Hi, so yeah, it's been a while. Sorry.

I would like to thank my beta, as always doing a great job and I'm very grateful. Thanks.

They had been back one day and they had called everyone to let them know. Abby was the first to drop by. Gibbs had gone to get some groceries, leaving Tony and Abby alone in the basement.

"So? How was it?" Abby asked with an excited curiosity.

"Abby, it was wonderful…no work, no phones, nothing. We did not see another person for two weeks!" Tony answered with a blissed-out look on his face.

"Did you want to come back?"

"I wanted to see you," he smiled.

"Thank you, Tony bear."

"I'll tell you, Abby, Jet didn't raise his voice once."

Abby smirked. "It must be because he wasn't at work."

Tony grinned. "Yeah. In a way, I want to go back to work but in another way I don't. I told McGee and Ziva we would be fine but I don't want to see Jet shouting and snapping at me again."

"He won't, Tony," she said shaking her head. She didn't believe Gibbs would go back to the way things used to be.

"I have been thinking of asking Jen to move me to another team."

Abby's eyebrows raised in surprise. "Why?"

Tony looked at the floor as he answered. "I just think it would be easier. I want to be with Jet for the rest of my life but if work gets in the way…..."

"Then don't let it!" she said fiercely. "Look… give it a few weeks and see how it goes. Gibbs loves you and if you both want this enough you will be able to work it out."

"Ok… a few weeks. But if it doesn't work out I think I'll go," he answered quietly.

Gibbs was coming down the stairs and heard Tony's last sentence. He hadn't heard anything before then and his heart dropped to his feet thinking that Tony was going to leave him.

"What do you mean you'll go?" he yelled at Tony, anger and fear in his voice.

Tony jumped up. He and Abby both turned to look at the shaken man.

"No, Jet…" Tony began.

"You're leaving me if we don't work out after a few weeks?" Gibbs raged unable to understand what had happened that could make Tony want to leave him.

Abby tried to explain. "Not y….."

"I thought you loved me, Tony?" his heart breaking.

Tony replied, desperate to ease the pain he was hearing. "I do, Jet, more than anything!"

"BUT YOU'RE ONLY GIVING US A FEW WEEKS THEN YOU'RE OUT OF HERE?" he shouted, anger winning over in his internal struggle.

Tony pleaded. "NO, STOP…"

Gibbs shook his head, tears in his eyes "How could you do this after the last three weeks? It was perfect!"

Tony stepped towards him. "Ok… Stop it, Jet, and let me talk, will you?"

Gibbs' shoulders dropped and he walked back up the stairs. As he reached the top he turned and said, "No. I know what I heard." And then he turned and left.

"Jet, wait…" Tony called.

He heard the front door close and turned to Abby and sighed "Well, that's just perfect…"

Abby was very worried about how badly things had gone. "Where do you think he will go?"

"I don't know but I have to talk to him. I'll give you a call later, Abby."

Giving her a quick kiss on the cheek he turned and ran up the stairs, grabbing his car keys and phone he slammed the door shut as he ran to the car. He tried calling Gibbs but found Gibbs had turned his phone off. He made his way to the office but found he wasn't there, so he called Jenny, McGee, Ziva and Ducky. They all said they hadn't seen Gibbs.

He was getting more and more frustrated and worried about where Jethro could have gone when it hits him. He knows where he is.

Tony pulls up outside of Tobias's house and sees Jethro's car. He breathes a sigh of relief and gets out.

He walks to the front door and rings the bell.

"Tony," Tobias greeted as he opened the door.

Tony huffed. "Can I talk to the idiot, please, Tobias?"

Tobias shrugged. "Sure, but he's a little upset."

Tony sighed. "Yeah, I know. He heard the end of a conversation and took it the wrong way."

"He's in the living room with a glass of scotch. Go on in."

"Thanks, Tobias. I'm sorry to do this in your home but I might shout a little."

Tobias smirked. "That's ok… but he might shout back."

Tobias showed him to the living room. He pushed the door open and they both walked in.

Jethro turned at the sound and looked at them. He went to say something but Tony cuts him off by shouting, "YOU IDIOT!" at him.

