House of Anubis FF

Fabian POV

"Fabian?" I heard Nina say through the door as she knocked. "Yes?" I replied back as she stepped into Mick and I's bedroom. She looked nervous, and cute. I sat down my guitar and gave her my full attention. I would never admit it, but I did kind of fancy Nina. She was sweet, smart, and beautiful.

"Fabian, I was wondering if you would show me around town. I've been here for over a month and still have only seen glimpses of it." I smiled, "Sure, how about we go Friday after school?" She smiled back and hugged me, "Great, and thanks." She left the room and I went back to playing my guitar.

Mick came in a little bit later,"Hey, Fabian, what happened?" I looked up at him, "What do you mean?" "Nina just came skipping down the hall with a big smile on her face. Either something happened or Amber finally got to her." I smiled, "Oh, we are just going to town Friday after school. She wanted to see what it was like." A slow smile crept onto Mick's face, 'Oh, so you two have a date?"

"N-no!" I stuttered, "It's just two friends going to town together." Mick shrugged, "Sounds like a date to me." I threw a pillow at him, "Go to bed before Victor has a cow."

I know it's short ,but it's my first fanfic ever. So please be nice!