Blue Pegasus

Chapter 2: Betrayal

"Lucy, lucy." Lucy opened her eyes, she found fairy tail, blue pegasus and lamia scale around her. In front of her she saw natsu, she sat up and hugged him tightly. "Are you coming back to fairy tail?", lucy separated herself from natsu and said. "I like blue Pegasus. Suddenly her blue pegasus guild mark started to swirl, then it turned into a fairy tail guild mark. Mirajane and the others from fairy tail shrugged when they heard her words, Suddenly her blue pegasus guild mark started to swirl, then it turned into a fairy tail guild mark."But, I love fairy tail." Everyone cheered when they heard her words, everyone except the trimens.

A few hours later lucy was in her dorm packing all her stuff into her luggage. "We'll miss you lucy." Eve said as her hugged her, "WHO AM I KIDDING! PLEASE DON'T LEAVE!", "Eve, don't worry I'll come by once in a while!". Lucy walked out of the giant guild doors waving to her previous team, she was walking to the train station alone. She was sitting on the train staring at the window blankly. Back in blue pegasus hibiki was sitting at the bar drinking as much alcohol as he could, ren was walking towards the bar, he took a seat next to hibiki. "You should have confessed earlier hibiki.", "Shut up ren.". "Fine by me." Ren stood up and left the bar.

"Welcome back lucy!", "Hi mira! Wow, this place changed a lot since I left...", "It did, we installed a water slide at the pool!". "Really?", "LU-CHAN!". Lucy turned her head and found a blue haired girl running toward her at lightning speed. "Ow.", "I MISSED YOU SO MUCH! WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN!", "Please let *HUFF* go i'm dying!", "Sorry, I just missed you so much!". Suddenly cana walked in the guild doors. "Lucy!" She was running at lucy lightning speed, she hugged lucy even tighter than levy did. "CAN'T BREATHE!" Cana let go and said, "Your magic aura is different than before.", "I changed! Anyways but i'm drained, I need to go home. Erza told me that her and gray paid the rents for when I was gone, I owe them 210,000 jewel.".

Lucy walked home with plue, she opened the doors and dropped her luggage next to her bed. She tucked herself in and fell asleep on her bed. The next morning she felt something wet on the face, she opened her eyes slowly, she saw natsu pinning her down and he was crying?. "What's wrong?", "Don't leave me.", "What do you mean?". "Don't leave fairy tail... And me.". "Please let go." Natsu backed up and kneeled on her bed with tears in his eyes, lucy kissed him on the lips. "I won't." Natsu looked into her eyes and kissed her, he was rubbing his tongue on her lip pleadingly, she welcomed it. Suddenly someone opened the door. "Yo, lucy you fee- heeling better?", erza followed behind gray and dragged him away once she saw the two kissing on the bed.

A few hours later natsu and lucy entered the guild together. Holding hands? Cana was so shocked she spat out her daily booze, mirajane dropped her cups, levy dropped 10 books on gajeel's foot,"WHAT THE ****!" Gajeel screamed when the ten books were still on his foot, evergreen, bickslow and fried sat at their table eyeing them and lissana fainted. Gray and erza already knew so they weren't surprised. Lucy walked over to the bar while natsu walked towards gray and erza.

"You're dating natsu now?" Mirajane asked while she handed coffee to lucy, "Yup!", "Don't you need to do a job to pay your rent?", "Nah! I made loads of jewel at blue pegasus, I was a S-Class wizzard too! But only for 2 days, and look at this." Lucy took out the tiara yamia gave her from one of the pockets on her belt. "Wow, this is amazing. And you met yamia? I heard she was quite a beauty!", "She is!". At the table where natsu, erza and gray were sitting at, "If you hurt lucy, I will chop you slowly with my adamantine armour... Anyways... Congrats!", "I thought you would never get a girlfriend.", "What did you say underpants man?", "You had to bring that up again, did you?".