Gibbs is a little shocked, as is Tobias, by the anger in Tony's voice.

"WHAT IS THE MATTER WITH YOU….?" he continued.

Gibbs stuttered. "Me… what…?"




He turned away from Jethro and looked at Tobias, who's eyebrows were nearly reaching his hairline. "Thanks, Tobias, and sorry again."

He turned back to Gibbs, who had his head down and was looking into his glass.

"Dinner will be ready at 7," he said. "If you're not home it's going to the dog."

"We don't have a dog," Jethro stated, looking rather confused.

Tony scoffed, grinding his teeth. "Then I'll get one, Jet. And it's a figure of speech, idiot."

With that he turned around and walked out the door, closing it behind him.

Gibbs looked at Tobias, who had a big grin on his face, "Shut up."

Tobias didn't stop grinning "I never said a thing but Tony's right… you are an idiot."

"Thank you, Tobias, and I know."

"Are you going after him?"

Gibbs sighed. "He seems pretty pissed."

"I never thought I would hear anyone speak to you like that and live. The kid's got balls," Tobias chuckled in admiration.

"Yeah well… this is a home thing. He has the right."

Tobias smirked. "Especially when he is right."

Gibbs groaned. "Ok, stop… I'm in the wrong. I know that."

"You should tell him that."

"Do you think he wants a dog?" Gibbs asked.

Tobias starts laughing at him while he fills his glass.

Gibbs shook his head. "I've had too much to drink. Would you take me to a pet store?"

"You're serious? You're going to get a dog?" Tobias asked in surprise.

"I've always wanted one and Tony has never been in a place long enough to keep one."

"Forget the pet store. I'll take you to a shelter. Tony would want that," Tobias stated.

Gibbs nodded. "Yeah. A shelter sounds better."

Tobias started laughing. "Come on. We better go you have to be home by 7."

Gibbs grimaced. "Shut up."

They got their coats and left the house. At the animal shelter they are shown the dogs and puppies by the attendant, Rita.

"So, gentlemen, what kind of dog are you looking for?" she enquired.

"I have no idea. Could we just look around?" Gibbs asked.

"Sure. We have puppies and dogs of most ages."

They walked down the cages and looked at the dogs and puppies that were there when Gibbs stopped at one of the cages.

"What's the matter with these two?" Gibbs frowned, looking at two dogs sitting there shaking.

"Oh, they were brought in last week." Rita replied.

"They look terrified," he said.

"Well, as you can see they are greyhounds. Some sick people decided they weren't good enough and dumped them on the side of the road. That's where we found them. They will not leave each other. We tried but they just cried until we put them in the same cage again."

"Greyhounds need a lot of exercise, right?"

"Racing dogs need lots of exercise. If you want them to be pets they are just like any other dog. A walk and to be looked after, that's what they need," she informed him.

"Do they have names?" Gibbs asked.

"No. They had no I.D., no chip… nothing," she said.

"If we gave them names, would they respond?"

"Sure," Rita answered. "Given time. Look. All they need is to be in a good home with loving people that won't abuse them."

"Oh, we wouldn't abuse them in any way. They could even have their own room," Gibbs stated with a soft smile.

"Ok," she said. "Well, they are about two. They could be brothers."

"I'll take them," Gibbs decided.

"Both of them?" Rita asked.

"Yeah, you said they don't like being separated."

"Jethro, don't you think you should ask Tony before bringing two dogs home?" Tobias questioned.

"Tony will love them."

"Ok," said Tobias, "but you are not living with me when he throws you out."

"Trust me… he will love them." Jethro said with a warm smile.

"I have no problem believing he will love the dogs but you are already in the dog house, pardon the pun," Tobias said with a chuckle.

"And this will get me out of it. Don't worry, it will be fine," Gibbs replied chuckling quietly to himself also.

"Ok, gentlemen," Rita said. "I have some forms for you to fill out."

"Can I buy beds and stuff here?" Gibbs thought to ask.

"Yes," she replied. "We have everything you need."

"Great," he said, rubbing his hands together.

"What do you do for a living?" Rita asked.

Gibbs replied "I'm a Fed."

