What have I done? Sakura thought to herself as she sat up.

Last night felt like a dream to her, yet she knew it wasn't. She had kissed Naruto, but why? She liked him, that much she knew, but something about it felt wrong. Was it because she still liked Sasuke, or was it something more, something just beneath the surface? She wasn't sure, but one thing she did know, was that she couldn't see Naruto. If she saw him, he'd question her, and then she'd be screwed.

She sighed as she got up and headed towards the bathroom. She looked over her reflection. Her hair was a mess, and her pajamas made her look ridiculous. She sighed once more before splashing water on her face.

Naruto laid snoring in his room, completely oblivious to the sounds coming from outside his door.

"Just open it, it's not like he's gonna hurt us."

"A-are you sure? You know how Naruto is..."

"He wont hurt us, now go."

The three boys opened the door and crept quietly to the room containing the sleeping Naruto. The one boy tapped him on the shoulder several times as the other two stood and watched.

"Naruto. Get up!" The one called getting frustrated from waiting.

Naruto shifted and his eyes began to open. His vision blurred as he looked around, soon the fuzziness faded and he could see clearly.

"H-Hey Fuzzy brow, Kiba, Gaara. What are you guys doing here?" He asked sleepily as he sat up.

Kiba couldn't help but to laugh. Naruto clued in and took off his sleeping cap. "What's up guys?" Naruto questioned again.

"We are here to take you on a trip." Gaara stated in his normal mono-tone voice.

"A trip? To where?"

"To Sunagakure." Lee answered.


"Something to do." Kiba smiled brightly as Akamaru barked in agreement.

"Well, partly. There's been a little bit of trouble up there lately, so Gaara wanted our help."

"B-but your the Kazekage, what do you need us for?" Naruto questioned, surprised by how high his voice was.

"It's not only that. I figured you three would like to learn a few new techniques from us sand ninja. There are many Jounin who could teach you."

"New techniques? I'm in!" Naruto said with a smile.

"Alright then. We leave at dawn tomorrow." Gaara said as he headed toward the door.

"Wait Gaara!"

Gaara turned to look at Naruto with a questioning look.

"You should come train with us later." He said with a grin.

"Maybe I will." Gaara gave a slight smile and walked out.

Lee and Kiba left Naruto's saying they'd catch up with him later for training. Naruto said bye before heading to his kitchen. Once again he looked through his fridge and saw nothing, thats when everything triggered.

"S-sakura kissed me last night! I gotta find her!" Food forgotten, Naruto slipped on his jacket and headband, grabbed his bag full of ninja tools, and ran out the door.

Sakura was sitting on the roof of her home, keeping a close watch on Naruto's home, the last thing she wanted was for that nuckle head to find her. Sure enough, Sakura saw an orange and black blur running toward her house. She quickly got off her roof and headed into her room, she had already warned her mother that if Naruto showed up, to say she wasn't home. Sure enough, Naruto knocked on the door and her mother answered, she decided to listen to the conversation.

"Hello Mrs. Haruno, is Sakura here?"

"Oh my have you grown Naruto, handsome too.. No I'm sorry, I have no idea where Sakura is today, she took off this morning saying she was going to take a walk."

"Oh... Well if you see her, tell her I need to talk to her."

"No problem. Bye Naruto."

"Bye Mrs. Haruno."

Sakura slowly closed her door and slid down it. She sighed again. Just then she heard Naruto talking outside to someone, she got up and looked out her window to see Naruto talking to Hinata.

"N-naruto, good morning.."

"Oh Hey Hinata."

"I-I heard your leaving for Sunagakure tomorrow.."

"Yeah, I was looking for Sakura, you haven't seen her have you?"

"No. If I see her, I'll tell her your looking for her."

"Thanks, well I gotta go train, see yeah later Hinata!"

"Bye.. Naruto."

Sakura watched in awe as he ran off. Sunagakure? Why is he going there? B-but if I go and talk to him... Ugh why me?

When Naruto reached the training grounds, he saw a large group of his friends there. Recently they all had decided it'd be fun to start training together. The group of friends that were there were Gaara, Lee, Kiba, Akamaru, Shikamaru, though he mostly just sits around laughing at everyone, Choji, Neji, Temari, and usually Sakura would be there too, though today she wasn't.

"Hey there Naruto." Choji said as he chomped down on a chip.

"Hey, have any of you seen Sakura?" Naruto asked everyone.

Everyone looked at him and laughed.

"She's at her house." Lee stated.

"B-but I was just there, her mother just said she wasn't."

"I walked past you on my way here, I saw you talking to Hinata, Sakura was looking down out of her window at you two." Shikamaru said with a smirk.

"Whaaaat? I ... Forget it." Naruto lowered his head in defeat before walking up to a tree that had a target on it. He threw a kunai at it, hitting the target dead centre.

From behind Naruto, all his friends were sharing confused glances. Lee told everyone to go back to training and he would see what was up with Naruto.

Lee took a good look at Naruto before approching him. He looked upset and hurt, completely opposite from their usaual hyperactive, annoying, and loud ninja.

"Hey Naruto.." Lee hesitated as to what to say, he wasn't used to seeing Naruto like this, aside from when Sasuke ran away from the village.

Naruto said nothing and continued to throw his kunai.