"STOP IT! LUCY IS COMING!" Erza screamed while she held the both boys by thier collars (or vests) and threw them in thier seats. "Want to go on a mission?", "Sure lucy." Erza said while sipping her coffee, "Have you chose one yet?", "Yup! Kill 30 vulcans at mt. hakobe!", "Uhh... You sure you can handle this?". "Don't treat me like a baby, i'm stronger now! And thats one of the reasons I left too.", "Lets go!" natsu energetically shouted.

It was nighttime, the team left lucy in charge of all the jewel, gray and erza already took their portion, it only leaves natsu's and lucy's. Lucy hummed a song while walking to natsu's house, she finally arrived. She walked up to the door, then she saw somthing she wish she wouldn't have, "He's cheating on me with lissana?", lucy peeked through the door window. And cried when she saw the two. She dropped the jewel and ran, when she was running she snapped a twig on the ground.

Natsu's good hearing heard that, he broke away and looked at the door window, he saw lucy running away from his house. He opened the door and ran after her leaving lissana alone in his house. Lucy was ran even faster when she was natsu, she was knocked down by pedestrians and trees, but nothing slowed her down enough to be touched by that cheater. It took him five minutes for him to catch up with lucy. She was lying on the floor, she was bleeding from all the cuts she got from falling on the sidewalk. It hurt so much, she couldn't move anymore.

"Come on, lets get you inside your house.", "Leave me alone.", "I can't, if I do you'll bleed to death." He carried lucy in his arms and walked home with her, "LET ME GO YOU CHEATER!" Lucy was punching on the arm, natsu arrived at her house and jumped in her window. Lucy curled up into a ball when natsu put her down on her bed, "It's not what you think lucy..." Before he could continue lucy screamed at him, "I SAW YOU KISSING LISSANA, END OF STORY!" Those words sent ten thousand spears through her heart, "I know you love her...", "I love you, and only you.", "LIAR! I saw your expression...". Natsu took a deep breath and said, "OK, I love you both.", "You better make up your mind, i'm going to take a shower.". Lucy tied up her hair and washed her wounds, she winced at the pain. Then she heard the door bell ring, she wrapped herself in a towel and went outside, when she was about to go out the door she saw lissana hugging natsu. She looked at the two and saw lissana crying.

"Don't ditch me, i'm your girlfriend, lucy's not.", "Yeah... Uh... What you say.". "Lucy saw and heard the whole conversation, she used her magic to dry her hair and put on some clothes. She jumped out of the windows and broke her heel, she was too distracted to do a perfect landing. Lucy let out a shout when she lost her balance, natsu heared it but lucy already did a cloaking spell on herself. Lucy took the train and walked out of a random stop, she walked for hours and hours then she collasped.

Lucy woke up in somewhere familiar, her vision was blurry. She rubbed her eyes, and saw it was the blue pegasus infirmary. She looked around her bed a saw hibiki napping on a chair. She shook him for a few minutes, "WHA! Oh you're awake.", "Why am I here?", "One of our members found you passed out on the street, you were hurt pretty bad, what happened?", "I got heart broken by a stupid dragon slayer...", "Your hand.". Lucy looked at her right hand, her fairy tail guild mark was swirling around, it turned into a black blue pegasus guild mark. Lucy turned her clothes back into the dress she wore when she joined blue pegasus, ren and eve were at the door at the infirmary making hand signals at hibiki, they were mouthing the words "CONFESS TO HER ALREADY!", "Where's eve and ren?".

"They're... Out on a job!", "Oh, really? I want to say hi to them I miss them.". "So you wanna go get your stuff from your old house?", "Fine, but I need to see someone.", "Ok, we'll meet him/her on the way.". They took the train to magnolia, "Confess to her you idiot!", "I'm waiting for the right time!", "You wait like last time she'll be gone!", "SHUT UP!" Hibiki yelled.

