Disclaimer: Don't give me that look, I don't own you :C

Oh yeah, I've noticed that a few people (a lot of you) give the name "Alyssa" to Alfred when genderbent. Yeah, no. Sorry, I can't do that for friendship reasons. So, a friend and I thought up the name "Amelia Francine Jones". Amelia was the first name of the first female to fly across the Atlantic Ocean solo, Amelia Mary Earhart. Look at her wiki if you want anymore info on her.


Amelia looked at herself through the mirror. Pregnant, she was pregnant. But the question is, "how"? She used protection, birth control, and other things that she was supposed to take so that she wouldn't get pregnant. But here she was, pregnant. Here was the pregnancy test to prove it.

"The last person I slept with was Ivan, since he and I are sort of dating," she said to herself. At least she knew who was responsible for her abrupt pregnancy. But it wasn't as if she were 17 in high school. She was 32, and well on her own. She had a career, a home, and was more than able to take care of herself. Question is, how would she break it to Ivan? She and Ivan have been dating for about two years now, and they have yet to discuss the topic of children or starting a family.

Of course, there was also telling her parents that she was up the duff. Francis wouldn't care. In fact, he had been asking her for a kid for years, but she had always deemed herself too young. Well, here's the kid he wanted to badly. Arthur would be the one she had to convince that she was perfectly fine with having a baby. Arthur was FAR too over protective for his (and Amelia's) own good. She was 32 and he still treated her as if she were 13. She sighed then decided to keep the pregnancy test as proof when she broke it to Ivan (along with her parents) that she was, indeed, knocked up.

After a quick shower and pigging out on more than she would normally eat at McDonalds for breakfast, she felt as if she were ready to tell her boyfriend that he had planted the seed.

She called him on his cell, since he was all the way in Russia, and waited impatiently for him to pick up.

"Privyet," He answered

"Yeah, hey Ivan,"

A childish chuckle, "Why hello my little labushka," he just had to call her that. Her cheeks flushed pink, "what can I do you for?" sexual innuendoes suck when done right with a Russian accent

"Uhm, I kinda wanna talk to you about something, Ivan," she said, her voice cracking a bit

There was silence on the other line for a moment, "About?"

"Well," she didn't know how to say it without it being awkward, "uhm…"

"Amelia," Ivan said in his comforting tone reserved only for her, "You may tell me anything, da? You normally do so anyway,"

"Well, you've heard about the birds and the bees, right?"

"Da, we often dabble into that ourselves,"

"Well," why was this so hard…"promise me we'll be BFFLF"

"Excuse me?"

"Best Friends For Life Forever!"

"How about I promise I'll see this through to the end with you,"

"Fine, be a dick," she sucked in a large amount of air, and spoke in a slow calm tone, even though she was shaking like a leaf, "Ivan Braginski, ambassador of the Republic of Russia, I, Amelia "Earhart" Francine Jones, ambassador of The United States of America,"

"Amelia, hurry up, da?"

"am pregnant," there, she said it

There was a silence looming over her. She was scared of him hanging up on her, saying that it wasn't his, even though he was the last one she fucked, and making her get an abortion, but there wasn't. In fact, she heard a soft, rich chuckled on the other line.

"What's so funny?" she asked, pouting slightly that she was getting laughed at because of something as lame as pregnancy

"I just think it's cute, the image that is, of you pregnant," he chuckled some more

"What's that supposed to mean!"

He laughed wholeheartedly, "I'll be telling my boss this and will make my way to America this weekend," another laugh, "how far along are you?"

"I'm guessing a week? I just found out this morning,"

"Hmm, I did fail to put on a condom the last time we had sex," he mused

"SO THIS IS YOUR FAULT!" she screamed into the phone

"I was in the heat of the moment, da, I just had to have you then and there,"

Amelia blushed, remembering just how heated their last session was. The kissing, the touching, the caresses, the stroking…

A laugh brought her out of her daydreams, "So, this weekend we shall see each other, da?"

"Yeah sure, ya barebackin' bastard,"

"If I remember correctly, you were the one who said to skip it,"

"Well fuck you, too, Braginski!"

"We already have, multiple times, da,"


"You have a nice one,"

She groaned as he laughed into the phone as he laughed at her. Of course, she had no idea that this was what a real relationship truly consisted of. The picking and teasing at someone over something like pregnancy.

After a nice conversation with him, some planning on what they would do when he arrived, and some not too subtle flirting, they said their good byes and hung up. She stood up and went to her office, putting off telling her parents until the weekend when the baby's father, Ivan, was in town.

She looked at the bright red button on her desk, the word "Easy" engraved in bold white text. She pressed it, and the automated response, "That was easy" ringing in the air. That was easy.


Short, I know, but...I guess this is what most writers would call a "prologue" (whatever that is, lol, I kid :D).

Fun fact of the day: I haven't posted a fanfic since the summer of 2010. FUCK MY IN PROGRESS NARUTO FICS! 8D

I blame this fanfic on my friend, Amber, who challenged me into making a RusFem!Amer fanfic. I don't even know where this idea came from, I just know that…I wanted to read one, there wasn't one, so I wrote one, and look what happened. -herp derp face-

What is sexier than a Ruski in heat? A hot steamy review.