Here it is guys!
My best friend's and I's new transfic!
My best friend Ryoma just got back from America last month and is now here in the Philippines!
Yay! Plus he decided to help me with the Evelyn's Guidelines fic to speed up a little on the update! As well as my other three best friends too! Woohoo!
Isn't that great!
Anyway enjoy guys!
Disclaimers: I don't own anything except my OC Maaya, Ryou and Jin belongs to my best friend Ryoma. We both own the story!
Chapter 1: Getting Her First Ride
"Alright, Ms. Yamagishi?"
"Okay." A teenage girl who has long dark red hair that was tied into a pony tail and green emerald eyes stood up form her seat while carrying a box. She was wearing a dark blue tank top and a dark blue denim shorts, she was also wearing a sleeveless black unbuttoned trench coat with a patch on it's back that looks like the tattoo on her right shoulder, her right shoulder had a tattoo that looks like a golden staff with black and white wings as well as a gold circle behind it, she was also wearing a pair long black leather fingerless gloves. She places it on a table and opens it.
"I will be reporting about my great, great, great grandfather. His name was Kurihiko Yamagishi; he was the greatest blacksmith in all of Japan. He would make lots of samurai swords and gave them to the soldiers. All of his works are flawless; even he made a samurai sword for the emperor of Japan on a special request from the emperor himself. He was also one of the first people to ever explore the Arctic Circle; he was along with his closest friend Captain Archibald Witwicky. Here's an example of one of his tools, his hammer. And other stuffs in blacksmithing." She pulls out a very old hammer that was about hundreds of years old.
"He also made a family samurai sword during his exploration to the Arctic Circle, which was passed down to our family for generations to keep a memento of him, and here's also his gloves and such."
She pulls out a pair of gloves, tongs, and a picture of the family samurai sword. "Here's the actual picture of the sword I mentioned, I took this in our home. You can see that there are also some unknown symbols that he imbedded." She pulls out an old scroll and spreads it. "This was his journal." The scroll had Japanese writing on it along with some unknown symbols. She continued explaining the history of her great grandfather.
"He decided to leave Japan and go on an adventure. Then after his journey there he became insane when he got back to Japan a few years later. He actually discovered an artifact there with his closest friend. But they didn't mention it on their journals."
"Okay class there will either be a quiz or another report next week!" The teacher announces.
The school bell rang and the students started to prepare to leave. The girl went to the teacher while holding the box. "So."
"I will give you a 'B-'." She dropped her face.
"Just a 'B-'?"
"You were hogging your great, great, great grandfather's crap Ms. Yamagishi. And I believe I've heard this from Mr. Witwicky before."
"But you said anything that involves history."
"True, but it still looks like a B- and because you and Mr. Witwicky have similar report of this, even though he's in another section." Maaya face palmed and thought 'Damn you Sam!'
"Okay, Sir could you look at the window." The teacher sighed and peeks at the window. "See my two big brothers over there, the two guys at the black 1963 GT Shelby Mustang? Well they just arrived two days ago from Vietnam, and they were always away from home leaving me alone in the house along with a babysitter. I gave them a promise that I'll give them three A's , and if I give them three A's they'll be staying here with me as well as getting me my first car. It's my dream to get my very own first car. And they told me this. 'Maaya, if you give us three A's and earn at least two thousand we promise you we'll give you a car.' Now I got the two thousand and two A's." She explained.
"Your 'B-'…*poof* dream gone. Just ask yourself Sir, what would Jesus do?"
She ran towards the red GT Shelby Mustang happy while carrying her bag. A skinny man was leaning at the hood of the car he was wearing a gray vest and a black shirt inside, his pants were blue denim jeans, and his left eye was covered by his long bangs while his black hair was short. He notices Maaya running towards them, he opens the door. "I got an A!" She gets in and sits at the back of the car while the skinny guy gets in at the passenger's seat. The two boys look at her.
"Let me see." The skinny guy grabs the paper from her and examines. "A-...?"
"It's an A! At least it's an A!" She looks at her two older brothers with pleading eyes
"Let me see that paper, yep it's an A." The other guy who was a bit muscular chuckled, he was a bit taller than then other guy, his hair was rough that looks like a fire, his hair was dark red similar to Maaya's, he was wearing a black shirt and a brown leather jacket with fur on the collar of the jacket, he was wearing a pair of jeans. All three siblings' eyes were the same, green emerald color. They started to drive and headed for the car sale.
"An 'A-' Ryou." The man on the passenger's seat sighed at their older brother.
"Jin, give her a break will ya? She's been working hard on her school." Ryou replied.
"So does that mean you guys will stay? And I'll be getting my first car?" Maaya asks while they were about to approach the car sale.
"You got the money?" Jin asked.
