(Hey guys, this is the last chapter. So lets get to the point, but one last thing this chapter is T but is kinda M-ish)

-The Next Day 9:00am-

Isabella laid in the humongous bed with the covers in a mess on top of her. She had barely anything on. When she turned to the left to check if anyone was their, however, all she found was a note attached to pillow with tape. It read:

"Gone to get our little angel, love Phin xoxoxo"

Isabella's straight face went from straight to a curved smile. She felt like her heart was put in an oven, and was slowly baked into a warm cake of love with a delicious filling of care. She noticed that her purse was on the desk next to the bed; she picked it up and searched through it. She found her cell phone, then flipped it open to check the time.

"It read "8:43 AM"

-3 streets away-

"Lets see hmmm..




And Czech... Republic!"

"Nice pun!"


Yup, I got everything I brought with me," Anna said as she smiled at her own joke.

"Aw, but that means you have to go," instantly the "U" on Anna's face turned, at Beth's remark.

"Don't worry, I'll come visit you next week, we'll have lots more fun!" Anna empathized energetically.

Just then they heard a faint knock on the door and then appeared Phineas. After making up a logical excuse for why her mother was not their to pick her up, and exchanged goodbyes, they stepped towards the chromatic, jet black, futuristic hover craft.

"Wow Daddy, I heard only the rich people could get these cars!"

"Better than that sweetheart, I custom made this one."

"Can I drive it, Daddy?"

"Hahaha... Not until you get a license honey... or you somehow find a way to move a vehicle without a steering wheel," Phineas said, wiggling his eyebrows.

After they arrived at the mansion, they were greeted with a massive amount of food, which was hard to call breakfast.

"Honey, what's all this you've made?" Phineas asked, torn between a euphoric smile, and a questioning look.

"Well, I just decided that since you've been so good to me, and Anna I should be good to you for once..."

They all smiled, and before you know it their eating like there at a Christmas Bash with only one piece of turkey left.

"Daddy, where are we going?"

"Oh you'll see soon enough," he smirked as he drove down to excellently familiar street. He past by an even familiar household to his love, and parked at the street opposite... The Flynn household... The old Flynn household

"Yay, we're going to see grandma Linda!"

"Oh not today sweetie, she's at the Antique Shop," Isabella informed.

They all got out of the car and headed to the backyard.

"This is where me, Mommy, and Uncle Ferb built our projects when were younger, like the roller coast, you remember that don't you... Mommy." Phineas joked.

She giggled, "Yes, yes I do."

Phineas continued to show them things; after the tour Phineas and Isabella reminisced the carvings they had made when they were younger.

"Hey, you remember this one?" Isabella squealed.

"How can I forget? You know, Isabella I always knew I would do this to you one day ever since we met, but I never expected it to be like this," Phineas said, looking away

"Would do you mean?" Isabella asked, tilting her head to the side.

"I mean I love you, and I want to take it further, because I missed a step." Phineas reached into his pocket and took out a small creme velvet box...

The End...

Of The Prologue...

Coming February 2012... "A Day in Our Life"