Norway was pissed.

No, he was beyond pissed.

He slammed his door and stomped up the stairs to his room.

Once he got to his room he threw himself on his bed hide his face in his pillow.

He couldn't believe what he had been told an hour ago while with his Nordic friends.

His lover Denmark had stopped him and had told him that soon he would be leaving. He said he couldn't stand Sweden anymore and was going to go on his own.

"What an idiot…how could he do this."

Norway's rage soon turned into bitter sadness. It was true that he had fallen for the tall country and thought Denmark also had fallen for him. Denmark had talked about them going someplace together to live out there days in bliss.

Of course when Denmark told him this he would only nod and not say a word, but slowly he had started to believe the others words and grow to love them.

That is until today.

"Idiot…idiot, he's such an idiot." Norway let himself cry softly into his pillow, "I'm the idiot for falling for him."

He stopped crying and let himself sniffled when a guitar's melody broke the silence of his cries.


Norway sat up hearing the sound come from outside his window. He sat up and looked out seeing the boy who just broke his heart, Denmark.

"Denmark w-why are you here?"

The other didn't answer just played the cord and started to sing:

am i loud and clear or am i breaking up?
am i still your charm or am i just bad luck?
are we getting closer or are we just getting more lost?

He looked up at Norway as he started to play:

ill show you mine if you show me yours first
let's compare scars ill tell you whose is worse
lets unwrite these pages and replace them with our own words

He showed Norway a smile:

we live on front porches and swing life away
we get by just fine here on minimum wage
if love is a labor ill slave til the end
i wont cross these streets until you hold my hand

He started up the normal tempo again:

i been here so long i think that it's time to move
the winters so cold summers over too soon
lets pack our bags and settle down where palm trees grow

Denmark let out a laugh as he started to sing again:

and ive got some friends some that i hardly know
weve had some times i wouldn't trade for the world
we chase these days down with talks of the places that we will go

Norway's eyes slowly filled with tears:

we live on front porches and swing life away
we get by just fine here on minimum wage
if love is a labor ill slave til the end
i wont cross these streets until you hold my hand

swing life away

swing life away

swing life away

swing life away

Denmark played the last few cords and strummed the guitar with a big smile on his face, "Did you like it Norway?"


Before Denmark could say or do anything Norway had jumped from his bedroom window and onto Denmark making him fall over along with his guitar.

"N-norway, you okay?"


Denmark smiled softly and held Norway close to his chest, "The song was to ask you something," he lend up and cupped the others cheeks, "Norway I'm leaving this place, but I want you to come with me."

He rubbed his cheeks cheeks tenderly, "I love you. I love you so much I want us to swing our lives away together."

So instead of answering the other with words he threw his arms around Denmark's neck and kissed him.

Finally got it written! This is a present for Everheart14 who is a good friend of mine :) She's a big Denmark x Norway fan so i really hope she likes this! I hope you guys like it too!

The song is Swing Life Away by Rise Against so i don't own that or Hetalia!

~Reviews and Comments make me and my pencil very happy