I know that I am adding another story to my already growing list of stories that I am writing but this one came to me and I didn't have the heart not to write it. So you all know I do have writers block on my other 2 at the moment. I apologize yet again.
No Bella. No Bella. That's all Edward ever seems to say. I am getting so tired of the no's, I feel like I am suffocated. Things never seem to get any better only worse. The newest thing to happen, I have been denied access to my best friend simply because he's a shape shifter. This is seriously pissing me off. In the beginning of our relationship I thought I was on even footing with him and there was nothing I wouldn't do to be with him. Now I feel like I am drowning in despair. I am constantly put down, basically devastated nothing seems to matter to him. Every time I ask to be changed I am told no, every time I ask if I can see Jacob I am told no, even when I ask to spend time with Jasper I am told no.
I am not allowed to make my own decisions, I mean come on I can't even dress myself. Alice has a hand in my drowning feeling never letting me wear what I want . Things have got to change but I don't see how they will I can't seem to grow a backbone when it comes to those two. Things are complicated, I love them both but it got worse after Italy. Right now I am listening to Edward bitch about the dangers of going around the wolves, I have started not listening being completely bored with the same old reasons why I can't do something.
It seriously seems like I am more of a toy than the love of his life, maybe just maybe I am right. I am nothing more than a plaything for Edward and Alice. Bella-Barbie anyone, just make her into anything you want her to be she comes in a fun sized package. Damn my internal rambling should become a comedian that was fucking funny. Emmett would be rolling on the floor, talking about the big lug where is he I shouldn't have to deal with this shit right now.
Spying my big brother I run and jump into his awaiting arms, I think the big boy knows what I am feeling as he takes off running with Edward on his heels. Edward is screaming at Em to stop, I lean up and whisper to my favorite brother to keep running and not listen to Edward.
"No problem sis." He whispers back at me, running past the forest at blinding speeds with me giggling like a little school girl in his arms. Fuck I haven't felt this free in quite a while, my brother always seems to know what I need. Edward's still trailing us as Em takes off towards my house. I tell Em to stop I need to talk to Edward.
"Edward we cannot go on this way, you are suffocating me. I would give anything for you but my freedom to do as I please. You are supposed to be my mate but I am constantly turned down in one form or another." He goes to interrupt me but I continue not letting him get a word in edgewise.
"I am constantly put down in one form or another, like I don't have a mind of my own. You and Alice make all the decisions for me, I can't live like that and if you wish me too then you don't know me at all. I am constantly devastated by hurt, around you two and what's worse you don't even seem to have a clue. Or you don't even care, when I bring up being changed you quickly change the subject. You know what FUCK IT, I don't want to be with you anymore Edward."
His mouth drops open in shock, I can feel Emmett laughing underneath me. I turn my head to my brother bear, worrying that the rest will leave me again.
"Brother Bear, you won't leave me again will you?"
Emmett shakes his head before replying with, "No Belly-boo, I love you we won't be leaving you again."
"Well Emmy-Bear I need to talk to Papa C. I need to discuss something with him."
It's about time I take my life back, and it's going to start with my change. Emmy starts running full speed towards the house with Edward still standing there in shock. Fuck I may have broken the vampire, but I really don't care at this fucking moment. I have had enough of putting up with Edward and his emo ass possessiveness. I am not doing it anymore. My cell phone starts ringing, I answer it not knowing the number.
"Hello?" I ask timidly.
"Well sweet cheeks it's about time you stood up for yourself. I can't wait to meet you my mate." HUH! Say what! There is a sexy ass sounding man on the phone saying what about me.
"Um, who is this? Are you sure you have the right number?" I hear growling coming from my Emmy-bear.
"Yes, I am sure I have the right number Isabella."
"Sissy hand me the phone now, I know the voice on that phone and it is not human."
Handing over the phone to Emmett, I hear hissing start that meant they were having a conversation that I was not meant to hear. I rumbling growl rips through my brother before I hear him yell into the phone.
"I swear Peter if you hurt my sister and this is some sick game I will kill you. I don't care if you are Jasper's brother or not."
He hands the phone back over to me. I look at it quizzically thinking about the fact I have Jasper's crazy brother on the phone telling me we're mates. HUH WHAT THE FUCK! I don't even know this man, and wait how the FUCK does he know about me. Last I heard Jasper and his brother haven't spoken in a while.
"Sissy he's still on the phone you might want to talk to him. I don't really trust the fucker but he's Jasper's brother and I will be polite while you are on the phone with him."
