A tear escaped my eye and slid down my cheek as I looked out the window of the plane. I was leaving my home to return to the place that my mother escaped from with me when I was just 6 weeks old. It's not like I wanted to go back, I had no choice. Sure, I missed my dad and my best friend Jacob Black, but I hated Forks.

Forks is a small town in Washington. It basically always rains there, and if it isn't raining there it is overcast. I hate the rain. It's so depressing. I could imagine that the next year or so I spent there would be pure hell.

I must've gotten caught up in my thinking because I heard the pilot come on and announce that we would be landing in Port Angeles and for us to please put on our seatbelts. "Well, here it goes", I thought. The plane landed and I got off, grabbed my suitcase and scanned the area for my dad. I found him quickly and walked over to him. He smiled and pulled me into a one armed hug, and at the same time said "hi Bells. How was your flight?" I hugged him back and replied "it was okay" to him. I only hoped he wouldn't want to discuss the reason behind my having to move.

The ride back to Forks was quiet and thankfully Charlie didn't bring up the dreaded topic. When we pulled up in front of the house it was as I remembered it, I smiled slightly and walked in. The kitchen was also exactly how I remembered it, right down to the yellow cupboards that Renee, my mom, had painted before we left. Thinking of Renee made my eyes well up with tears, I didn't want Charlie to see my crying so I quickly escaped to my room where I could cry in peace. I lay down in my bed, crying and sleep quickly took over.

I awoke bright and early the next morning and peered out the window. Raining, of course. What else did I expect? I also noticed that Charlie's cruiser was gone, and that there was a big red truck sitting in the driveway. I went and showered, taking my time. After I got dressed I went downstairs. I noticed a letter on the table that said "Bells, have a great first day at school. I know you weren't too keen on the idea of having to ride to school in the cruiser so I hope you enjoy the truck. It's old, but sturdy. Jake rebuilt the engine for you", beside the note was a set of keys, one of which I assumed was a house key. I smiled, glad that I had my own vehicle, this would make my first day a little less humiliating.

I walked outside and locked the door (and I was right, the other key was for the door). I got in the truck and inhaled. It smelt just like I remember Billy smelling, like tobacco and peppermint, strangely enough, it was comforting. I took a deep breath, started the engine and drove off.

I wasn't prepared for today, that's for sure. Little did I know this day would change my life. Forever.

A/N- Yes, I realize this is a short chapter. The next one will be longer. I figured a short started chapter was needed.