by Cokie
OK, disclaimers here. First, I haven't written anything that I've allowed people to read since sometime early in the last decade. The writing skills are very rusty. Second, I've never posted to this site before, so please be patient. I'm still trying to figure out chapters and such. The story is finished and if the chapter thing doesn't work, I'll just post it all in one document.
I need thank my two very best friends for being wonderful proofers and sounding boards. So, thanks K and R for challenging me to make this into the story it is.
As for the real disclaimer: I do not own anything, least of all these wonderful characters. I covet your comments and constructive criticism. A wise woman told me to add the following: "I have two friends in Hawaii; one who ties people to his car and the other who hangs people off of tall buildings. They will deal with any and all flames." But you would probably like that, wouldn't you?
Friday, 7:45 p.m.
Beams of pink and gold were filtering through the office windows of the governor's most elite task force, the waning sunlight signaling the close of another long day. With a relaxed sigh, Chin Ho Kelly turned away from the window and tipped back his chair. "This has been a Maika'i day all around."
His cousin Kono proudly agreed, adding with a grin, "Yeah. We kicked some solid ass out there today. Feels good."
Commander Steve McGarrett walked out of his office and overheard their conversation. He leaned against the conference table, crossed his arms and smiled at his team. "We did okay."
"Okay?" Danny Williams nearly spluttered, his feet hitting the floor from their perch on his desk. Jumping up, he confronted the commander. "Kono was right – we whipped some ass out there. And you say 'okay'? There's just something totally wrong with you, man."
"Hey, I'm agreeing with her."
The detective waved his hands in the air. "No, we did better than 'okay'. We did great."
"Okay," McGarrett replied rolling his eyes. "We did great." He knew exactly which buttons to push to get his partner riled up and did so with alarming frequency. "So, enlighten me…as if I could stop you."
"You want enlightened? I'll show you enlightened. First off, it's Friday," he held up his thumb for counting purposes. "And we ended the week with a huge bust. HUGE. I know we earned brownie points from the governor. With any luck, we can have a normal – and calm - weekend. Two," the index finger joined the thumb. "We got the scumbags before they smuggled the coins off the islands. And we caught them all…no stragglers, no runners, no monkeys hiding in the coconut trees."
Their team leader readily agreed with a nod and grin, motioning with his hand for Danny to continue. "There's more?" McGarrett prodded, while both Chin and Kono sat back to enjoy the show as Williams continued his rant.
"Thirdly," he added, pacing the floor, before turning back and pointing to McGarrett, "'Mister- Lieutenant Commander-Let's-Jump-In-With-Both-Feet-Before-We-Know-the-Situation', we got a warrant."
Kono grinned and waved her hand in the air. "I did that."
"So you did", Williams agreed, gesturing in her direction. "And I thank you. You see, Kono, police procedures do work. You need to remember that in spite of what you may hear from others in this office."
McGarrett shrugged one shoulder. "We would have gotten them anyway."
Williams shrugged. "Maybe, maybe not. But this way, we got in, found the Intel we needed, and busted their asses." He took a deep breath. "And fourth," he stopped to recount, holding up his fingers, rethinking to himself. Nodding, he continued, "Yeah, fourth, no one, I repeat, no one got shot, stabbed, or beaten. Not even a hang nail to show for it. So, all in all, it's been a very good day."
"As in you didn't get shot, stabbed or beaten?"
"Damn straight."
"Are you done?"
"Yeah. No." He held up all five fingers, waving them for all to see. "Five is that all the paperwork has been typed, logged and emailed." Danny blew out a deep breath, scrubbed his hands through his hair and sat down in his chair, kicking it back far enough to prop his feet on the desk. Crossing his arms over his chest, he met McGarrett's eyes with a steady gaze and a twinkle in his eye, presenting the perfect Jersey 'and what'a you got?' attitude. "Now, I'm done."
"Thank God," McGarrett muttered, just loud enough for everyone to hear. "Thought we'd be here until midnight. And I, for one, am ready to leave."
"Me, too," Kono agreed. "The down side to all this fun is that we missed lunch. I'm starving."
"Agreed. Let's celebrate," Chin added.
McGarrett pushed off the table with both hands. "We can do that. How about 'Imanas Tei' – I'm buying…for a job well done," he added, nodding his head toward Danny.
Chin clapped his hands together. "Best sushi on the planet," he said, his eyes crinkling as he smiled. Standing, he shoved his chair beneath the desk. "I'm in."
"All right. Let's get out of here before he changes his mind," Kono said. "Coming, Danny?"
"Sushi, huh?"
McGarrett stopped dead in his tracks and turned back toward his partner. "Let me guess. You. Don't. Like. Sushi." He punctuated each word with a point to Danny's chest.
