fStandard disclaimer: In Plain Sight belongs to USA Networks, their creators and the tallented folks who bring the show to life. This work is meant to express my love for the show, there is no profit to be made from the story.
Canary on a Land Mine
Sometimes life takes unexpected turns. Sometimes these turns bring about understanding and growth, sometimes not. Sometimes we think we have everything under control, and occasionally we're right. More often than not, we aren't… - - Mary Shannon
Arkansas - 5 Days ago
"It's a very brave thing you're doing…"
It was District Attorney Marlin's way of soothing his own nerves. Reassure the witness, keep them calm… let them know their help is appreciated.
The woman drew a deep breath and nodded, but he couldn't help but notice the way she bit her lip. She knew she was risking her life—she knew what volunteering meant, and more importantly knew what could happen if she didn't.
"We'll have U.S. Marshals with you at all times."
She took the news in and mulled it over. He could barely hear her whispered response. "I just want to see Escobar behind bars."
He gave a slight smile. She'd do.
She sat down and let her breath out slowly. "What do you want to know?"
U.S. Marshal Mary Shannon watched through the mirrored glass as the lead investigator took over and began questioning the woman.
The woman's voice was soft, her answers consistent and to the point. Her expression was one of honesty, but Mary couldn't help but notice the way she looked to the side and down when she'd describe things.
"Hey Marshall," she called to her partner. "When a person's lying, do they look to the left or the right?"
"Left and down," her partner answered before launching into an explanation of his answer. "Some people believe it's because they're accessing the right side of their brain: the center for creativity, but many feel that the research is inconclusive, given the relatively small size of their sample population in comparison to that of the human race…"
"Yeah Marshall," she said rolling her eyes. "Thanks."
Marshall turned back to the interview, trying to see whatever it was Mary had noticed. "You think she's lying," he commented in a sing-song voice.
Mary turned towards him with a derisive snort. "Yeah I think she's lying."
"Twenty bucks."
"You're on."
The exit interview finished, the lead investigator stood and signaled the marshals into the interrogation room. Mary gathered herself together and schooled her features before exiting the room.
She was waiting for Marshall to join her when a technician bumped her on his way past. "Oops, sorry," he said awkwardly as he tried to keep from hitting Mary with his tool case.
"No worries," she answered as she dodged a man carrying a tray of coffees towards some waiting agents.
"Busy place," Marshall observed as he eyed his partner.
"Let's get this over with," Mary answered as an agreement and opened the door to the interrogation room.
The ADA stood and shook the witness' hand.
"Thank you Ms. Manning. These are Marshals Shepherd and Miller, they'll be taking you to the trial."
Mary watched the woman as she too stood and offered her hand to the two marshals. Her handshake was almost like holding a dead fish. He hand was cold and limp. Once the introductions were done she gestured for the woman to sit down.
"I know you've been briefed by the District Attorney, but we'd like to go over our safety protocols with you."
She watched the woman sit back down and listen to her, looking for signs of deceit or potential problems. "While we're together, you will listen to what I or Marshal Miller tell you. You'll be wearing a ballistic vest at all times…"
The witness nodded, her eyes finally meeting Mary's. "What about the two of you?"
Mary smiled. "Believe me, we're wearing ours as well, they're just under our jackets, now let's get started shall we?"
While Mary ran through the protocols, Marshall studied the woman, mentally comparing her reactions to her case file. The woman seemed appropriately anxious and nervous. It was a lot to take in. Hell, he'd had classmates that had mustered out before graduation when they'd gotten a similar talk on security.
He winced slightly when he noticed the gleam in Mary's eyes as she sensed her witness' tension. 'Go easy on her,' he thought as he shifted in his seat.
Mary looked up at him and for a moment it looked as if she'd heard his thought. "Do you have something to add Marshall?"
"No, you've got it covered," he answered. He wasn't sure what was going on, but he knew Mary had a 'feeling' about this one.
Mary continued to lay down the law and then finally took a deep breath. "Do you have any questions?"
Isabelle, their witness, looked at her hands for a moment, almost as if she was willing them to stop shaking. "I…"
She paused and shook her head. She either had no questions or way too many and Mary was betting on the latter.
"Just follow our lead, and we'll get you to the trial."
It was a promise and the woman gave them a hopeful smile.
With their charge carefully wrapped in a ballistic vest, Mary and Marshal led her to a line of three black SUVs parked in the basement. As they moved in, Mary opened the rear passenger side door and nodded inside.
The woman gave a furtive glance around before slipping into the SUV.
As Mary led the witness to the vehicle, Marshall took a final look around and watched as the other pairs of Marshals climbed into their SUVs. He waited for Mary's and did a final check on the outside of the SUV before walking around to the driver's side.
As far as assignments went, it wasn't that bad. Move a bank teller from the Federal Building in Arkansas to the airport, then on to Denver. If everything went according to plan, they'd be in Denver with four days to lay low before the trial.
He winced at the thought, berating himself for letting his concentration slip, or worse jinxing the whole thing.
As Marshall climbed into the SUV Mary stared at him. "Tell me you weren't thinking about how easy this would be…"
He turned giving her a semi apologetic look.
"God Marshall, Horst was supposed to be easy… remember?"
Marshall gave her look of exaggerated fear and made a nasal laughing sound that seemed to say she was not being funny.
This only seemed to make his partner smile.
In the back seat their charge shifted slightly unsure how to take the marshals' interaction.
Marshall started the SUV and waited as the first SUV left the garage.
"We're going to wait for a bit here, then head out," Marshall said for their passenger's benefit. He looked at her through the rear view mirror. She still seemed a bit jumpy, but he could definitely understand that.
The woman met his gaze briefly before giving him a shy smile. He watched a little while longer, noticing her relax just a little more.
The drive to Adams Field was uneventful, but as they passed the main turn off, Isabelle sat up slightly. "That… was…"
Marshall caught her eye in the rearview mirror. "It's okay. We're going to a private strip."
His voice was calm and relaxed. Mary had heard that tone many times before, calming, soothing; giving reason to an unreasonable world, but today it only seemed to put her on edge.
Isabelle for her part looked up but Marshall could still see she was growing more nervous. 'No wonder,' he thought. 'This is so far from normal for her.'
"We're going away from the commercial flights because they're hard to secure. We have a Gulfstream 150 waiting for us at the far side of the airport and that will take us straight through to Denver. We're going to be with you all the way there and we aren't going to let anything happen to you. Okay?"
She nodded, finally finding her voice. "Thank you."
"No worries, we aim to please…"
Mary gave a slightly derisive short. "We aim not to miss," she muttered under her breath, then added aloud, "There they are."
Mary sat up straight once again scanning the area.
A marshal stood at the gate, he had just started to open it when a pickup truck crested the hill. Rather than slowing down, the pickup accelerated, aiming directly for the passenger side of the SUV. He was going too fast and Mary knew it