"Yep." Maaya replied "C'mon Jin you know I worked hard on this money, by the way are you two gonna stay here for the rest of years?"
Maaya soon spotted a red and blue semi drove at the car sale. What's strange is that she didn't saw anyone driving. She shook her head and looks back at her two big brothers.
"Of course we are, we don't have any clients in line. But I don't think we'll be staying here that long. Maybe next month we'll be having one." The driver replied while parking at the parking lot. "Here we are." He got out of the car along with Jin.
"What? Ryou this is like a junkyard." Maaya got off while complaining.
"It's your first car Maaya, don't worry eventually you'll be having a new one when you got enough money to buy a hotter one." Ryou laughed at his little sister's shocking reaction while ruffling her hair. She fixes her hair while her two brothers were laughing. "And don't even think of burrowing my car."
"Your car's different! Look at all of these! They're nothing but junk!" Maaya pointed out while Ryou shrugged her complaint. "You ever watched the 40 year old virgin?"
"Yeah." Ryou laughed again.
"Well look at this, this things a 40 year old virgin and that one's a 50 year old virgin." Maaya pointed at some old and dirty cars that were parked on the parking lot, all of them had a sale tag sticking on the windshield.
"Get used to it Maaya, when I got my first it was also a piece of junk." Jin looks around. They were in a cheap car sale. The three walk towards the small building were a black guy who was wearing a Hawaiian shirt stood up and approaches them.
"That's it I'm getting a full time job and earn myself some money." Maaya pouted.
"Don't even think about of dropping in school, otherwise you'll have to answer to our minds." Jin narrowed his eyes on her.
"Whatever!" Maaya stuck her tongue out while Jin rolls his eyes and sighed. Ryou on the other hand just laughed at his two siblings.
"Can I help you?" They all look at the black guy who was wearing the Hawaiian T-shirt.
"Yeah we're here to buy our little sister's first car." Ryou shakes his hand on the black guy. Then drapes his arm on Maaya's shoulders.
"This pretty lady? Sure!" He led the three siblings towards the corner. Maaya rolled her eyes and kept following them. "How about this one?" He asks Maaya at a 1970 Volkswagen.
"Too old for my taste." She replied, Maaya looks around to search something else. After a minute of searching she spotted again the red and blue semi Peterbuilt truck. "What about that one?" She pointed at the truck.
"That one-. Wait a minute, I don't know about this one." The black guy walks towards the truck and examines it. Maaya opens the driver's door and climbs in. Ryou and Jin walks beside her.
"Hey! Gilly! What's this truck doin' here!" The black guy shouted at the other black dude who was washing a dirty car.
"You sure about this one Maaya?" She nodded at Ryou, both he and Jin didn't mind her getting a truck but somehow Ryou was sensing a very strange feeling on the semi. "Let's ask about the price then." He looks at the owner.
"How much is it?" Maaya asked while examining the interior, her soft fingers traced the steering wheel.
"How much is the price of the truck?" Jin repeated Maaya's question at the owner.
"Well, I'll give you 5 grand."
"5000 dollars?" Maaya pops her head out of the window and looks at the owner. "Can't you take 4 grand?"
"Nope, sorry lil' lady can't lower the price."
"Sorry Maaya, come on get out we'll look for another one." Ryou opens the door and helped Maaya climb out.
"What about this one?" The owner went to another old car beside the truck. When he got in the driver's seat the truck's door slammed on the driver's door and broke the lock.
"Hey you okay?" Ryou looks at the owner.
"I'm fine; guess this one's got problems." The owner got out of the window of the passenger's seat. "Maybe this one..." When he was about to enter another car the truck's radio went haywire and sent out a sound burst making the other cars', except the semi, windshield and windows shatter.
The owner fell on the ground and stood up shaking. He looks at the three who was also surprised. "4,000!"
-Later at Night-
"Dinner ready yet?"
"Almost just let it boil a few more minutes."
The three are all gathered at a round table, their house was Japanese designed. There was a living room and a coat rack that was hanging the three siblings' outerwear, a kitchen beside it, a second floor which is where their bedrooms are. Ryou, Jin, and Maaya are all sitting around the table. The two also has a tattoo similar to Maaya's on their right shoulder. A portable stove was in front and a pot which was boiling with different kinds of meat, vegetables and mushrooms, in other words they were having a hot pot. This recipe is containing meat, vegetables, mushrooms, fish and any other ingredients that would add to the boiling broth.
Beside the table there was a Japanese rice cooker. And there are three large bowls in front of each of them as well as chopsticks. Ryou flips the TV channel to the CNN News. All the News talked about is how the economy is doing and how the president will fix this. Maaya laid her back on the floor while holding her growling stomach.
"Hungry~..." She groaned.
"It's almost finished Maaya." Jin stirred the hot pot.
"You know, that truck is really weird." Ryou looks at Maaya who was about to die of starvation.
