The Union and Reunion

"Does this blanket look familiar Chakotay?" It was in the basket under Edward when I found him."

Chakotay could only look from Edward to the blanket and to his parents. His mother had made the blanket out of hides her husband bought from a peddler coming through the village. Nights could be cold and she wanted warmth around her first grandchild. She walked over to the blanket and stroked it as if it would tell a story. Then she looked at her grandson, so innocent in this whole drama.

"What is the matter Momma? Why is every one acting funny?"

Kathryn hugged her son and tried to explain, "you know that I love you very much don't you?"

"You're my mother, of course you love me."

"Edward, you know how Maud and I help ladies when they have babies in their bellies."

"Like when Mrs. Mulvane had Tommy in her belly? Did you help her?"

"No Maud helped her. But now I help because that's what I do. But I never carried you in my belly."

"How did you carry me?"

"I didn't. You see when you were a small baby I saw someone put a basket in a cave and run away. I looked in the basket and found you! I fed you and cleaned you up and have loved you ever since. You have been my son and no one is going to change that."

"But who carried me in their belly?"

"I think that the person who took Chakotay's son from him was the same person who put you in the cave."

"That would mean"…he turned to look at Chakotay. "Would that mean you're my father?"

"Edward, my son was taken from his cradle while I was on a sailing vessel. A woman who helped take care of him was mad at me because her husband died and she blamed me. She thought to punish me she took someone I loved very much. I looked all over when I returned but couldn't find you."

"Did you cry Chakotay?"

"Yes Edward, every night. So did every one here. We never stopped praying that you would somehow come back to us. And you did!"

"What about the person who carried me in her belly? Where is she?"

"My wife, your first mother, died soon after you were born. It was very sad. I loved her very much and she loved you very much. She got a fever but didn't get better like your mother did." He lovingly looked at Kathryn who was smiling through tears.

"She would have gotten better if Maud took care of her." Everyone was smiling now. Maud gave him a hug. "From the mouth of babes."

"Now every one, we've a lot to digest. Kathryn needs her rest and I'm thinking that this little family needs some time alone." Maud then shooed Mr. and Mrs. Voyage out of the room and followed. Mrs. Voyage left but not before kissing Edward on the head.

"Do you have any questions Edward?"

"When are you going to get better Momma? Are we going to move here with Chakotay or will he come to live in our house? People who are married are supposed to live together. Just like Joe and Samantha or Tom and Bella."

"Where would you want to live?"

"Here in this big castle. We'll go back home to Maud's house when you go sailing again. Does that sound OK?"

"How about we invite Maud to visit us here and maybe when you're older you'll come sailing with me."

"Can I Chakotay? Can I call you Papa like Momma called her father?"

"I would like that very much." With that he took the child in his arms and hugged him tightly.

Kathryn had convalesced for a month and continued to rest when they went home. Preparations were made for a feast at the castle. Kathryn needed to pack all their belongings for the trip back to the castle. After resting for a few weeks she began in earnest to pack, say goodbye to neighbors, and explain the situation to Friar Tuvok. It was her hope that whatever church was near Chakotay's castle, Edward would like the preacher. She also wanted to discuss things with the good Friar before leaving the area.

She walked to the chapel early one morning 1 week before leaving.

"Friar Tuvok" she called out.

"Yes my child."

"I would like to talk to you, about your God." With that the whole story of Edwards becoming her son, the kidnapping of Chakotay's son, the rescue of Muriel and her vision of her father. She was searching for something but she didn't know what.

"Kathryn, in all of those instances God's hand had put you in the right spot to do exactly what was right. He may not have caused those bad things to happen, but he gave you a gift. And you used that gift."

"What 'gift' do I have?"

"You are a healer Kathryn. Your compassion for others, your capacity for love knows no bounds. Those are things that Jesus told us to do for our father in Heaven. You are His eyes and hands on Earth. May His love grow more around you in your new life. Be well my child." With that he kissed her forehead while holding her hands.

"What if I don't live up to His expectations?"

"You already do Kathryn. Just be yourself"

Kathryn and Edward made two more trips to Chakotay's castle before the wedding to give Edward a chance to get to know his grandparents and father better. He spent time with each of them learning about his new found family and he told them all about himself and his mother. He was very proud of her and Maud and his life in their village. Kathryn tried to stay out of the way so her son could bond with his family. It was important for all of them to accept him now, not fret over what they missed over the years.

The wedding was the event of the year. Kathryn wanted the chapel to be full of flowers, a chapel she decided to join at Edward's encouragement.

"You'll see Momma, you can feel happiness there. You might even feel God's hug in there."

Mrs. Voyage's gown was fitted to her slender figure and she looked like a vision according to Chakotay. Edward walked her down the aisle and was seated in the first pew next to Maud. Friar Tuvok made the trip down at Chakotay's request and joined the happy couple in Holy Matrimony.

It was decided that a honeymoon on a ship was an exciting way to start their life together. Kathryn finally got her wish to be part of the 'Starfleet' ever since she first laid eyes on the ships.

"This is where I was meant to be Chakotay. I feel at home."

"You are home my love. And I'll always be by your side."

They embraced as the anchor was raised. They waved to the shore for a last goodbye to Edward and Chakotay's parents. They would be together forever.

(Present Day on Voyager)

Kathryn put the pad down. She checked the time and decided to call Neelix.

"Janeway to Neelix"

"Here Captain. Is there something I can do for you? Are you hungry?"

"I was wondering, when does the next edition of The Voyager Forum

come out?"

"Well, the first of the month is the usual publishing time. Is there something you wish to have included in it?"

"No. I was interested in a certain contributor. Do you know who wrote The Healer?"

"No captain. She has submitted all the chapters under a pen name. You are not the first person to inquire about her. If you like her work you can send in a review that I'll publish with the others."

"I'll send it to you then."

With that she composed a letter of admiration.

Dear Austen Jane,

I have just finished your story of The Healer and hope your characters find the peace and happiness that life has for them. Our Voyager family has come a long way together and is in need of the escape our imaginings can take us. Thanks for taking us on a ride with you.

A Fan

Kathryn put the pad down after pressing 'submit' She sat back and thought of the possibilities of what her life would be like if she and Chakotay had a real relationship.

"You are a coward Kathryn Janeway!" she said to herself. You need to take command of your life!"

At that time there was a chime at her quarters.

"Come in"

"Kathryn, I was wondering if you'd like to have a visitor?

"Chakotay, I would love you to visit. I would like to say that your visits during my confinement have been my salvation from going stir crazy. You make my day."

"It's been my pleasure."

"I hope they don't stop when I am released."

"We will continue to have our weekly dinner meetings to discuss ship's business as usual."

"I hope we can be together for things other than ship's business, if that's OK with you?"

"It's more than OK."

"You once told me you'd be by my side, will you keep your word?"

Sitting on the couch next to her he gave a command.

"Computer, lights at 35% illumination. Is this close enough to your side?"

"I think it is. I think it is very nice to have you by my side."

Sliding his arm behind her shoulder she put her arm behind his back and rested her head on his chest.

"I've imagined being like this for a long time."

"A long time wasted don't you think? Now, can you tell me what else you've imagined?"

"I'd rather show you."

It was time they left nothing to the imagination.

The End