Authors Note: Hey guys! Nunya Biz here! Okay, if you know me as an author, you know I've said in the past "I don't update unless I get at least 3 reviews". Forget about that. I won't require 3 reviews, but… I will update faster with each review! Oh, and I'm open to suggestions! I will almost always use them! Also, the rating for this story will be a rollercoaster… so it's all up to what you want to see…I might move the rating to M. Okay, enjoy. I'm done with my ramble.
"Max, sweetie, are you absolutely sure you can't come to my cousins wedding?" she whined, fixing Max's tie. She didn't know why he wore one, though, he usually just worked at home.
"Oh, yes, darling, I'm sorry." He said, wiping his brow. "I…I think I have a fever."
Fran pursed her lips (which were covered in globs of red lipstick) together. She couldn't tell if Maxwell was telling the truth, or if he just didn't want to go. "But it's not as if I can take the children to keep me company!" she whined. "It's aged 21 and up!"
"Well then Maggie can go!" Max said almost too quickly. Fran now knew he was lying and she tightened her grip on his tie.
"No, she can't. She has a week-long babysitting job starting… yesterday."
Max gently pushed her hands away, because her grip was progressively getting tighter. "I'm sorry, darling, but I'm just so…" he let out a fake cough. "…sick."
Fran arched her eyebrow and shrugged. She turned away and grabbed her suitcase, opening it and taking out a small plastic bag. "Okay, I understand, I just suppose I will have to return this." She said, swinging the bag back and forth, taunting him.
"What is that?" Max asked uncomfortably, but curiosity getting the better of him. Fran didn't say a word (which was uncommon for her). She simply took some sexy lingerie and winked at him. "I…I don't see why you need to return it." Max concluded shakily. Fran just smiled and nodded, knowing this was killing him.
This is killing me! Max thought. It's torture! Does she know I'm lying? Ugh… Okay, let me think! If I stay home with the children, I won't be able to… oh my God. I won't be able to spend a week alone with Fran in a hotel…my gorgeous new wife. But on the other hand, if I tell the truth, I will have to spend an entire week celebrating with the Fines. That's like Sylvia, Yetta, Morty, and Frita times 500! Max looked at his expectant wife, almost thinking it was worth it, then he stepped back. Oh my. Does she know I'm thinking? Am I being too obvious? Get a grip man… think about it. Fran will probably kill me for lying to her… and deny me anyway. Yes, I'll just stay home. In a week, when she gets home she'll miss me so much that she'll just be DYING to get in bed with me. "Well…" Max concluded, sweating. "Have a nice trip."
"…Oh…" Fran spat out, shocked. That was not the sentence she was expecting.
She grabbed her suitcase sadly and moped out of the house. Max sighed heavily, hoping that he made the right choice.
Little did he know he might never have the chance to…love her… again.
1 week later
Fran got off the plane in New York City. She hadn't called Max the entire trip, and when he called the hotel (since neither of them had cell phones) asking for 'his beautiful wife, Fran Sheffield', she still didn't answer. She was entirely too mad to even consider talking to him.
Little did she know she might never have the chance to love Max again.
She stepped off the plane (with, might I add, twenty extra shopping bags in her hand… she shopped when she was upset – too bad for Max) and saw a pay phone. She decided that maybe it was time to forgive him… halfway. She quickly walked over to it and put her suitcase and shopping bags next to her tall black boot, adding two quarters. "Sheffield residence, Niles speaking."
"Niles, it's Fran, put Max on please."
"Oh, Mrs. Sheffield! I am so glad you called. Mr. Sheffield, the children, and I were getting worried you didn't answer our calls."
"Sorry, Niles… I'm a little P.O'd at Max and when the caller ID on the hotel telephone doesn't say 'Niles, Gracie, Maggie, or Brighton', I have to assume it's Max… but I've decided to forgive him…"
"Mrs. Sheffield, you're rambling." Niles informed her.
"Sorry… can you put Max on please?"
