Sonic blinked quickly and then once again but more slowly. He was looking up into the afternoon sky, surrounding him were gray buildings. Tails sat in front of him playing with the little blue bird that had a Chaos Emerald around its neck. Amy was next to him still asleep from the gas Eggman had used.

"Where are we?" Sonic asked.

Tails looked up startled, "Oh Sonic, you're awake! I found you and Amy knocked out in the middle of the street last night when I went to meet up with you. I figured I'd carry you into this alley way so i did. Did you get the Chaos Emerald?"

Sonic shook his head, "We ran into Chaos inside Casinopolis but there was no sign of the emerald. Then Amy went outside to fight Eggman and she was knocked out and then almost kidnapped. I saved her though."

"Without being seen?" Tails wondered.

"Yeah, I used Chaos Control."

"You said that word before, Chaos Control. What is it?"

"I use the Chaos Emerald to transport me from one spot to another in less than a second. It's pretty sweet." Sonic sat up more focused and looked over at Amy, "She should be awake in a minute."

Tails nodded, "While you two were at Casinopolis I got most of the parts I need for the parallel universe-time travel machine." Tails said pointing at a large box behind him, "I still need to get the larger pieces but I'll do that later. In the meantime we should go find the next Chaos Emerald, right?"

"Right," Sonic started, "There's one at the bottom of a mountain at Ice Cap. We'll head there now, I'll carry Amy."

Tails nodded in agreement and picked up his large box while Sonic held Amy. Sonic went out the alleyway first, Tails followed behind, and the blue bird sat on the box Tails carried. The alleyway's shade had made it feel cooler than it actually was. As they crossed the street to go up the stairs into the train station a large green robot came floating down the stairs.

"Its him, the robot that chased me!" Tails said stepping back.

The robot stopped when it noticed them and started to approach slowly. Sonic quickly thought of a plan, "Tails, you go to Ice Cap and get the Chaos Emerald there. I'll take the bird and Amy with me and try to lose ZERO in Twinkle Park."

"You'll be fast enough even with Amy?" Tails asked.

"I'm the fastest thing alive, of course I will! And plus she'll be up soon to run for herself. Now give me the bird and let's split!"

Tails looked at the bird, "Alright bird go with Sonic, he'll protect you." The bird somehow understood him and flew over to Sonic and landed on his head. "Once I've got the emerald I'll come back to get you in my plane."

Sonic agreed and they began to part ways before Sonic quickly turned around to say one last thing to Tails, "Take my plane, The Tornado 3 its faster and should be in the garage."

"The Tornado 3?" Tails asked curiously.

"Right, its still just the Tornado. Take the Tornado then." Sonic said. Tails nodded and gripped the box in his hands tightly. His twin tails began to spin quickly behind him until he took off into the sky towards the Mystic Ruins. Sonic looked back at ZERO who was making his way towards them hesitantly. "Sorry bud but if you want this bird you'll have to catch it first!" Sonic jumped into the air throwing the robot off guard. ZERO sped forward out of the entrance way to the train station to where Sonic had just been standing. Sonic landed behind him with Amy still in his arms and the bird flying behind him. "You're to slow!" He then sped off through the doors and into the train station. They were only inside the train station for a second before Sonic rushed through the doors and back outside. He looked behind him and saw ZERO rushing at them. "Huh, looks like you can almost keep up." Sonic ran forward into Twinkle Park and through the glass tunnel until he reached the entrance.

Inside the lobby there were two doors. Sonic spoke, "Those karts won't go fast enough, I'll need to go straight into the actual park area." He went into the doors to an elevator, just the as the elevator doors close he heard the lobby doors open, ZERO was just behind him but would have to wait until the elevator came back up.

The elevator made a loud DING and the doors opened on a small staircase overlooking a large swimming pool with badniks surrounding it. "Looks like Egghead's already taken this place for his own. Not for long!" Sonic plowed through enemies, destroying each one and recovering a small animal that had been used to energize the robots.

"What in the world?" Amy said as she opened her eyes to see the flashing park all around her.

Sonic stopped midrun and put her on her feet, "Welcome back Amy. You're just tuning into Sonic's Twinkle Park Adventure where I destroy all the enemies while avoiding the evil ZERO!"

Amy looked around and then back at Sonic who continued to smile. "Fill me in. What happened?" She demanded.

"You stopped Eggman, Tails went to Ice Cap to get the emerald, and me, you, and this bird are running from ZERO."

"Alright then. Let's continue, I guess." Sonic smiled and they ran towards the roof of another building, before Sonic jumped onto it Amy stopped him, "There's a mirror room inside the castle doors right over there. We could probably lose ZERO easier that way." She said.

"Taking the roof would be faster." Sonic argued.

