Blaine and Kurt walked into Wes and David's dorm room, where both boys had multiple comic books spread across every available surface. Wes also happened to have his and David's laptop beside him, typing furiously one-handed on each computer, his eyes darting between the two screens.
"What's going on?" Kurt asked, befuddled by the nerd fest going on in her friends' room. Every comic ever created seem to be in the room; amongst the books spread out, there were still, at least, a dozen cardboard boxes full of graphic novels.
Blaine, however, caught on quicker than his girlfriend. "Are you two seriously cross-referencing your comic book collection and what happened to Kurt so we can figure out a way to turn her back normal?" He demanded, raising his eyebrows at his best friends.
"Hey," David defended, looking up from the article in his hands. "That's how they figured out what was wrong with Zefron in '17 Again'."
Blaine considered this for a moment while clearing one of the beds of its burden so he and Kurt could sit down. "This is true." He pulled Kurt onto his lap as he sat down, stroking her hair as soon as they settled. "What've you got so far?"
"Depends on what's happened to Kurt within the last forty-eight hours," Wes interjected, never taking his eyes from the two screens. "Kurt, have you come across any non-human life forms?"
"Wait!" David chimed. "Wesley, be specific in that question! If you say non-human in general, then you'd have to put Blaine in that classification!"
"Oh right," Wes nodded sagely. "I forgot Anderson was a hobbit. Kurt as a girl just makes him seem so much taller." Blaine growled, glaring at his friends, who both ignored him as Wes spoke again. "So, have you come across any form of extra-terrestrial life?"
The girl blinked. "Uh, no."
"How about coming in contact with anything radioactive? For example: various forms of waste, meteors, spiders, and the like?"
"Wes, I became a female, not a superhero. We can rule those options out."
"She has a point," David agreed, glancing at a piece of paper in front of him. "Did you do a ritual involving an old hairbrush of your mother's that you accidently used before performing said ritual?"
"Did you just reference the Disney Channel Original Movie 'Eve'?" Blaine smirked, storing this tidbit of information in his blackmail file for the next time he needed to 'persuade' the Council to give him all of the solos he wanted.
"Shut it!" David glowered at the lead Warbler. "So did you, Kurt?"
The next three hours found Kurt shooting down every theory the two Council members launched at her. They asked everything from trading his gender to an evil sea witch so Blaine would ask him out, to eating an apple dipped in gender swap potion, all the way to an evil witch who had the ability to turn into a dragon placing a spell on him at birth so that he would turn into a girl on his 16th birthday.
"Guys!" Kurt yelled, obviously annoyed by the constant bombardment of questions. "I am not a Disney princess! My ailment has nothing to do with curses or potions or poisons planted by a witch!"
"Well," Wes huffed in a jokingly insulted manner. "Sorry for trying to figure out what might possibly be wrong with you so you can go back to being a boy and still attend this school."
"And I appreciate that," the girl tucked a strand of hair behind her ear, sighing slightly. "I just don't think this is the way to go about it."
Blaine, having switched his position at least a hundred different times, looked up from where he had his head resting on his girlfriend's lap so he could take a nap. "So I take it I'm not allowed to call the airport so I can have them prepare a plane so I can take you to the Fontana di Trevi in Rome so you can wish to return to normal?"
Kurt flushed brilliantly, enraptured by the thought of her and Blaine going to Italy together and the sound as the title rolled off of Blaine's tongue. Her daydream was ruptured by David asking, "What the hell is fondant-whatever the hell you just said?"
"The Trevi Fountain," Wes replied for the couple. "It's one of the best known wishing fountains in the world. However, I do not believe this is something that can be solved by something as childish as wishing. We need good, solid evidence to help us form a hypothesis…"
"Since when are comics good, solid evidence?" Kurt demanded, her fingers running through Blaine's curls as he drifted to sleep.
"Do you have anything better?" Wes snapped. Before the diva could retort, David interrupted.
"Hey, Blaine?" Said boy grunted, indicating he was listening. "What all have you and Kurt done so far now that you two are together. Like, have you done anything since Kurt's not a guy anymore?" Blaine sat up, all signs of tiredness gone. "I mean, I know you said you're gay, but I don't know how you could be with someone that fine and not want to tap that."
Kurt turned scarlet, covering her face with her hands. Blaine stood, giving scooping Eliza-Kurt up into his arms as he stormed out of the room, giving instructions to the two older students that if they came across anything plausible to contact him right away.
"I swear, they have no tact," Blaine muttered as he and Kurt rode back to Kurt's house.
"No, they don't." Kurt agreed. "And it's going to be awkward whenever I turn back into a boy. The thought of David saying that will scar me for the rest of my life. The only bright side is I can use that information against him so I will get all of the solos I want!"
"You can't blackmail the Council into giving you solos!" Blaine protested.
"Why not?"
"Cause that's what I do." Blaine answered honestly, smirking at Kurt's shocked reaction. "Now," he mused as they pulled into Kurt's driveway. "Back to what we were doing." As soon as Kurt's eyes took on a hopeful glow, Blaine said one word that caused the hope to replace by annoyance. "Studying."
A/N: Sorry this chapter took so long. I've been trying to write a new chapter of 'The Heartbreaker', but Kurt and Blaine are being difficult in that story.
By the way, did anyone watch Katy Perry's music video for Last Friday Night and see Darren Criss in it? I was so happy.
Anywho, I like getting reviews. They give me the warm fuzzies in my heart. Love to you all. ~C.Y.R.