I put the phone back up to my ear, hearing the almost silent breathing of the man on the other end of the line.
"Okay Peter, I'll bite how do you know that we are mates and quite honestly how do you know me?" I pause waiting for him to answer this question that's been burning since he said it.
"Well sugar," his drawl coming out thickly. "Since you asked so nicely, I just know shit." OMG is this asshole for real. I mean I just broke up with my boyfriend/whatever the hell you want to call Edward. I don't even know if I will become a vampireā¦..
"You will become a vampire Isabella. Carlisle will grant your wish when you get home. We will formally meet in three days' time."
FUCK MY LIFE, this is getting more and more complicated. Why am I still being suffocated? I get rid of one controlling bastard for one that knows the future.
"Now Isabella don't compare me to the pixie, I am nothing like her. I don't see the future, I just KNOW SHIT!"
"Well Peter if what you say is true I will see you in three days' time. Until then don't call back on this number I have some thinking to do." I quickly hang the phone up. Looking at Emmett, I silently ask him to continue to the house.
Emmy puts me down on the ground when we get to the front door. I walk inside the house and ask Carlisle for a talk.
"Carlisle I need to talk to you and Esme privately."
"Sure Bella Dear, everyone else out of the house." He said walking towards his study. Waiting till everyone else left we sat down not saying a word. When the coast was clear I began.
"I finally got tired of waiting for Edward, the Volturi said that either I must be changed or die. I have made my choice, we voted on it and most everyone agreed. Now I need to know if you will do as asked and change me Carlisle."
"It would be my pleasure dear but what about Edward?"
"I have broken up with Edward, I can't stand having my thoughts and opinions not be my own. I felt like I was being suffocated. Emmy can tell you the full conversation if he feels like it he witnessed it."
"I understand my daughter, breaking up is a hard thing to do but if you felt that way I will support your decision. Do you have anything that needs to be done before I do the change? Any last minute things?"
"Yes I need to talk to Jasper before I go through with the change. I know this is an odd request after all I don't know him that well but there is something I need to talk to him about." Carlisle takes out his cell phone dialing Jasper's number.
"Jasper son we need you back at the house for a moment."
I don't hear the reply but by the look on Carlisle's face I know he agreed and within minutes Jasper come's through the front door.
"Up here son," Carlisle calls to him.
The study door opens and in walks Jasper.
"Please may I speak with him somewhat privately?" Nodding their acquiescence they leave the room closing the door behind them.
"Jasper I needed to talk to you about your brother."
"Why Bella?"
"Because Jasper, I received a phone call from him earlier. He was saying that I was his mate, he knew my name without me telling him and he said he just knows shit. To be quite honest, I think it's a bunch of bullshit and quite creepy."
The look on Jasper's face was priceless it couldn't have been more picture perfect. OH yeah that's right I could be lying to him but I am not.
"He does just know shit, however I don't know what to make of this seeing as he has a mate already. At least I am sure he does, after all I let them leave Maria's camp together and they rescued me. That's another story enough of the curiosity for now."
"I thought he was pulling my leg about the mate thing. Well I see that I am right, enough of that call Carlisle. Oh by the way he said he will be here in three days."
"WHAT! Carlisle Bella wants you."
I see Jasper pulling out his cell phone as he is leaving the room. Carlisle walks back in with Esme, motioning for me to come with them they take me into my room. Laying me down on the bed, they position themselves on either side of my neck.
"Are you ready sweetheart?"
"Yes dad and mom, I am ready to join you forever."
They lean in both kissing my neck gently before biting down, their teeth slicing through my skin like a butter knife through bread. The fire begins to spread, I feel another person enter the room. I push down on my body locking it down so no one hears the pain I am going through. Feels like molten hot lava running through my veins.
I hear voices whispering but I can't make out what they are saying, the fire is raging burning me from the inside out. It pulses with life that it is taking away from me with every beat of my heart. I feel cool hands on me, but they are not doing anything for the burn. Why oh why aren't they putting the fire out? Why are they allowing me to burn to death.
Ok things just got weirder, I have noticed for months the whole thing with Bella, Edward and Alice. I haven't said anything to anyone about it because it's not my place to say but tonight was the last straw it seems with Bella. I don't know her well at all and that's not my, nor Bella's fault. That would be the doing of the dynamic duo. The bopsy twins who don't let anyone do anything they want to do, instead they force the situation to their control. I am getting sick of it as much as Bella is, I think it is time for me to join my brother and his mate. Wait here comes Bella with Emmett, what the hell where's Edward?