"Yes Ma'am." Fran sighed and shifted her weight to her right foot before hearing Max's wonderful voice.
"Hi baby!"
"Oh, Thank God you're alright. I was getting worried! Why didn't you call me back?"
"Because I'm still a little angry at you. Anyway, I'm on my way home. I spent about 2000 dollars on gifts for me and about 1000 on the family and Niles." She could hear a sigh from the other line. "What are you worried about? We're billionaires for God's sake!" she thought she said at a normal volume, but since her voice travels, she felt the whole airport staring at her. She cautiously picked up her belongings. "But I didn't get anything for you!"
"Why is that darling?"
"Because if you hadn't lied, sucked it up, and came to Boca with me, you could've gotten souvenirs too!"
"How did you know I lied?"
"It wasn't that hard, baby, you're the worst liar ever!"
"Okay, okay… when should you be home?"
"Maybe 45 minutes… I'm gonna stop at Auntie Anne's and get a soft pretzel and Lemonade. What is Niles cooking?"
"His special Onion, Bean, and Liver casserole." Max said. "I swear, Fran, I think he cooks that because he's mad that we make him cook every night." Fran didn't have to see Max to know that he was cringing on the other line.
"So, I'll get pizza?" Fran asked. Max giggled and Fran honked out a laugh. Immediately, she could feel the airport walk away after that. She grew quite offended.
"Yes." Max whispered into the phone.
"Okay, I'll just -" suddenly, Fran heard her husband letting out a scream, followed by the kids and Niles. Then, she let out a high pitched scream when she felt the ground shake under her. She fell to the ground and clung to the phone and phone poll so she wouldn't lose Max. The whole airport screamed and ducked under whatever they could find. One child fell down the escalator, knocking people out of the way, screaming for her mommy. The mother dropped everything and ran after her, screaming 'Emily! Emily!' knocking down other people, only to fall down as well. Before she even got to the ground to pick up her daughter, the lights flickered on and off, before everything went completely black. Pitch black. She wouldn't even be able to see her hand in front of her face. It seemed everyone in the entire airport screamed when that happened, and she could still hear that mother over everyone. "Emily! Emily! Where are you?" Fran stared down at her 3 month pregnant belly (even though she couldn't even see it), lying a hand over it. What if that were her kid? "Max? Max?" she said into the phone. Nothing. Fran sat there, listening to the screams and the families calling for their family members. Suddenly, she heard the roof collapse behind her and she turned around. She couldn't see anything, but what she heard was loud, loud screams and names being called. Some of those screams were so heinous and so scary she would remember them forever. It would burn in the back of her mind. It was as if someone had gotten seriously injured… or worse. Oh, don't think of that Fran.
The ground was still shaking. She heard someone scream 'I'm going to sue!' and Fran clenched her fists. It wasn't the airports fault an earthquake was occurring. The lady was over reacting and it seemed some people just sued to make a living. After what seemed like hours, the lights went back on and the screaming stopped. There were murmurs and mumbles around and ladies and gentlemen who seemed pretty pissed. Families were still running around looking for the family members who might have gone to the food court, who might have fell, who might have hit their head, or who might have gone to the bathroom. Fran quickly got up and dragged her suitcase behind her, running out. She heard a lady come on the intercom and try to convince people it was okay. She got out to her car and felt an aftershock. She ducked down on the dirty ground until it passed, listening to the high pitched screams coming from the airport. When it passed, Fran cautiously got up and looked around. She saw a payphone and quickly put two quarters in it, calling home. No answer. "Damn!" she mumbled. "What's going on there? Is it worse?" She quickly hopped into her car and drove home.
Her car pulled up to the driveway. The house seemed fine. All of the houses in the neighborhood seemed fine, but she couldn't be sure enough. "Max, kids! Niles!" Fran screamed, running through the door. When she came in, she dropped all of her bags and her jaw dropped. Maxwell... her Maxwell... was in their living room, making out with a thin, tall, blonde.