Konnichi wa minna-sama! Arigatou gozaimasu to all who reviewed my other fic "Si Tu Te Vas". Gomen about the rating. I was just too happy that I forgot to rate it PG or PG-13. I hope you all forgive me.

And also gomen about the title. I forgot to include the translation. It's "If You Leave".

Anyways, here's another fic I wanted to start. This one is a chapter fic (but not the long one I mentioned before). It's about Kagome and her new step-dad.

And of course it's an Inu/Kag fic. Everyone should know I only write those (hence the name I have). But I also write Shippou-chan fics where it's just him or him falling for a girl.

DEDICATION: Another one of these. Dedicated to all who reviewed my other fic and to those who read this one. I'll mention names in the next chapter once I get reviews (*hint, hint*) And I also want to dedicate this to all the Inuyasha/Kagome writers, fans, and Inuyasha fans PERIOD. You're all the best!! ^^

So go ahead and read. And please review!!!!

Disclaimer: In Inu-chan's dreams, she owned Inuyasha…but this is the real world and sadly she owns nothing except her anime collection. Inuyasha belongs to Takahashi-sama!! "Can I buy Inuyasha from you Takahashi-sama? Or at least let me have Shippou-chan!!" ^^

Love Heals All Wounds

By Inuyasha-loves-Kagome (you all can call me Inu-chan ^^)

~Prologue: Onegai? Oh no? OSUWARI!!!~

Inuyasha was becoming a bit impatient again. This was the longest time Kagome had ever spent in her time. She had left a week ago and hadn't come back yet. Inuyasha looked away from the fire that was burning in Kaede's house and looked out at the stars with a stubborn face. It wasn't that he was worried about Kagome or anything. She was just a weakling human…

…Who stirred feelings inside of him whenever she was near.

Baka! (Idiot) a voice inside of his head scolded. Why can't you just admit it that you miss her and you're worried about her?

Inuyasha growled and stood up. Now why was he going to admit something stupid like that?! He didn't miss that wench! And he wasn't worried about her!

"Inuyasha?" a curious voice from his left asked.

Inuyasha opened his eyes and realized that everyone was looking at him with the most puzzling of looks. Inuyasha felt heat rush to his face but tried to hide it. They had probably heard his growl. He ignored them and headed over to the door. "I'm going out for a bit. I'll—"

Before he was able to finish, a voice chirped and a body knocked him away from the door. He staggered a bit before regaining his balance and looking at the person who had caused his embarrassment. It was strange. He hadn't smelled anyone coming in. Perhaps it was because he was so lost in thought.

It was Kagome, and she looked a bit flushed. She was breathing hard and clutching her chest. Even though she was in that state, Inuyasha could see the happiness shining in her eyes. There was something she seemed to want to tell but couldn't because of her lack of breath.

She looked up at all of them and smiled the brightest smile she had. It made Inuyasha's insides melt and he felt at peace. Whenever he saw her smile, genuinely smile like she was doing now, a feeling always burned inside of him. He had long ago recognized it as a feeling of belonging and acceptance. With Kagome he felt like he belonged…like he had a home.

His words came back to him about what he had said:

"That's right. When did it happen that... it seems natural that Kagome being beside me... is my home?"

Those words always invaded his mind whenever he saw her beautiful smile, and Inuyasha knew that he would give up anything in order to see her that happy. But sadly he was rarely the source of her happiness.

"Minna-chan (everyone)!" she said happily. "Guess what?"

Sango grinned at the happy look on Kagome's face while everyone else waited for Kagome to continue. "Nani desu ka (What is it)?"

Kagome giggled and let them wonder for a long while before she decided to tell them. It was always so fun to prolong something. "My okaa-san (mom) is getting married!"

"Married?" Inuyasha puzzled. He wasn't too familiar with the human term. What did it mean? Some stupid human thing probably that wouldn't interest him. And why was she telling them anyway? She was supposed to be thinking about the shikon no kakera's!

"It's the human way of mating," Kaede informed the clueless hanyou as she stirred the wood in the fire, so that it would last a bit larger.

"That's wonderful Kagome-chan!" Sango exclaimed, standing up and going to hug her friend. Everyone else, except Inuyasha of course, congratulated her. All he was wondering about was why she was telling them. Unless she wanted…

"Katsu (And)…ano (um)," she stammered, looking at the ground. "I was also wondering if I could stay in my time a bit longer. You know, for the wedding."

Inuyasha's eyes bulged. More time?! Hasn't she been in her time long enough?! We need to get going on looking for the rest of the shikon no kakera's!

"No way," he responded with a stern, stubborn face, when everyone else was going to allow her permission.

Kagome sighed. She anticipated Inuyasha's reaction to her request. She had actually come thinking of a way to make him agree. Of course, the only way she could think about was sitting him. But she didn't want to get into an argument today. She was feeling too happy. So she decided to reason with him. She looked up at the stubborn hanyou and gave him her best puppy dog face. "Onegai (please) Inuyasha?" she pleaded, fluttering her eyelashes at him. "I promise to come back as soon as possible."

Inuyasha blinked at her, taken aback by the way she was acting. Just say yes! That way she won't get mad at you! But he ignored the voice and kept his face hard, even if it hurt to deny her. "Iie (No)," he argued. "You've already been in your time long enough. We need to keep looking for more shikon no kakera's."

Now, Kagome wasn't one who angered easily, but with his stubbornness, and the fact that she needed to attend this wedding, she couldn't stop the anger from coming. Especially since had mentioned that damned jewel again. That's all he EVER thinks about! Why can't he for once set aside his own baka self and think about someone else for a change?! She thought as her face went from happy to angry in less than a second. Her hands balled at her sides and everyone else (except Inuyasha) looked away, not wanting to see her anger.

Inuyasha cringed at Kagome's angry gaze. He knew what was coming. He could feel it. Yet he didn't want to run away. Why? He didn't even know the answer.

"OSUWARI (SIT)!!!" she yelled at the top of her lungs. Everyone else clapped their hands over their ears as Inuyasha was send down towards the floor. He was face down and held down by the spell, but once wasn't enough to hold him down during the whole time that she needed.

"SIT SIT SIT SIT SIT SIT SIT SIT!!!" she yelled again and again, and each time Inuyasha flopped onto the ground. He felt the pain course through him, but for the first time, he didn't feel anger at Kagome. He knew this because he knew that it was his fault. He was denying her the one thing she wanted most at the moment. And she wasn't going to let him take that away from her.

She made a run for it and didn't look back, going as fast as her legs would carry her. She needed to get back to the well before Inuyasha was able to stand.

But he didn't go after her. He lay on the floor as everyone looked at him and cursed in his mind. I should have just let her go. Now she'll stay there longer, or at least until I go for her. But he decided to give her at most a week before he would go for her.

He hoped she cooled down by then…

To be continued…

Gomen about the length. All the chapters are like this. I already have the whole fic planned out and I want to keep it that way.

I hope you're enjoying this so far!!

Please review and I'll have the next chapter out ASAP!!

Next chapter: Kagome comes back…but wait, she's crying?!?! What's up with that?!?! Can Inuyasha give her the comfort she deserves, or will she push him away?

Ja ne in chapter 1! Please review!!!


Inuyasha-loves-Kagome (you can call me Inu-chan ^^)

Alternate email: [email protected]