"It's just- normally we like to check the home before you can take the pets," she said.

Gibbs nodded in understanding. "I'll give you my card. Do you think you could check later on in the week?"

"You're a federal agent- and you, sir?"

"So am I," Fornell answered her "but they won't be living with me. But his partner is also a Fed. You have my word nothing will happen to put the dogs' at risk."

She shrugged. "Ok, I'll give you a week but I must insist on a home visit."

"No problem," Gibbs assured her.

"And you're paying to have the inside of my car cleaned," Fornell told him with a smirk.

Gibbs nodded "Fine."

They left to go to the office to fill out the necessary paperwork and then bought out the shelter's pet supplies of two beds, collars, leads, dried foods, canned foods, bowls, chews and lots of toys.

After putting all the goodies into the car, they then headed back into the kennel to get the dogs from their cage.

Rita opened the cage door and Gibbs called to the dogs.

"Come on, guys."

They just sat there and looked at him.

"Come on," he said. "We're going home."

Still nothing…

Gibbs looked at Tobias. "Well, help me out here."

"Go in and get them," he suggested.

Gibbs turned to Rita "They're not aggressive, are they?'


"Tobias, go back to the car and get their new leashes and collars, will you?"

"Sure," came the answer.

Gibbs crawled into the cage with the dogs and sits down with them but they don't come to him as he'd hoped. He continued to just sit there and waited for Tobias to come back with the leashes and collars.

When he does, Gibbs puts on the collars and clips the leashes to them, then he slowly backs out of the cage. He gives a small tug but the dogs still refuse to move.

"Ok that's it… come on," Gibbs said, tugging on the leashes yet again.

"This is ridiculous, Tobias. I can find terrorists but I can't get two dogs out of a cage."

Tobias grinned. "Jethro, I don't want to rush you but it 6:30."

"Oh crap. I have to be home for 7 or Tony will flip," Gibbs grumbled.

"Go in and pick them up," Fornell offered up in amusement.

"Fine. I'll pass you one and I'll take the other."

"You're paying to have my suit cleaned too, then," he stated with a laugh.

"Fine! Now shut up and help before I really do end up in the doghouse."

"It's a good job I like dogs or you would be walking home," he replied, genuinely amused at the whole situation.

Gibbs crawled back into the cage and grabbed one of the dogs, which he then passed to Tobias before going back and grabbing the other dog. They say thank you and goodbye to Rita before they head to the car with the still shaking animals.

When they pull up to the house Gibbs turns to Tobias and says, "Come on."

Tobias whined "Do I have to go?"

"I can't get both dogs and all their beds and stuff by myself, Tobias."

Tobias huffed and said " Well, don't blame me if Tony kicks you out."

Gibbs got out of the car and took all the beds and stuff and put them on the porch. He then went back to the car and picked up one of the dogs, which were both cowering in the back seat, while Tobias grabbed the other.

They went into the house and put the dogs on the floor at their feet. Both dogs continued shivering and backed themselves into a corner just looking at the men in fear. Gibbs looked back at them and sighed.

Tony walked out of the kitchen and saw Jethro and Tobias narrowing his eyes, not yet seeing the two dogs cowering in the corner.

Gibbs manned up and went on the defensive. "Ok, before you say anything, I'm sorry about this afternoon. It was my fault- all of it."

Tony just crossed his arms and said "It's 7: 10, Jet, and your dinner is in the bin."

"I have a good reason," Jethro argued.

Tony smirks at him.

"Unless you were kidnapped, no- you don't have a good reason. So I'm going to my apartment for the night. I still have things to pack and, to be honest, I can't be bothered to argue right now. Not only did you think so little of me that you thought I would break our relationship up after a few weeks but you shouted and jumped to conclusions from a private conversation I was having with Abby. Then you stormed out of our home without giving me a chance to explain. Then I drove around the city looking for you and when I found you, you were sitting on Tobias's couch drinking. Then I give you a chance to come home and leave this afternoon behind and you're late- even though I told you dinner was at 7. So I'll sleep at the apartment tonight and you can stay here, play with your boat and get drunk with your friend."

He turns away from the other men but then turns back and looks at Fornell. "Tobias, do I sound like a wife?"