ZERO appeared out of the elevator and started running at them. Before Sonic had time to argue anymore he felt Amy pull him the other way and into two large red doors. She ran ahead and pulled out her hammer to eliminate any badniks in her way. Sonic followed behind holding onto the bird making sure not to trip over robot debris. The hallway got more narrow and ZERO was closing in on them.

"Amy let me carry you, we can run faster that way and get further from ZERO." Sonic yelled to Amy in front of him.

Amy turned her head, "No way. You holding me was a one time thing, I can fend for myself!"

Sonic shook his head in annoyance and continued to follow behind Amy. As ZERO started getting dangerously close Sonic ran faster knowing that Amy would want to stay in the lead so she'd run faster too. They entered a room with two mirrors as walls and ran through its twists and turns hoping to lose ZERO. Once they got to the end of the room they looked behind them and saw no robot.

"We lost him." Amy said relieved. Suddenly a loud crash was heard and the glass on the left wall shattered and fell in thousands of pieces. Sonic holding the bird, and Amy dove out of the room and dodged the falling glass. Behind them ZERO was running with a shard of glass in its side.

"Not yet we haven't!" Sonic yelled and took the lead. They raced through another narrow hallway and another mirrored room, this time however ZERO wasn't as close and eventually disappeared. Sonic didn't get excited though, he figured the robot had some sort of plan. Amy on the other hand started to slow down thinking it was over. "Amy come on! ZERO might still be behind us!"

"There's nothing behind us, we lost him." Amy said in short breaths. Sonic put the bird on his head and told it to hold on tight, he then slowed down to Amy's speed only to grab her hand and blast forward. Amy's feet left the ground and she screamed as he flew through the air with Sonic holding her hand. "Let me go you idiot!" She yelled as she attempted to hit him with her other hand. They reached a set of double doors and tried to exit but they were locked. Amy let go of Sonic's hand and noticed a time above the door that read "00:60".

A voice recording of Eggman played on the speakers, "Hello ladies and gentleman! If you have reached this part of my Robotastic fun house then you've also made it to the end of your lives! That timer above the door will start counting down once this message is over. When the timer hits zero a huge explosion will take place right below your very feet. Of course I'm no murderer of mankind and chances that you're actually human and made it this far is slim. So Tails and or Amy, your lives end now." The timer started to countdown. Out of a vent in the ceiling ZERO came down facing them.

Amy held out her hammer and stood next to Sonic. "Great. So we either get incinerated or pummeled to death." Sonic pulled out his green superpowered emerald. "Or you can Chaos Control out of here!"

"I can't do that exactly. I don't have enough energy still to fuel the Chaos Emerald for a far away Chaos Control. I do have enough for this though!" Sonic grabbed Amy and they disappeared in a flash and reappeared behind ZERO. "Jump!" Sonic said as he leaped into the vent in the ceiling with the bird holding on tightly to his head. Amy followed him up the vent. In front of them was a light, the light of the outside. "Think you can hammer that grate out of our way?" Sonic asked.

"You better believe I can." She whipped her hammer into the grate and it flew endlessly across the park until it was out of sight. She smiled and took the lead, hoping out of the vent. When they were all outside they heard a large explosion from within the walls of the castle. "There goes ZERO."

Sonic eyed the door of the castle. "Wait for it..." he said watching the doors. The doors shot open revealing an ash covered ZERO, "fire-proof, as expected."

"Not just fire-proof, explosion-proof. That thing can take a lot of hits." Amy said. She looked behind them and saw a large wooden cart with a giant yellow balloon attached to it. The balloon looked like it could carry someone and the bottom of it holding onto the cart could be used as a handle. "My turn to have an idea!" Amy grabbed Sonic's arm and ran to the cart, ZERO followed behind closing in on them. When they reached the cart Amy tried pulling the string tying the handle of the balloon to the cart. "Think you can break the string?"

Sonic took it and tried pulling it apart but it wouldn't unknot. He looked up and noticed ZERO almost twenty feet away. He looked back down at the string and put it into his mouth and bit it. The balloon came free and started to lift Sonic off the ground. Amy jumped into the air and grabbed his leg and they slowly floated up into the evening sky. ZERO watched them float upward and waited to retreat until they were too high. The robot rushed off back into the castle and was out of sight.

"What's the next part of your plan?" Sonic asked Amy looking down at her.

Amy thought for a moment, "I didn't actually think of the next part. It's usually our Sonic who makes the plans. Sorry, guess we'll just have to wait until somebody shows up."

They looked down and noticed they had stopped floating upward and just hung extremely high in the air. Sonic tried to lighten the mood, "Don't worry, if I had thought of a plan it wouldn't have been much better."

Author's Note: I'm actually really happy with this chapter. It's not as long as others but I feel like it came out really well. I'm starting to keep a log of everything the characters do so I don't get stories mixed up like last time. Next chapter will be about Tails in Ice Cap during this time and what happens to Sonic and Amy. Possibly another character will be introduced...