"This isn't the youthful Naruto. What's up?"

Naruto sighed and turned to look at Lee.

"It's Sakura."

"Sakura-chan? Why?"

Naruto looked around, afraid others may be listening. "She randomly kissed me last night, then ran off."

"What? Aw.. I'm jealous..." Lee lowered his head.

"No, you don't get it, she's been ignoring me since."

"Maybe she's nervous of you now?" Lee said more to himself then to Naruto.

"I don't know. But I think it has something to do with Sasuke."

"Sasuke? Why?"

"I dunno, just do. Anyway, if I don't find her by tonight, I wont be able to say bye before we leave... how long are we leaving for anyway?"

"A few weeks I believe."

"A FEW WEEKS? GAARA!" Gaara looked at Naruto, puzzled. "YOU BETTER HAVE RAMEN IN SUNAGAKURE!"

"... I believe we do."

"Thank god." Naruto let out a sigh and smiled.

"Ah your back." Lee said with a laugh.

"Back? Where did I go?" Naruto question as he scratched the back of his neck.

Lee hit his forehead and sighed.

"Nevermind. So ready for some training?"

"Are you kidding me?" Naruto smirked before grabbing a few kunai.

Sakura sighed as she looked around. She gave into herself and headed toward the training grounds, when she accidentally bumped into someone, sending them and herself to the ground.

"Oh, I'm so sorry... Hinata?"

"H-Hi Sakura." Hinata stood up and offerd her hand out to Sakura, she took it and stood up.

"N-naruto-kun is looking for you."

"I know. I overheard you two talking."

"Oh. So you know he's leaving then."

"Yes. But I don't know why."

"Neither do I, I just heard Kiba and Lee talking about it."

"I see. Well I gotta go before he leaves."

"O-okay.. Bye Sakura."

"See yeah."

Naruto panted as he laid against a tree trunk, opposite him was Gaara standing like he had only been observing. Lee and Naruto's fight didn't last long, Naruto won, so he moved on to Gaara, and so far, he was losing.

"Y-you cheat!" Naruto yelled with a smirk.

"I do not cheat. Your just slow." Gaara stated.

Naruto grunted as he stood up. He took a few kunai in his hand and charged full force toward Gaara. The sand whirled around Gaara, as it always did, and created a small barrier blocking the kunai that headed toward Gaara.

"Shadow clone jutsu!" About ten Naruto's appeared around Gaara in a circle.


Gaara raised his hands and his sand lifted around him, then in a quick movement, Gaara flicked his wrists outwards sending the sand out to hit every Naruto, white clouds appeared around all nine of the clones, the real Naruto shot back hitting a different tree.

"I-I think I need a break." Naruto panted as he looked upwards to the sky.

Gaara chuckled slightly and let the sand return to either his gord or in the ground.

"Naruto!" Everyone turned to look at the owner of the voice, and saw Sakura.

A few people looked to Naruto and chuckled slightly. Naruto just sighed and stood up.

"Hey Sakura."

"Can I talk to you for a sec?" She asked looking serious.

"Ah yeah sure."

Sakura lead Naruto a little bit through the woods away from everyone else. One they stopped walking, the two ended up catching glances and holding them, unable to move. Finally Sakura gained control of her body and roughly shoved Naruto against the tree just centimeters behind him.

"Ow! Hey-" Naruto was cut off by lips pressed against his own.

Sakura, taking over the kiss, reached around Naruto's neck, pulling him closer, then she slipped her tongue in to meet Naruto's in a rough but passionate kiss. Their tongues entwined with each other, exploring each others mouths like there was something to find. Both found themselves moaning in pleasure as Sakura leaned closer, allowing her womanhood to rest against his manhood.

Naruto broke the kiss and starred at her, waiting for a hit, or for her to run off, but neither happened. They just starred into each others eyes once more.

Sakura found her voice and broke the tension.

"I ah.. am sorry for last night."

"S-sorry? Why?" Naruto's voice was no louder then a whisper.

"Because I ran off..."


"So ah... your going to Sunagakure eh? Why?"

"I ah... Wait, why the sudden subject change? Like what happened to your crush on Sasuke?"

"Sasuke? Hmm... I miss him... but I kinda always knew he'd never go out with me... But you... no matter how mean I was, you never gave up on me... When you returned from your training with Jiraiya, I noticed, though it's not much, but you matured a little bit... and you've gotten much cuter," She trailed off as her face began to get hotter.

"I've always liked you Sakura." Naruto extended his hand so it laid on Sakura's cheek, he leaned in and connected his lips to Sakura's once more. Her eyes snapped shut as she felt a tear fall down her face.

"Y-you aren't leaving me again... are you?"


"Yeah, your going to Sunagakure tomorrow aren't you?"

"It will only be for a few weeks, and I'm going there to train and help out Gaara."

"B-but what about me?"

"What about you?"

What an idiot! Sakura thought to herself. "Your just going to leave me?"

"Well, it's not like your my girlfriend... are you?" Naruto asked in confusion.

"I-I thought I was."

Author's Notes: Sorry this took so long to come in, just been busy lately XD Soo good? Bad? Another chapter? XD Too OOC? I'm sorry if it is! -.-" Dont like? Dont read!

Xx SoulNoteWritterxX ;)