Tobias laughed "A little, Tony."

"Christ, I've turned in to a woman. I'll get you for this, Jet, just see if I don't."

"I have something that might make you feel better?" Jethro tried.

"Unless you bought me a Jag, I don't think so," Tony scoffed heading to get his coat at the front door. He put it but then does a double-take when he spots the dogs.

"Er… Jet, there are two dogs cowering in the corner of the living room."

"I know."

"You do?"

"Yeah… we kind of went to the pound," he explained.

Tobias jumped in "Not my idea, Tony."

"Hey!" Gibbs protested.

"Ok, let me get this right. After I shouted at you this afternoon you both went to the pound and got two dogs?" Tony asked.

"Yeah," Gibbs smiled. "They're Greyhounds!"

"I can see that, Jet, but why?"

"I thought seeing as we're living together we should get a dog," said Gibbs, who was still rather proud of the idea he'd had.

Tony looks at them. "But two dogs?"

Gibbs said rather sheepishly "I know. They don't like being separated."

"Oh, ok. And they look a little shaken, Jet, what did you do?"

Jethro felt rather affronted at the suggestion that he'd done something to upset the animals. "Nothing! They were like that at the pound. They just need a good home."

"So you brought them here?"

"I thought you would like them?" Jethro said, wondering if this was all a bad idea now.

"Oh, I love dogs and they are cute."

"They were dumped on the side of the road," Jethro explained. "They won't come to Tobias or me. They just huddle together and shake. I felt sorry for them."

"They won't come to you?"

"No," Jethro said feeling a little put out about it still.

"Ok well… did you get some things for them?" Tony asked.

Tobias answered him, heading for the door at the same time. "I'll get everything from the porch."

As Tobias went out the door Tony re-hung his coat. After Tobias had brought everything in and put it on the floor, Tony went through the bags and found two chews.

"Ok," Tony said "You two take a seat and try not to frighten them."

Gibbs and Tobias sat down on the couch facing the two dogs while Tony walked over to the dogs and slid down the wall so that he was sitting right next to them. The dogs both looked at him but Tony looked away, playing with the chews in his hands. After a few minutes he rubs his finger over the front leg of the dog closest to him. The dog looked down at what he was doing but Tony continues on, not saying a word. He then rubs his finger over the other front leg before moving it up to the dog's chest and rubbing softly.

After a few minutes, the dog licked his hand. Tony put down the chew and lifted both hands and scratched behind the dog's ears. The dog barked at Tony and licked his face. Tony then gave him one of the chews. The dog moved over and laid between Tony's legs, happily chewing away.

Tony repeated the same process with the remaining dog and it doesn't take long for the other dog to be happily munching away also. Half an hour later both dogs' are across Tony's legs busy chewing on their chews.

"Ok, doggies, I'm Tony," he told them. The dogs looked up at him and they both jumped up to lick at his face.

"Well thank you," he told them "You will be living here now."

"That was amazing, Tony," Gibbs said with a stunned look on his face.

Tobias agreed whole-heartedly "Yeah, it was!"

He stroked the dogs as they finished their chews and said, as he looked down at them, "All they needed was a little time and a little love. When something is abused and abandoned and someone shows them kindness and they can be sure they are not going to be hurt by them, they latch on to them and start to trust. These dogs know that I won't hurt them because I took my time and didn't force them to come to me. I didn't shout at them and I didn't hit them. I waited for them to come to me. It didn't take as long as I thought so it should be easy to get them to trust you both, too."

"Ok," Gibbs said "What did we do?"

"We?" Tobias repeated with one eyebrow raised in question.

Gibbs nodded his head. "These dogs need to learn to trust you, Tobias."

"Ok," Tony cut in "Go and get four chews out the bag and sit on the floor resting your backs against the couch, both of you."

As the men move to do as Tony asked Tony gets up and moves to sit between the two men as they sat down again. He took two of the chews off them and said "Ok, don't look at them."

After a few minutes the first dog that had trusted Tony got up and walked over to him, sitting at his feet.

Tony looked at him and smiled. "Hello," he said.