This time hibiki wasn't thinking he was really shouting on the train, "Are you ok?", "Lucy, I have something to tell you.", "Sure, i'm all ears!", before he could open his mouth, they were at magnolia. "We're here!", lucy walked to fairy tail and transformed into cana. "Stay out here, ok? I'll be back!" Lucy as cana walked to the 2nd floor, where bickslow and evergreen were sitting at. "What do you want cana?" Evergreen asked, "I'm not cana, and i'm here to see fried.", "Who are you then.", lucy/cana rolled her eyes and turned her face back to her original face.

"LUCY!" Evergreen shouted, before she could finish saying her name she covered her mouth. "I just need to see fried.", "He's downstairs trying to flirt with mirajane.", "Mirajane?", "He has a crush on mirajane...". "Umm...Ok?", lucy/cana walked downstairs and pulled fried away from the smiling mirajane. "What do you want cana? I'm iln the middle of something!", "I'm not cana, just come outside and i'll prove it to you.", lucy/cana dragged fried outside the giant building. Lucy turned back into her original face, "DON'T SAY LUCY!", "Ok, what do you want from me?", "I want you to do a rune on my house.", "Why?". "To keep that idiot dragneel away from my house.", "I thought you guys were dating?", "OK BACK TO THE POINT JUST DO THE RUNES, i'll take you there.", "Lucy dragged fried and hibiki to her house.". Fried worked on the runes while lucy remained as cana. "Uh...Lucy... You can change back.", "I don't want anyone to catch me. Anyways fried, you can't tell them ok?", "Fine by me.". After the runes were cast, lucy waved a goodbye to fried and set off with hibiki.

"Confess to her you idiot!" Hibiki was thinking to himself, "LUCY I LOVE YOU AND I ALWAYS HAVE!" Lucy blushed and stared at him like a idiot. "Uh... Really?", "Yes, really.", "I've been waiting to give you this, but I never had the guts to do it." Hibiki took out a ring from his pocket with a multi color glowing heart on it, "It's beautiful.", "The glow goes out when your love for me is gone.", "I don't know what to say.". Lucy leaned over to his seat and gave him a kiss on the cheek, the whloe cabin oohed when she did so. "I've always felt that way too." Lucy put on the ring, she looked at it . Then lucy and Hibiki's hands slowly slided together and they held hands. They smiled at each other and broke away once they arrived to blue pegasus. Lucy was dragging her luggage behind her.

Once they arrived lucy dragged her heavy luggage up to the 1st floor, "May I help?", "Hibiki?", he lifted the heavy luggage and carried it with ease. "Well here's your old room!", "It was only a few days.", "Yeah right...", lucy unpacked her luggage and heard a knock from her door. "May I come in?", "Uh, sure hibiki.", "What happened with you and dragneel?". Lucy dropped her novel when she heard what he said, "It's ok if you don't want to tell me.", "He cheated on me.", lucy covered her face with her hands and cried. Hibiki sat on the bed next to her and hugged her tightly. She fell asleep in his arms, then ren and eve looked through the door and gave him a thumbs up. Lucy looked around, she realized hibiki fell asleep with him hugging her, she didn't mind, she just made herslef more snug in his arms.

Back in fairy tail mirajane and erza were questioning natsu where lucy was, "What did you do this time?" erza said in a annoyed tone, "Maybe this truth spell might work... Hmm... TRUTHA!", there was a magic circle over natsu's mouth then he started talking. "I cheated on her with lissana! And she cried and ran away!", erza and mirajane was mouth open staring at him like an idiot, suddenly erza's expression changed from surprised to scary, mirajane's did the same.

"REQUIP! PURGATORY ARMOUR!", "SATAN SOUL!". Erza was patting her ridiculously large black sword in her free and mirajane/satan soul cracked her knuckles, "You better apoligize to her.", "So I just cheated on lucy, what's the big deal?". Apparently the truth spell didn't wear off him, so all lucy's friends heard him say that, bisca, levy, laki, cana, mirajane, erza, juvia and evergreen were mouth open from what he said. Suddenly all the girls in fairy tail shot natsu death glares, he was still covering his mouth from what he blabbed out.