"Who, me? No, I love sushi," Williams replied. "I'm just thinking about Chin's 'best on the planet' comment. Apparently, you never had sushi from Jersey."
"No," McGarrett replied with a laugh. "Can't say that I have." He pushed the detective out the door. "And if the gods continue to smile on me, I never will."
"Hey, Jersey knows sushi."
"Yeah, yeah, whatever, Jersey Boy."
"And you, Moondoogie, had better have your wallet."
Their banter was interrupted by the ringing of McGarrett's cell phone. His entire team groaned at the sound.
"Oh, no, here we go, here we go," Williams grumbled.
"Hang on," Steve held up his hand for quiet. "Gotta take this, it's the governor." He moved a short distance away from them as they all continued walking toward the cars. "Yes, ma'am…yeah, thanks. Today was a good day. Well, okay. Sure. I can meet you."
They waited until McGarrett was off the phone before pouncing. "You're welching, aren't you?" Danny asked, pointing to the phone. "I knew you buying dinner was too good to be true."
"Hey! Not welching. You guys go on. I'll meet you there. She has something for me to see."
"A job, right? This weekend." Danny continued to grumble.
"Nah, if it was a job, she would have called the land line. Whatever it is, she said it would just take a few minutes. Trust me."
"Trust him." Kono, do you hear that? We're supposed to trust him? This is dinner we're talking about."
"I swear, you guys go—"
"Nope. I'm coming with you," Williams decided. "Chin, you guys go get a table 'cos I'm gonna make sure this guy shows up to pay." Pointing at his partner, he warned, "You've got ten minutes, then I'm hauling your ass outta there. Governor or no governor."
"All right. Get in the car," he ordered Williams. Pointing to Chin who was in the next parking space, he continued, "Order the first round and we'll be there before the drinks are. I swear."
"Yeah, no one believes that," Danny mumbled, getting into the car and grabbing his seat belt.
"I'm serious. This will be quick," McGarrett promised, sliding behind the steering wheel.
"I'll make certain of it." He grabbed the dash as the car peeled out of the lot and turned the corner. "Geez, you are insane."
"The clock's apparently ticking. Danny, she's my boss, which means she's also your boss. So I think I can take a few minutes to find out what she wants."
"So… now you're my boss? Geez, and here I was, thinking we were partners."
"Don't start. We are partners. You know that."
"Oh, no, you're the boss. So if you want to chat with the governor all night, what can I do about it, huh, Boss?"
"Give me a break," Steve groaned.
"Where we going, anyway?" Danny asked as they passed the road leading to the Governor's office.
"She said to meet her 'at the place we first met'."
"Well, that's cryptic." He turned to stare at McGarrett. "So…where we going?
"The pier, down by the Missouri. You're right; it was cryptic, which isn't really like her." Glancing at his partner, he added, "And no, I really don't know what's going on, so don't bother asking. But, for the record, I'm starved, so this will not take long."
They pulled up to the near-empty pier, the ship tours having ended and tourists gone for the evening. "There's her car. Wait here."
"You expect me to wait here? What am I, some kind of lap dog you lock in the car?"
McGarrett got out of the car and took a deep breath before replying. "Not a lap dog, because I wouldn't be caught dead with one. Although," he added with a wicked grin, "you do yip about as loudly as one. And, before I go any further, am I getting close to the point where you usually tell me to go to hell?"
Danny held up his thumb and forefinger about an inch apart. "About this close."
With a grin, he acknowledged, "Then my job is done."
"Go. To. Hell. I so hate you," Danny vowed, shaking his head and pointing his finger at his partner. "And, for the record, I don't yip. I thought I was back up."
Steve leaned down and spoke through the open door. "If it makes you feel any better, you're my back-up. In fact, while I'm talking to the governor, if I need any help at all, you'll be the first person I call."
"Yeah, well maybe I'll answer. But if you aren't back in this car in ten minutes, I'm coming to get you. I swear to God, I will."
McGarrett slammed the door, laughing as he walked away. Nearing the governor's limo, he nodded to her driver who was waiting for him to arrive. The driver opened the back door, helping Governor Jameson exit the vehicle.
"Commander, I'm sorry for all this," she began, waving her hand at their surroundings.
"It's not a problem, Ma'am. Is anything wrong?"
"I got a disturbing piece of mail this afternoon that I need to share with you." She began opening the manila envelope that was in her hands. "I'm sorry for all the cloak and dagger, but—
McGarrett saw the red dot immediately as it waivered on her forehead. "Get down!" He ordered the driver, at the same time reaching for his weapon, grabbing the governor and pushing her against the side of the car as he shielded her body.