He then turned to Gibbs and said "Ok, move your hand and do what I did, but take your time."

Gibbs did as Tony instructed while Tony looked toward the other dog. "You want a chew, Toby?"

Tobias choked. "Toby?"

"That's his name- Tobias," Tony said, while Gibbs chuckled from the other side of him.

"Why Toby?" Tobias asked.

"You brought him home and he looks like you," Tony said with a cheeky grin on his face.

Tobias pouted "He does not!"

"I think he does and he needs a name- so it's Toby!"Tony said adamantly.

Tobias huffed.

"Toby," Tony asked again "would you like a chew?"

The dog got up and went to sit by his brother.

"Ok, Tobias," Tony said "you're up and be nice to your namesake."

"Fine." Tobias starts with his front leg.

Tony turned his head and saw Gibbs scratching the dog's ears. He waited until the second dog was happy with Tobias, then got up. The dogs looked at him so he patted them both on head and stepped away but stayed in their line of sight. Gibbs and Tobias carried on petting the dogs until their focus was back on them.

After a while the first dog moved closer to Gibbs, so he gave him his chew. The second dog did the same, so Tobias gave him his chew. Tony took the chews he had in his hands and gave them to Gibbs and Tobias.

"Now trade dogs," he said.

Tony walked away leaving them to it. He set out the beds and filled their new bowls with food. He also put two chew toys in their beds. After a while he went back into the living room to find both dogs laying between them, getting petted while Gibbs and Tobias talked. Tony walked over and passed them a cup of coffee then sat in the chair. The dogs got up and lay down at his feet.

"So we have Toby… we need another name," Tony said to the men.

Gibbs and Tobias got up and sat on the couch.

"Rex?" Gibbs suggested.

Tony scoffed. "We can't call one Toby and the other one Rex."

Tobias spoke up. "Ok, so change Toby!"

Tony indignantly said "No, stop it! That's his name."

Gibbs laughed at Tobias. The dogs looked up but pay very little attention to the noise. They puts their heads back down.

"Leroy!" Tony exclaimed.

Tobias started laughing, which the dogs pay no attention to at all.

Gibbs groaned. "Oh god, Tony. Really?"

Tony nodded. "Yes. Do you really want to fight with me on this?" he said with his eyebrow raised in challenge.

Gibbs lowered his head while Tobias and Tony laugh at him.

"Excellent. Toby and Leroy it is," Tony said with a huge smile on his face.

"What if we call him Lee. I mean, Leroy is a big name," Gibbs tried.

"Nice try, Jet, but he's called Leroy and that's final. Now, who wants some Bolognaise?"

"I thought you said you put my dinner in the bin!"

"I'm not going to throw good food away, Jet. I made a pot full so there's enough for the three of us."

"Thanks, Tony," Tobias said.

"No problem," he replied. "Show the dogs round the house, will you, Jet?"

"Show them around?" Gibbs asked, not sure that he had heard right.

"Yes. You know… let them walk and have a look around each room, including the basement, then bring them back and they can have something to eat and play in the garden."

"You sure about this, Tony?"

"They have to know that this is their house too, Jet."

"Ok then, if you say so." Gibbs got up and walked over to the dogs. "Come on then," he said to them.

Tony laughed as the dogs just sat and looked at Gibbs. "They don't know what you want, Jet."

"Ok. Well, how do I get them to follow me when they don't know their names yet?"

"Walk away and pat your leg but call them by their names so they can get used to it," Tony told him.

Gibbs does that and the dogs get up and follow him. Gibbs smiles at them and walks upstairs with them following right behind him.

"Come on into the kitchen, Tobias, while I put the pasta on."

They walk in to the kitchen. Tony turns the pans on again and sets a place for Tobias and fills his coffee cup again.

"How do you know so much about dogs, Tony?" Tobias asks curiously.