Erza got a lance with a blade at the end, she hooked natsu up by his vest and matched out of the doors. They stopped at in front of lucy's house, "You go up and apoligize to lucy immediatly... OR ELSE..." Erza threw natsu along with the spear the way tribes do when they hunt. The spear passed through her window but natsu didn't. Suddenly some runes appeared on the window, natsu slowly slid off the building. "Fried's runes?", mirajane read out the writing out aloud. "Everyone except natsu dragneel can pass through.", "I'll go in!" Mirajane said. She leapt into the window and shouted lucy's name, she opened the drawers and saw that everything was gone. "Oh no, she's gone.", mirajane leapt out of the windows to tell the other girls what she found.

"I have a good idea where she is.", "Really?" All the girls said is unison. "To blue pegasus!" , "Yes madam!". They all took a train to blue pegasus, natsu was still on erza's spear. Once they arrived at blue pegasus, they asked master bob where lucy was. He pointed at balcony where lucy and hibiki were at. Lucy was sitting on hibiki's lap sideways. "Lucy?", lucy turned her head sideways and saw natsu... "Get him out of my sight.", lucy walked away and jumped off the balcony. Hibiki stood up and turned to face the girls and the pink haired idiot. "I think you should leave, cheater." Hibiki turned around and jumped off the balcony to go after lucy. "Now look what you did natsu, you lost her to another guy." Cana said while drinking some booze she had in a canteen. "NOWS SHE'S NEVER COMING BACK!" Levy said while punching natsu in the arm. But that didn't hurt at all, what hurt the most was lucy with another guy. Suddenly a tear rolled down from his eye, "Wha-What's happening?", there were mumbles, "Is he crying?", mirajane pushed all the girls out of the room and left erza with the crying teen alone together. "Natsu, I know it hurts, you have a chance of getting her back!", "Stop trying to cheer me up, cuz it's not working.".

In the forest, lucy got cut on the knee by a a tree, it was a deep cut but she didn't mind, she just wanted to get away from natsu. She heard a crack, she looked around. Suddenly a dark figure came out, it was the vampire from the train, lucy was too afraid to even make a move to stop him. Suddenly hibiki showed up and kicked him in the stomach. "LEAVE HER ALONE!" Hibiki had a downloading bar on top of his head. It was sending his mind fight moves. "RUN LUCY RUN!" She ran as fast as her legs could carry her. She heard cries of pain, then a evil cackle. Then the vampire was already in front of her. Lucy screamed her to the top of her lungs, then natsu heard her scream. "I hear her.", "What?", "I heard lucy, she's in trouble!" Natsu jumped out of the window and erza followed, when natsu found the source of the screaming he was raged to see his girl about to be bitten by a vampire.

"FIRE DRAGON'S IRON FIST!", the vampire went through ten trees after that hit. "I'M NOT DONE WITH DELICIOUS DELICIOUS GIRL!", the vampire leapt at natsu at lightning speed. He kicked him in the face, but the vampire was just too fast. He hit natsu in the face, then hibiki ran in with a broken arm. "GET HER OUT OF HERE!" Natsu shouted while dodging the vampire's kick. Lucy was out cold, erza was beside her, she was rippping her mini skirt to cover the giant cut on her knee. Hibiki ran over to lucy and told erza to get her out of the forest, both of them ran out with lucy. Leaving natsu to deal with the bloodsucking freak. "FIRE DRAGON'S ROAR!", the fire covered a great area, the vampire had no way of dodging this attack. After being hit with the tons of fire, the vampire was burned to ash.

