Rating: M (For future chapters)
Pairing: USCAN (Human names used.)

"Why can't you just listen to me for once?"

"You don't own me, old man!"

The small blonde in the kitchen flinched, recognizing the sounds of his brother and Dad fighting. He should be used to it by now but he obviously never will be. 'Oh Alfred…' he though sadly, setting dishes into the washer with precise, yet shaking, hands. 'Why must you always argue? Dad is right…you should listen to him more…' He ran a hand through his wavy blonde hair before placing his glasses down on the countertop to rub his eyes.
He knew that, any moment now, his brother will come down and demand that he take him somewhere. It was there routine almost every weekend. Dad and Alfred would fight, and then he'd come down and demand that his brother take him somewhere. It was only natural.
Sighing, the violet eyed boy sat down and waited. Waited for the sound of his brother's footsteps; waited for the angry American huffing; waited for his one and only beloved brother.

"Mattie!" Alfred shouted for his brother, storming down the stairs two at a time. Jolted from his thoughts, Mathieu looked up in surprise. This happened every time too, Mathieu easily was becoming startled by his brothers shouting.

"Mattie, let's go," Alfred grabbed his arm, pulling him from the chair and towards the garage door. There was the second step, the garage door and then the car.

"A-Alfred? Where…where are we going?" the small Canadian boy stammered nervously, grabbing his car keys and prized stuffed polar bear.

Alfred didn't answer, only took his brothers keys before pushing the shorter blonde into the car. "Come on. I'll drive since you don't have your glasses."

The Canadian just stared up at his American brother, feeling this time something was different; that like was wrong. Alfred never offered to drive; Mathieu was always the one who was to drive. It was routine. He decided not to question it, buckling himself in as Alfred started the car and drove off.

Maybe he'll talk to him if he's patient.

Alfred finally parked the car at Silverweed Park nearly an hour later. Leaning back in his seat, he glanced over at Mattie who gazed back at him shyly. He closed his eyes and stretched, putting his arms under his head.



"What….what happened…?" Mattie played with his stuffed bears paws gently, smiling as it let out a cut "Who are you?" It had been a gag gift two years ago from Alfred, but he couldn't bear to part with it for anything. He even named it Mr Kimajirou, though he usually got the name wrong and Alfred had to correct him.

Alfred was silent for a long time before he spoke; Mathieu almost thought he had fallen asleep.

"Dad was disappointed in my grades and choice of girlfriends." Alfred scoffed, missing Mathieu's obvious flinch at the word 'Girlfriends.' "Apparently, Natalia is too much of a 'slut' to be with one of Dad's kids." He air quoted dramatically before letting his hands drop into his lap again.


"Ya'know what, Mattie? If you never get a girl then people will think you play for the other team!" Alfred laughed, not realizing how hard his words actually hit home.

Mathieu remained silently gazing out the passenger side window, trying to not feel pain at his brother's words. He didn't mean it to be offensive or hurtful; he didn't even know what he was saying.

Mathieu had been aware of his sexuality for a long time now. Growing up with too fathers almost assured that he would 'play for the other team', as Alfred so eloquently put it. But it was obvious that Alfred hadn't been born like Mathieu, gay. Dieu, he hated that word. It made him feel as if he was the opposite of that words true meaning.

And as he gazed over at his brothers sleeping form, he realized that he would always be that way.

"…Let's go home, Alfred…"

They arrived back home around two hours later; Alfred had wanted, no, demanded that Mathieu buy him a cheeseburger. One cheeseburger had become two, then three, then eight. But this was normal; this was routine.

Almost immediately after stepping out of the car and slamming the doors shut, Mathieu heard their Papa calling for them. This was normal to; this was routine.

"Alfred~ Mathieu~ Why is you Daddy so mad~! Explain to Papa!" Francis ran down the steps of the house, arms outstretched to embrace his sons. Alfred was lucky enough to sidestep the flamboyant Frenchman. Mathieu was not so lucky, unlucky enough to get the full force of his father's affection; this affection was the very thing that nearly knocked the small Canadian boy back onto his arse.

"I pissed him off again, no surprise there." Alfred brushed past them, stomping up the steps of the house.
"Alfred~!" Francis called to him to no avail, seeing as how the boy simply ignored him.

"Come on, Papa… Let…lets go inside…"Mathieu murmured softly, moving away from Francis' grip. He bowed his head shyly as he spoke, but that's okay. That was completely normal for Mathieu.

Francis huffed in his stereotypical French way and lead the way after his younger (by only two days, mind you) son.

Mathieu remained outside for a while, simply gazing up at the old, Victorian style house. This place filled with so many memories; happy and sad, full of love and anger, was what his home was.

As he stepped within the comforting walls, the one voice he loved the most called out his name from the kitchen; where this entire day had begun and was destined to end.

"Mattie! Get in here and help me before Dad kills me!"

"I won't kill you; I'll simply maim you so you can't ride that beloved skateboard anymore!"

"That's so cruel! Mattiiiie! Come here!"

Mathieu smiled softly as he made his way into the kitchen, watching his Dad and brother fight as Papa simply stood by and watched in amusement.

"Hello to you, too, Al…"

First prologue of my first fanfic done! HOORAY! *dances around to Swedish music*
I am so excited I have to start working on revising the first two chapters!
Thank you for reading and please review!

P.S. This will not be updated on any specific schedule, so please bear with me. It will probably be very long, as well. Thank you for understanding!