"I always wanted one, even when I was kid," Tony said "but I was scared of what my father would do to it, so I never asked. Then at Rhode Island I wasn't allowed one and after I couldn't afford one. Then I went to college, then the police academy and I didn't have time to take care of one. I was going to get one when I first started at Philly but the shit hit the fan so I was never at home. I was either at work or out at night trying to catch Brown. When I was at Baltimore P.D. I got a puppy. But when my father's friends came they killed him. I was hearth broken, so I decided I would never get another while my father was still after me. Now I don't have to worry. The reason I know so much about them is because since I was ten all I wanted was to have a dog that would be my friend and my family, so I read everything I could find about them so one day when my father was gone I would be ready to get one of my own. I was going to ask Jet if we could get one in a couple of weeks but he saved me the bother. I never thought I would have two."

Tony looked away from Tobias to see Jethro and the two dogs who were standing at either side of Jethro's legs. Tony got up and kissed Jethro on the cheek before looking down at the dogs and asking "You hungry?"

He walked over to their bowls and knelt down. Looking over at the two dogs he called to them "Toby, Leroy, this is where you guys eat." He slapped his leg and the two dogs moved to join him. He lifted their bowls up to them so they could sniff the food he'd put in them earlier. As they began eating their food he placed the bowls back onto the floor and left them to it.

"Baby, how many dogs do you want?" Gibbs asked softly.

Tony laughed. "Don't ask, Jet, or you might never get me away from the pound."

He went back to stirring the bolognaise.

"Well, we can't have kids… so?"

Tony turned from stirring the sauce and asked "Why not?"

"Well," Gibbs replied "the fact that we're both men might have something to do with it."

"There's adoption?"

"I don't think so, Tony. I'm forty-five."


"It's a little old to be starting a family."

Tony turned away back to the pasta saying "Yeah, you're right. It's not like we don't both have highly paid jobs or a nice home or the energy, right?"

Gibbs sighed. "Let's talk about this later, okay?"

"Sure," Tony softly replied.

"I'm going to show the dogs the garden," Gibbs said, getting up and opening the back door. The dogs go with him and he closes the door behind him.

As Tony began serving the pasta onto the three plates, Tobias said quietly "I think he was thinking of Kelly, Tony."

"I know," Tony replied "why do you think I let the matter drop."

"He might come around?" Tobias said, not wanting Tony to feel too sad about that delicate subject.

"Maybe. It's not the end of the world or anything if he's against it. I would just like to talk about it before he dismisses it out of hand. I'm not like his wives but he will have to get used to the fact that I won't be bullied or take his crap because he's in a bad mood. Also, he thinks because I had my say he had to get me two dogs to make up for being an idiot, when all he had to do was admit his mistake and come home for dinner. That would have been enough. I know his heart was in the right place and he did it for me but he didn't even ask me. I'm not angry or anything…"

"I understand, Tony. He just wants you to be happy after everything that has happened."

"I am happy, Tobias. For the first time in my life I can say I am happy and that's because of him," Tony said as he spooned the bolognaise onto the plates.

He placed the plates on the table and walked to the back door.

Opening it he called out. "Jet?"

"Yeah?" came the reply.

"Dinner's ready."

"Ok, I won't be a minute."

Tony walked out and stood close to him. "You ok?"

"Sure, baby."

"I love you, Jet."

"Even after today?" Jethro asked, his voice full of doubt.

Tony pulled Jethro to him and gives him a hug. He kissed his neck then pulled his head up to meet his eyes. "Lover, there is very little that could make me stop loving you and today was nowhere near that," he said firmly.

"I'm sorry, baby."

"I know," Tony said. "We won't mention it again. Now let's get inside and have dinner."

Gibbs smiled and leaned in closer to Tony's body. "Thank you, Tony. I know I can be a jackass sometimes."

Tony laughed. "But you're my jackass."

Gibbs grinned "Good."

"Thank you for the dogs, Jet. I love them." And he leaned in and kissed him soundly.

He led Jethro back into the house and closed the door behind them.

Gibbs started laughing at him.

"What?" Tony asked wondering what Gibbs found so amusing.

"You forgot Toby and Leroy."

"Oh shit!" Tony opened the door to find both dogs sitting there looking up at him. "I'm sorry, guys."

He moved out the way to let the dogs in. As they passed him he patted their heads as a sorry, then shows them their bed. They got in and lay down.

He walked back to the table and sat down.

As they all start eating, Gibbs began to chuckle and said "If we do have kids you might well leave them at the supermarket."