"Weird? What do you mean Ryou?" Jin asks.
"I mean, didn't you two saw what it did?"
"The way it slammed it's door and a sound burst was released from nowhere that shattered the windshield of the cars except the semi?" Jin replied before taking a sip of the soup then he added some salt and pepper.
"You mean it actually wants to be bought." Maaya replied. "Maybe it has a more durable windshield." She added.
"Probably." Jin stirred the soup again while he replied.
"Hopefully that truck's worth it." Ryou looks back to the TV.
"Okay guys its done." Jin said making Maaya shot up and grabs her chopsticks and was drooling.
"Let's eat!" They all shouted happily in Japanese while digging in.
-After a few hours-
Maaya got out of the shower while wearing her black tank top and black shorts, she was drying her hair while walking towards the stairs, and she soon passed by the window and saw her semi parked inside the large garage besides Ryou's red 1963's GT Shelby Mustang. She paused for a minute and walked outside after wearing her slippers. She went towards the semi and traces the hood with her fingers. She didn't notice that the semi shivered. When she arrives at the driver's door she opens it and climbs in.
Once she settled at the seat she examines again the interior bedding by tracing her fingers, she was feeling sleepy and yawned. Before she realizes it she fell asleep in the semi, her arms were crossed on the steering wheel while her head was resting on them. She didn't hear the semi sighed, and did not felt a presence beside her. A man appeared beside her; he carries and carefully lays her on the bed inside the cot then covers her with a blanket.
He was gently stroking Maaya's hair as if feeling her smooth and soft hair, as well as continuing himself on watching her sleep peacefully for a while. He leans at her face and gives a peck on her cheek before disappearing. Optimus looks at the house and saw that the lights are out meaning the other two are asleep. He soon fell into recharge.
The Next Day
"Maaya! Wake up!" Maaya shot up when she heard Ryou's voice.
"Ryou?" She replied and yawned. She looks around and notices that she was inside her semi's cot. "How did I get here?" She wondered while stretching like a cat.
"Maaya! Where are you!" Ryou shouted again. "Hey!"
"Over here! Sheesh, stupid little…" She shouted in response, she also followed it with grumbling while climbing down the semi. She saw Ryou walking towards her, Maaya notices that Ryou is wearing his black biker jacket and a camouflage shirt inside; he was wearing black leather pants and a pair of biker boots.
"There you are squirt, we've been looking everywhere for ya." He ruffled her hair.
"Dang it Ryou quit messing my hair!" She threw his hand while he was laughing. "Why are you dressed in your working attire?"
Ryou's expression became serious and looks at her, Maaya knew what that meant and she frowned. "Sorry Maaya, we got a call from our military 'friend'. They said they needed our help in Qatar, our friend from the military just called us this morning. He said he's been having trouble with some people doing suicide bombing, and since me and Jin are the only best snipers in the world they needed some scouts ands snipers. Just to cover the front line soldier's, ass."
"So...who's gonna baby-sit me?" She asked sadly.
"Do you even need one?" Ryou grabs Maaya and gave her a head a noggin with his hand while his other arm was holding her and continued pestering her.
"Stop! Ryou! My brain!" Maaya laughed he did too. Then Jin walks out of the house while wearing a gray jacket and a black shirt and gray pants while wearing a pair of military boots. He searched around to look for the two. He was carrying two back packs; he saw them and sighed while walking towards them.
"If both of you keep that childish act up I might go on, on the job, alone." Jin threw Ryou's back pack after he let's go of Maaya and grabs it.
"Hey we're the best of the best when we're doing it together Jin, maybe after Maaya here graduates. Us, three may be the only ones who can do all sorts of jobs, if ever Maaya joins us." Ryou hoist his pack on his shoulder.
"I'd rather let her finish college, and maybe even let her get normal full time jobs." Jin went to the garage and grabs his motorcycle. "Rather than, becoming a hired mercenary."
"I doubt she'll have a normal job, you know how stubborn she is. Plus I think you'll agree with me that we'll be proud of her when she becomes like us." Ryou replied. "A stubborn little soldier."
"Hey!" Maaya looks at Ryou then to Jin. "Will you two stop talking about me! Who's gonna be my guardian?"
"No one." They both said in unison.
"You heard us, last time I check you had ears hahahaha!" Ryou laughs again
"Maaya, you have got yourself a part-time job and it's your summer vacation today. Plus I believe you can handle yourself at watching the house alone, also, you're old enough to live on your own." Jin drags out his black BMW bike while Ryou went to the garage and grabs his motorcycle. "And don't you worry about social services; we already gave them valid papers of excuse. Our friend already helped us with that."
"Do you really need to go now? Just after you guys got home few days ago?" Maaya frowned again.