He always has his nose stuck up Bella's ass, something must have happened for him not to be there now. I mean seriously Emmett and I were thinking of getting Edward a jar of Vaseline for his nose so he doesn't get chafed with his nose there. Wait is she asking to speak to Carlisle and Esme alone. Yes, yes she is.
Every one exits the house and corners Emmett, asking what the hell is going on? Emmett starts fidgeting shifting from one foot to another looking extremely uncomfortable.
"Bella broke up with Edward. She is asking Carlisle to change her now, oh and boy let me tell you Rosie you would be so proud of Belly-boo. She put Edward so far in his place that he was just standing there with shock all over his face like she hit him across his face with his own penis." Rose reached up and smacked the back of Emmett's head hard as my cell phone started to go off. I answered it quietly and started walking away from everyone.
"Jasper son we need you back at the house for a moment."
"I will be there in a few moments Carlisle. I am on my way there now."
Quickly snapping my phone shut I start running to the house, minutes later I stride through the front door hearing Carlisle call out to me. "Up here son."
I walk quietly up the stairs coming to rest in front of Carlisle's study, I reach out and push the door open as gently as I possibly can.
"Please may I speak with him somewhat privately?" Nodding their approval they leave the room closing the door behind them.
"Jasper I needed to talk to you about your brother." What The Fuck! Why the hell does she want to know about that fucker for? Ok maybe she isn't talking about Peter. Maybe she is talking about Edward, with this in mind I answer.
"Why Bella?"
"Because Jasper, I received a phone call from him earlier. He was saying that I was his mate, he knew my name without me telling him and he said he just knows shit. To be quite honest, I think it's a bunch of bullshit and quite creepy."
Ok so she is talking about Peter, wait did she say that he told her she's his mate. YES she did. I am sure the shock I was feeling was not only projecting around the house but my face was probably showing it as well. I mean fuck didn't she just break up with Edward and wait what, what the hell happened to Char?
My mind still unable to think correctly with all these thoughts going through it I answer, "He does just know shit, however I don't know what to make of this seeing as he has a mate already. At least I am sure he does, after all I let them leave Maria's camp together and they rescued me. That's another story enough of the curiosity for now."
Noticing that she is fidgeting with her bottom lip in between her teeth. Fuck my god is that sexy. WHOA! Hold the fuck up this is Bella we don't think Bella is sexy do we? Yes I think we do, and I think we have for quite a while. Well that is interesting to say the least.
"I thought he was pulling my leg about the mate thing. Well I see that I am right, enough of that call Carlisle. Oh by the way he said he will be here in three days."
"WHAT! Carlisle Bella wants you."
As I am leaving the room my cell phone starts buzzing with a text, pulling it out I take a look at the screen. Fucker she's not just my mate, now get rid of the pixie bitch and get your head on straight. I will explain about Char when I get there. What the fuck! Did he just tell me Bella is both of our mates? Buzz, Yes I did now get a move on it. Well fuck that explains a lot.
At this point I realize I am standing quite still probably in shock at the realization that I have been lied to by the Pixie and the Mind-Fucker. Hey what else is new, I mean come on though, I wonder for how long the midget knew. Oh well I mean fuck it, I need to get rid of midget from hell.
Walking into Bella's room, I tell Carlisle I need to discuss a divorce from Alice with him.
"Why are you divorcing her Jasper?"
"I just found out she has been lying to me for quite a while Carlisle. What would you do if you found out your Wife was lying to you about being your Mate when she is farthest from the truth. Oh and not to mention the fact that my true mate is lying right there only I don't get her completely to myself. No I get to share her with my brother. Damn right I am divorcing the pixie, she is damn lucky that I don't kill her for this."
Carlisle standing there nodding his head replies, "Of course I will call Jenks and get things under way."
"I don't think you fully understand Carlisle, I want this divorce done and over with by the time that Isabella is awake. Please see to it, and l will sign the papers when they arrive. Trust me when I say she will sign them or she will be missing body parts."
"I fully understand son, it will be done as quickly as Jenks can possibly do it."
Finally my mate is ready, now to get rid of the woman who has suffocated me since the Major left us in Philadelphia then join my brother and our mate.
"Char it is over between us, you knew this day would come. Mine and the Major's mate is ready for us. She is in the midst of being changed as we speak, and he will be getting rid of the pixie. The time has come for us to separate and for you to find your true mate. I hope that we can remain friends, wait scratch that I am not sure we can really remain friends after what all you put me through."