Tony looks at him and narrows his eyes. Jethro continues to smile at him, as does Tobias.

"What makes you think I'll be the one going to the supermarket, Jet?" he asked in a low, dangerous tone.

The smile drops from Jethro's face.

"I've told you before I'm not a woman. I play basketball, baseball, I shower with the guys and I pee standing up," he continued.

"So do I. Well… apart from the basketball and baseball thing."

"My point exactly."

"Fine," Jethro argued back "but I work on boats and you read!"

"You thinking I'm more like a woman because I read books is idiotic," Tony retorted.

Tobias grinned. "Jethro, you're wrong. Just admit it."

"Alright, I admit defeat. You can work your ass off and I'll look after the kids."

Tony smiled. "I love it when I win. It makes me all warm and fuzzy."

"You're just taking the piss now, Tony," Gibbs grumbled.

"Yep… and don't worry, I'll tell Abby and Jen your opinion about women's roles tomorrow when they come to help move my stuff."

"Jen knows my opinions about women. Why do you think we did not work out?" Gibbs smirked.

Tony laughed. "Now that's a long list!"

Tobias laughs as Tony continued to chuckle.

"Come on then, let's hear your list," Jethro huffed.

"Ok," Tony said "Well, the fact that you're sleeping and living with a man might have something to do with it."

"Bullshit," Gibbs snorted.

"If you say so."

"I do," Gibbs said. "I did not have any feelings for men when I was with Jen or any woman, including my wives'."

" Sure," Tony replied with amused sarcasm.

"I didn't, Tony," Gibbs grumpily defended himself.



"Look, I'm not arguing with you," Tony told him.

Gibbs continued on, trying to make his point. "I have only had feelings for one man and that's you, no other man interests me in the slightest, ok?"

"I know. I just wanted you to say it," Tony smiled.

Tobias and Tony start laughing at him.

"You know I'm starting to regret you two becoming friends. This is unfair," Gibbs complained.

"Suck it up!" Tony laughed. "Would you rather we didn't get on?"

"I suppose not but this two against one thing is just wrong."

"Yeah, well, as soon as we're back to work I'm sure McGee and Ziva will do all the sucking up you want," Tony offered as consolation.

Gibbs sighed, shaking his head. "I don't think so, Tony. Since you punched me out in the office I don't think I will hold as much fear as before."

"Well, maybe that's a good thing."

"How?" Jethro wanted to know how this could possibly be a good thing.

"Jet, over the past three weeks you have raised your voice once and that was today. You don't have to be mean and bellow at everyone to get things done. You're a nice man and maybe if you had not put the fear of God into McGee and Ziva in the past they might of stood up for me instead of going against me."

Gibbs disagreed. "You would have stood up for them and I frightened you!"

Authors note: Angst will be back soon, it's chapter was just a set up for the rest of the story. Gibbs may seem a little OOC for some of you, but tough Gibbs annoys the hell out of me and I love strong Tony. Anyway, I hope you liked it and my introduction of the dogs, I LOVE DOGS….cats and every other furry little animal, it's most people I can't stand, Lol. Sorry, I'm in a mood, whoever said the customer is always right is an idiot. A guy came into my petrol station today, he put Diesel in his unleaded car (it happens every now and then) he stood in the store for well over an hour shouting at me, how the hell he worked out it was my fault I'll never know. The moron put the damn fuel in himself, but I was to blame. Anyway after calling me every vile name under the sun, I snapped and called the cops. Apparently this was the wrong thing to do (according to the area manager) I was told I should've apologized TO HIM for the mistake. Well, lets just say I didn't take that well, when a grown man calls you a 'stupid whore' in front of about 15 people, I sure as hell I'm not going to apologize. The cops were really nice, they dragged him off the property and had his car impounded. I laughed my ass off as they dragged him away…then cried when I got home. There's nothing like being called a 'bitch' 'whore' and my personal favorite 's**g' to brighten up my day. I bought a bottle of wine and huge tube of ice cream….screw him. 'jackass'. Rant over, now I'm going to get drunk. Have a better day than me everyone and please read and review, it might cheer me up?