Lucy woke up, she saw a lot of familiar faces, she opened her eyes even wider and saw all the girls of fairy tail around her. "Lucy, are you okay?", lucy saw hibiki his arm was in a cast, "Me ok? You ok?", "It's just an broken arm.", natsu watched them talk for a few minutes later, the kiss came. Lucy has given another guy a kiss, his hand started to light up with fire, nobody noticed, except erza. She was standing outside, when she made it in it was too late. Natsu let out a punch at hibiki, "FIRE DRAGON'S IRON FIST!", but it wasn't hibiki he hit, it was lucy. She blocked hibiki with her own body. She fainted after being hit in the stomach by natsu, erza came in and dragged him out. "We need to talk.", "What's to talk about it's over!", "There is only one way to get her back, apoligize.", "I've never apoligized to anyone in my whloe life! How can I do it now?", "I'll teach you! Like I did when you were young!".

DAY 1 OF ERZA'S TORT- I MEAN TEACHING: "Wrtie her a letter, send her some gifts." After hours of writing and shopping with erza's help, they sent it to lucy. They followed the mailman to see results, "Miss Lucy, should I dump them all here?", "Uh, sure.", then the mailman came in a lorry truck filled with love notes and gift baskets. "A-a mountain of presents? Even i'm not that popular." Erza said in amazement, "GATE OF THE MAIDEN, I OPEN THEE! VIRGO!", "Is it time for punishment?", "No, I just need you to dig through this pile and get all the letters for me, also get the ones from baskets, and you can deal with the gifts and stuff.", "Yes princess." Virgo dug for a few minutes and returned with a pile a half of the ones with the gift in it, "Thanks.", Virgo gave a bow and went back to the spirit world with all the gifts lucy was sent, it took her hours to read natsu's letter she set it on fire with a spell and started to write another one. She handed to the mailman and went back to her room, the mailman walked over to erza and natsu over at the bushes, erza out aloud. "Nice try, with no love lucy.", "Dangit! We need to kick it up a notch!".


DAY 2 OF ERZA'S TORT- I MEAN TEACHING: "Do something unbelievable and romantic to get the girl.", "Ok, due to the information the members of blue pegasus has given me, lucy will be going past fairy tail for a job, when she does blow your flames up and off goes the fireworks." It was 8pm, and it was time for lucy to pass by. Natsu enhaled some flames and was about to blow them up into the air. But gajeel arived and slapped him on the back, "Yo! I got me a girlfriend too!" he spat out the flames at erza by aciddent. "REQUIP! METAL EMPRESS ARMOUR!" Erza grabbed gajeel by the shirt and used her sword to pin him down. "YOU'D BETTER NOT INTERRUPT AGAIN! OR I'LL TURN YOU INTO JEWELRY!" But by the time natsu tried again. She was gone.


DAY 3 OF ERZA'S TORT- I MEAN TEACHING: "Go straight to the girl and tell her!" Erza and natsu were on a carriage to the cliffs where lucy was doing a job, the carriage stopped when the horses got hit by arrows, natsu and erza jumped out of the carriage and saw lucy and hibiki fighting off some bandits. Lucy was being forced to the side of the cliff, then a bandit kicked her off the cliff. "LUCY!" Hibiki tried to jump down after her and and use his archive shields to catch her, but he was surraounded by bandits. Lucy was falling on top of a bunch on sharp rocks, suddenly there was a orange glow. And she stopped falling at the same time too, "DON'T LET GO OF MY HAND!", "Natsu? What are you doing here?" He pulled her up and he flew back up like a rocket using his fire magic. "Why did you save me? After all those nasty things I said to you.", "I don't mind because I love you, I know I screwed up, but I only love you.", lucy gave him a kiss on the lips, "That's for rescuing me." And then she slapped him. "And that's for cheating!" Then she stood up and walked to hibiki, "I'm sorry, let's… Just be friends now.", "Sure, you did belong with him in the first place, come by blue pegasus any time!", "Thanks!"


Lucy went back to fairy tail a stronger wizzard and in a relationship with natsu, lucy kept the ring as memory, the ring still had a faint glow in it.


Note: I'm completely out of ideas right now, and i'm desperate for a idea. I will metion the name of the person gives me the best idea in the story, pwitti pwease?