Yes, I know i'm a horrible person, but here as promised is the final chapter! but now y'all don't have to wait anymore for new chapters right? hope it was worth waiting for :)

Thea awoke to the sound of crashing waves and the feeling of soft, warm sand beneath her. She stretched out upon the sand and sat up, shaking the small grains from her hair. Zeus had taken it upon himself to change her clothing, for Thea was now clad in a sheer white gown, held together by dainty leather straps at the sides and a golden rope around her waist. She was bare foot, but that didn't matter as Thea dug her toes beneath the warm sand. She could feel the familiar cool touch of metal as the blades at her hips moved against her skin. Thea took in her surroundings.

The ocean lay before her, an endless expanse of blue water besides the small grouping of jagged rocks not far from shore. A small fishing boat was moored on the sand a few paces away from her. Thea turned behind her and looked up at the sun setting behind the sheer rock cliffs that flanked her. She took a couple steps back to get a glimpse at the top of them. She could barely make out the shape of what was left of a giant statues foot.

Thea turned as she heard a familiar whinny and saw the black Pegasus drop down from the sky with Perseus on his back. Perseus gazed at Thea in astonishment as she approached him. He jumped off his steed and stood frozen in shock. All he could do was gape at her as Thea enveloped him in an embrace, locking them in the kiss that she had come back from the Underworld for. Perseus quickly recovered and kissed her back with equal passion. Thea wrapped her arms around his neck as his hands tangled in her long hair. Her lips burned for his even as they pulled away for air.

"How is this possible? How are you here?" Perseus asked still surprised.

"Your father took me from Hades and sent me." Thea answered with a small smile as she leaned against his chest blissfully happy to simply be near him. Perseus shook his head and chuckled.

"For once I'm glad of his stubbornness against the fates." Perseus said kissing the top of Thea's head lightly.

"Here, sit. I'll make camp before the sun sets." Perseus said detaching himself from her. Thea held fast to his forearm and walked beside him.

"I will help." Thea said smiling and Perseus returned it, sliding his hand around hers. As the last setting rays of the sun fell beyond the cliffs, the two sat before a crackling fire as their dinner cooked above the flames. The black Pegasus grazed a short distance away, his profile a shade darker than the surrounding night. As they ate, Perseus kept his eyes on Thea unwilling to let her out of his sight in case this was all some sort of trick and she would be lost to him again. Thea didn't mind and she returned his unfaltering gaze as she took his comforting and familiar presence in. Perseus didnt ask Thea questions about the Underworld and she was glad for it. She didnt want to remember her time there, she just wanted to make the most of the time they spent together now, no longer trying to save the world, no gods to answer to, just them and the night. They ate beside one another, bodies touching as they sat listening to the crashing waves from the sea before them. After they finished their meal, Perseus surprised Thea as he took the untouched fish and cast in into their fire, sending a prayer to his father.

"Zeus, Mighty ruler of the gods, accept this offering as tribute and thanks for your gift." the fire hissed as a roll of thunder sounded far above them. Thea smiled from her seat on the sand as Perseus offered her his hand.

"Only for you." he said pulling her onto her feet and kissing her lightly on her brow. After the flames of their fire extinguished, by the light of the full moon, he led her to the small fishing boat that was his home. Standing on the boat, Thea turned back and saw the island bathed in the moonlight.

"Its beautiful." she whispered admiringly.

"Not as beautiful as you." Perseus said staring at her silhouetted against the beach. He slid his arm around her waist and they kissed again with so much passion that it left Thea lightheaded. She followed Perseus's slow steps backwards until they stood above his bed of furs. She let him sink down to the ground until he lay on top of her, his hands beside her head supporting his weight. Thea kept her eyes closed, focusing on all the sensations she had when Perseus touched her. The shivers when he raked his fingers through her silky hair, the path of fire that followed his hand as he moved it slowly down her curves, the rush that came as his thumb hooked underneath her dress. Perseus hesitated, breaking their kiss and drawing back to look at Thea, but she quickly brought him back down against her, helping him undo the leather straps that held her curved blades at her sides.

"Don't stop…" she begged, moaning into his ear, sending a tremor that ended in his groin. Perseus wanted to savor the moment, all the little emotions that flashed across Thea's open face as he took his time undoing all the leather straps of her dress until she lay before him, body exposed to the warm ocean air. Thea watched Perseus's reaction to her body and couldn't help but notice the bulge against her thigh as she leaned up to kiss him. She knelt on her knees and took his tunic off as Perseus buried his face against her breasts. Thea felt herself becoming wet as Perseus took her nipple in his mouth and rolled it against his lips and tongue. She whimpered and wrapped her arms around him, digging her nails into his back as he lowered her back down against the soft furs, switching to her other breast.

Thea's hands trailed down his abdomen, her nails tickling him as she made her way to his skirt. She felt his strong muscles tense under her fingertips, following the smooth definition of his body until she reached the last article of clothing between them. Thea loosened the straps and Perseus slid out of it easily. He left her breasts and kissed down her body, licking some of the juices that had slid down her slender leg. Thea took in his girth wide-eyed.

"Thea, are you certain…" Perseus began, but Thea silenced him.

"Warrior, I came back from the Underworld for you. I want you to have me, all of me…I had to hold back before because of my curse, but now I don't want us to waste another moment." Thea interrupted him sprawling out amongst the furs, her eyes half lidded. That was all the confirmation Perseus needed. He slowly spread Thea's legs apart and rubbed his fingers against her, teasing her opening. Thea leaned her head back and tried not to cry out as he inserted his calloused finger inside her, using his thumb to rub against her clit. Soon Perseus added another finger and Thea moaned raising her hips slightly to engulf them. Perseus used his other hand to massage the inside of her hip, his rough fingers stroking the soft flesh. He watched as Thea squirmed beneath him, her cheeks flushed, her breathing heavy. Thea could feel herself getting close to something and she wanted more of him.

"Now, oh gods, I need you…please!" Thea whined and Perseus complied. He replaced his fingers with his now throbbing member, its head already glistening as it entered her hot center. Thea raised her legs around him to reach farther than his fingers could and bit back a cry of pain as he broke her. Perseus set a pace, feeling her tighten around him as he went faster. His breath became ragged as the friction between them increased, her moans exciting him even more. He was hitting her spot hard and he could feel her reaching her climax.

"Oh Warrior!" she cried as he raised her legs higher and filled her to the hilt.

"Say it…say my name!" Perseus commanded as he slammed into her, feeling her begin to cum.

"Perseus!" she screamed in pleasure as she hit her peak, riding the ways of euphoria in a haze. Perseus didn't release her, he held back his release as his godlike strength gave him more endurance and energy. His body felt like it was being electrified each time she moaned his name in ecstasy and so he continued to emerge himself in Thea even as she began to fell her walls tighten again. Her legs were above his head as he pounded into her again and again. He was making her feel things she could never have dreamed of. Finally, as Thea began to squeeze around him again, Perseus let go and moaned with Thea as they fell of the edge together each moving their hips in time with each other to make the flood of sensations last. Perseus lowered Thea's legs and lay beside her their bodies drenched in sweat. Their gasping breath was the only sound other than the waves.

Thea turned, panting and kissed Perseus lightly before laying her head on his chest. Perseus cradled her with his arms and they fell asleep, embracing each other.

TADA! there you have it...thank you to all my loyal readers that kept nagging me to finish this