ok!" said James brightly, clearly still dazed from her kiss.

Remus, Peter and Sirius just laughed as Lily climbed onto James back.

"The power of love" Sirius muttered.

They started walking towards the lights. They soon reached the hills of rock.

"C'mon lets go" said Sirius who was already climbing up the first hill.

Everyone else followed closely behind. They soon reached the source of the light. They looked just like the Northern Lights.

"They're beautiful" Lily said entranced by there glow.

"I have a bad feeling about this. A very bad feeling." Remus said backing away.

"Oh c'mon Moony. Lets just look around for a bit." James said.

The 5 teens looked around for about 20 minutes until they got bored.

"Lets go now guys. Lily?" said James.

Lily smiled and walked over climbed onto his back and they left.

"Hey, I don't remember him going to school here." said Sirius.

"Me either. And I don't recognize her either. Or him." James said, pointing at people.

"I don't recognize anybody here!" Lily said frantically. She then climbed off of James back.

Then Sirius accidentally ran into a boy who looked like he could be James twin.

"Sorry James." Sirius said.

"Dad?" the boy whispered looking at James.

"Harry what's going on?... Oh my god. Sirius" the girl standing next to the boy said.

"Wha… How did you get here?" Harry asked.

"First of all we go to school here and secondly why did you call him dad and how do you know my name?" Sirius said.

"Harry, Professor Dumbledore. We need Professor Dumbledore." said the girl.

"Yeah. I think you're right Hermione. Ummm… Lets all go and see Professor Dumbledore." said Harry.

"Erm, why?" asked James.

"We'll explain once we get there." said Hermione.

The 8 of them (Ron, Harry, Hermione, James, Lily, Remus, Sirius and Peter) all ran back to the castle and to the gargoyle in front of Dumbledore's office.

"Licorice Wand!" said Harry.

They all filed up the staircase that led to Dumbledore's office. Harry knocked on the door.

"Ah, Harry, and Ron and Hermione as well. Who are your friends here… Wait. It can't be. I mean, how?" Dumbledore said.

"That's why we're here Professor. We don't know." said Harry.

"Alright, that's it! What is going on! Who are you, and how do you know us?" said Lily a bit angry now.

"Miss Evans, I assure you that we have a quite lengthy explanation for all of this. However first, I believe introductions are in order." Dumbledore said politely. "Harry, if you will."

Harry first looked at Professor Dumbledore, who nodded, and then introduced himself.

"My name is Harry Potter. I am, believe it or not, your son." He said looking at James and Lily. "And also your godson." he said now looking at Sirius.

"WHAT!" said Lily. "I think I would know my own son if I saw him. And I don't even have a son. And what do you mean that he is the father!" she said looking at James.

"Ok. Well, what year are you in here?" Harry asked.

"Our 5th year" supplied Sirius, who still looked dumbstruck at Harry's introduction of himself.

"Well then. You are 21 years in the future. I am your son and also in my 5th year. This is Hermione Granger and Ron Weasley. We are the Golden Trio. You are the Marauders, correct?"

"Yes, we are. And how did we end up in the future?" asked James who was clearly still trying to get over the fact that he had a son.

"We aren't sure. What were you doing before you ran into us?"

"Well, we were looking at the lights near Hogsmeade."

"What lights?"

"They were past the Hogshead, past the hills just beyond the tree line. They looked an awful lot like the Northern Lights. We were there for about 20 minutes and when we left everything was different. We didn't recognize anything either. That' when we bumped into you." Lily explained.

"Oh my goodness! Professor, I've read about lights like those! They are called the Lights Of Time or LOT for short. They are lights that supposedly touch the earth one day each year for 24 hours. But they appear somewhere different each year. If you go inside the circle of lights it's like turning a time turner, only backwards! For every minute you are inside the ring, time turns forward one more year! They must have gone inside the ring for 21 minutes. And 21 minutes in the ring, is 21 years into the future! said Hermione proudly.

"The lights of time." Dumbledore muttered. "Yes, very well done Hermione." He said smiling at her.

"The lights of time! That is soooo awesome!" said Sirius.

"Well, now that that is figured out, thanks to Hermione of course, you will find that there is a room next to the 5th year boys dormitory with the name The Marauders on the door for the boys. For you Miss Evans, another bed has been placed in the 5th year girl's dormitory. Hermione you will act as Lily's guide until she knows her way around in this year and Harry and Ron, you will do the same for the Marauders." Dumbledore said. "Now I believe that you ought to get going."

Harry, recognizing the dismissal, led everyone out of the room.

The Marauders and Lily wanted to ask a million questions, most of them for Harry, once they were all back in the common room.

"Ok, it's late. Why don't we all get some rest and catch up in the morning." said Harry.

"But-" Sirius had began to say.

"No but's" Harry said firmly.

They all headed to their beds. Everything that the Marauders had, had already been put next to their beds. James laid down and tried to will himself to sleep, but failed. He knew it would be a long night.

Hi everyone! This is my very first fanfic so could you please review! I really want to know if you like it or not, so reviewing would be awesome! Should I keep writing? I probably will either way, but I would like to know if you are actually reading this or not. Ok thanks!