Tears welled up in her eyes but would never fall. Her fists curl up into little balls of rage, her anger slamming into me so hard you don't have to be an empath to feel it.
"You son of a bitch, you are going to leave me your wife of several decades for a little whore whom you don't even know yet." She didn't just say my angel is a whore did she. YES I believe she did, fuck where does she get off calling anyone a whore when she cheats on me all the time. Sure I am alright with her cheating seeing as I wasn't exactly faithful to her either however that's a far stretch calling Isabella a whore.
"Woman stop your blathering about Isabella being a whore. If anything you are the whore and it would be prudent for you not to be talking about anyone else, especially someone who isn't even here to defend herself." By this time I am getting really, really pissed off with this woman.
"It's a very good thing I do not hit women or you would be burning right now. Do not ever talk about my mate like that again. Just be damn glad that the Major was not here to hear you disrespect our mate." If she were human her face would be a bright purple color from her anger. I can seriously see her straining very hard not to hit me, knowing that if she does it will be the last thing she does woman or not.
"Fine, I will pack my stuff and leave but keep in mind that I will be back. I will make sure your mate knows you for exactly who you are." Like that threat will work, she already knows much of Jasper's past all I need to do is fill her in on the part I played in it.
Char packs quickly throwing all of her clothing into a bag, taking the keys to the car, the extra cash and walking out the door. Whew! I am glad she is gone, but even as I think this my early warning system goes off and I know she will be back to make good on her threat causing trouble with our mate. FUCK MY LIFE, why can't anything ever be simple. Find mate, settle down and be happy no I get stuck with psycho bitch. It could be worse I could be dealing with Pixie-boyish mayhem maker and stalker-ward.
Now to make a phone call, to let my mate I am coming for her. I dial the number and hit send. After a few rings she picks up I can hear her big bear of a brother in the background.
"Hello?" A timid voice answers. Well we will have to change that a little, we can't have our mate being timid with us.
"Well sweet cheeks it's about time you stood up for yourself. I can't wait to meet you my mate." Silence follows my statement as she tries to figure out if this is some sort of joke. Sorry darlin' this is no joke I think to myself.
"Um, who is this? Are you sure you have the right number?" I hear growling coming from her big brother, damn I think he has figured out who I am by the sound of my voice. I am going to have to deal with an overprotective brother, shit, fuck, damn, FUCK MY LIFE.
"Yes, I am sure I have the right number Isabella." I say very calmly even though I am far from it.
"Sissy hand me the phone now, I know the voice on that phone and it is not human." The big asshole she calls a brother says.
"Peter this better not be a fucking joke, my sister has been hurt enough without your help. I will not put up with a prank like this with my sister." Now wait one moment does he really think I would deliberately hurt his sister. Yes, yes indeed he does.
"Chill out Emmett this is not a joke or a prank. I am her mate along with one other person who I will leave nameless for now." The conversation continues on with me giving him a few more details without letting him know that the man he and I both call brother is her other mate.
Finally the conversation ends with him yelling at me, "I swear Peter if you hurt my sister and this is some sick game I will kill you. I don't care if you are Jasper's brother or not." Okay is this dumb-shit for real, I already told him that I wasn't joking or playing a game. He hands the phone back to Isabella, and I hear silence for a while before I hear him tell her that I am still on the phone.
"Okay Peter, I'll bite how do you know that we are mates and quite honestly how do you know me?"
"Well sugar," my drawl coming out thickly as it does when I am getting worked up about something. "Since you asked so nicely, I just know shit."
Now she is thinking about whether or not she will be becoming a vampire so I quickly tell that she will and that Carlisle is the one who will turn her. Shit now she is comparing me to the pixie whore OH HELL NO!
"Now Isabella don't compare me to the pixie, I am nothing like her. I don't see the future, I just KNOW SHIT!" I yell at her not really meaning to, FUCK now I have pissed her off.
"Well Peter if what you say is true I will see you in three days' time. Until then don't call back on this number I have some thinking to do." And with that she hung up on me. WHAT THE FUCK, this is seriously starting to piss me off. I will most definitely be having a talk with her when we meet. A while later I know she is done telling Jasper that she is my mate, what the fucker don't know yet is she is also his mate. The somewhere along the line he starts freaking out about feeling something for her, so I text him.
Fucker she's not just my mate, now get rid of the pixie bitch and get your head on straight. I will explain about Char when I get there. He is now questioning whether I said our so I answer him again. Yes I did now get a move on it. This has been a long as day it's time to relax before I have to leave to go to see them
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