Savannah and Marti made up. Now it's time for Dan to come back into the picture.

"Look, I can forgive you. It's Dan that I can't trust."

"Savannah, we both cheated. Why is it so easy for you to forgive me, but not give him a second chance?"

"Because he broke my heart!"

When Dan finally comes back, will Savannah give him a chance?

"Please, Savannah; I love you."

"Yeah, I thought I loved you, too."

Or will she kick him out of her life for good?

"Savannah, please let me explain!"

"You don't have to! It's pretty self explanatory what was going on when I watched you go down on Alice!"

What happens when a surprise comes along?

"Oh my god…"


"…I'm pregnant."

Savannah has a lot of thinking to do. Will she choose the right thing for herself, or will she just give up to make everyone happy?

"I don't even care anymore…"

"You should. It's your choice, Savannah; don't give in to what everyone else is saying. Yeah, you're completely adorable together, but the fact that this is the second time he's cheated on you has to be taken into consideration."

Starring Ashley Tisdale as Savannah Monroe.

"…Is that a joke?"

Aly Michalka as Marti Perkins.

"I don't think that was a question…"

Matt Barr as Dan Patch.

"You're a little too optimistic for my sister-in-law to handle."

Robbie Jones as Lewis Flynn.

"You better back off my girl, she ain't afraid to throw a punch."

And Heather Hemmens as Alice Verdura.

"Short skirt, hot tank top. What's the worst that can happen? If anything you'll finally lose your virginity."

Multiple Choice.

Coming soon to a computer screen in front of you.