Disclaimer: If you haven't got by now that I'm not Meg Cabot, you're either very slow… or I'm actually good writer so I'm just going to assume that you all know I'm not her.
Author's Note: So apparently I lie a lot. I'm sorry *looks guilty* I got writers block. Evil little thing. Anyway, I'm back, and hopefully someone is actually reading… I doubt it though. And in the spirit of shameless advertising for a friend for those of you who are reading maybe you'd like to check out her original on FictionPress. They're not letting me put the link in but it's in my bio, so go check it out if you feel like it
More Tuesday
At Home
I found out what was wrong with Lilly. It's got something to do with Boris. I think they had a fight, because Boris wasn't playing his stupid violin in G+T. He had some blank music papers in front of him. Blank except for the lines they already have on them anyway, but he just kept on giving Lilly these wounded puppy looks.
Lilly was pretending to ignore them. She'd come to sit over with Michael and me while we did algebra… tried to do algebra that is. She was pretending not to notice, but she kept on having her own little peek round at him too.
I told Tina about it after school. She said she'd heard that Lilly liked someone else, but if Lilly liked someone else why wouldn't she tell me, I mean, I am her best friend… even though I didn't tell her about me liking Michael, and she knew about it anyway.
Grandmere has an appointment with Paulo this afternoon, so she's sent over a test for me to do.
Dad is supposed to be watching me and making sure I don't cheat. How am I supposed to cheat? It's not like I made notes, but he got bored and started to read the newspaper and then he saw something really important and went to see if it was on TV.
Probably a movie marathon.
I finished the test anyway. I hope it's not too wrong. I got at least one question right. Do you tilt your soup bowl towards you or away from you?
Definitely away.
Dad's come back.
I think he wants the test.
Even More Tuesday
Still at home
Grandmere gave Dad the answers. I don't think that's fair, I mean, that I have to know this stuff and he doesn't.
I got 90% though. Definitely not algebra. Grandmere won't be happy though. I mean, so what if I don't know whether or not I should use my salad fork when I 'somehow mysteriously lose the regular one.' I think she was drunk when she wrote that question.
Mom just got home and she's calling me.
Author's note: Okay, a short chapter, but better a short chapter than no chapter… I hope.
Until next time, which hopefully won't be so long.
And please review, my favorite button, just down there.