"We need to follow the contract; this is also an emergency so we need to leave immediately. Sorry Maaya, but we're the only ones who can do exotic jobs and you know that." Jin replied while checking his equipments.
"Don't worry squirt we'll be back before you know it." Ryou checks his equipments while he replied to her. "And don't even think of fighting, unless someone else picks a fight. You know what to do, give 'em hell."
"Fine. Blood promise?" She asked them.
Ryou and Jin nods and walks in closer to her after they both checked their equipments, while Jin grabs a knife from his belt pouch, he removes his glove on his hand and made a cut. He gave the knife to Ryou and did the same, and then to Maaya which she also did the same. Then all three placed their hands on top of each other.
"I swear." Ryou looks at Jin then to Maaya.
"I swear." Jin said the same thing and looks at Ryou then to Maaya.
They let go of each other and Maaya drapes her arms on them giving them a big hug, Ryou laughed and hugged back, Jin only smiled and hugged back too.
"Hey don't forget souvenirs!" Maaya shouted while the two revved their bikes alive.
"Yeah we'll give ya some sands from Qatar!" Ryou laughed again while Jin rolled his eyes as they drove off.
Maaya sighed then went back inside the house.
Optimus heard the whole thing and felt sorry for Maaya. After a few hours Maaya walks out of the house and went to her semi, Prime saw her wearing a camisole and a short denim shorts, she was also carrying a bag. Her hair was tied into a pony tail while her sunglasses were on her forehead. She opens the door and climbs up; she threw the bag on the passenger's seat before revving the engines alive. She drove off to her destination; she decided to head to her favorite lake that no one else knows except the three of them. Once she passes the town she parked nearby the small woods and a lake in the middle, she turns off the engine and got out when she got her bag. Beside the woods there was a small lake, she looks around and saw no one.
Optimus just watched her carefully as she kept looking around and even listening carefully, after a few minutes she places the bag on the hood of the semi and opens it, Prime was shock to see her start undressing in front of him! Slowly she unzips her shorts revealing her panty, after her shorts she slowly lifts her camisole. She threw it along with her shorts that were on the hood of the semi, and then she unhooks her bra and turns around. Her back is now facing the hood of the semi.
Prime couldn't believe what he's watching, Maaya was undressing. In front of him! He somehow felt his arousal kicking in. He also saw a long line of gash that was on her back as well as multiple cuts and scratches on her back, not just that he also noticed that even her legs and her stomach had scars, but in between her breasts there was a burnt mark and a gash as well. He didn't think that she would have plenty of scars on her body. Then Maaya slowly took her panty off, with sharp ears she heard a whisper. She covers herself and looks alarmed.
"Who's there!" She growled furiously like a wolf, as her sharp eyes looks around to examine the area.
Optimus kept quiet and didn't want her to be disturbed to her...relaxation. After half an hour of listening carefully and searching around her, she sighed in relief and placed her under garments on the hood; she turns around and searched something on her bag. Prime knew that this was wrong, watching her in the nude. But he couldn't stop himself anymore as he was already enjoying her bouncing breasts and exposed skin. Maaya pulls out her bikini and wore it, Prime mentally growled to cover her beautiful naked body with those stupid garments. Once she was finished wearing the bikini she places her under garments inside the bag as well as her clothes.
She turns towards the lake and walks, his optics were glued to her swaying hips. She slowly walk in the water, she shivered when her skin made contact of the cold water. As soon as her body adjusted at the coldness of the water she dunks herself and emerges from the water, she enjoys herself by swimming in the lake. When her brothers were away she would always go to the lake and relax in the water. Optimus somehow was relieved to see her relaxed in the lake. He just kept watching her and was also keeping his sensors up for any danger lurking in the woods; he soon picked up something over by the bushes near the lake.
Maaya soon heard a twig broke; she shot up and looks around. She sniffed to get the scent of the creature that was around her. She saw the bush ruffled, she immediately got out of the water and went to her bag to grab a combat knife. Then she saw a white wolf walking out of the bushes, Maaya sighed in relief and puts back the knife in her bag. The wolf stops and sniffs, Maaya smiled and slowly walked towards the wolf. Prime wanted to stop her but he could see that she was trying to communicate to the creature.
"Hey..." She knelt down a few inches in front of the wolf and held out her hand showing that she's not a hostile; the wolf sniffed and slowly went closer to her. The wolf sniffs Maaya's hand for a while; she just kept smiling at it. Then the wolf licks her hand showing that it has recognized her as one of her own. The wolf got closer to Maaya and licks her face, Maaya giggled at the wolf's tongue. It was ticklish. Maaya began to run her hands on the white soft fur of the wolf. She notices that it was a female wolf, and then she spotted the wolf's fur to be coated in blood at the right leg.
Maaya looks at the right leg and saw that it was injured, she frowned and stood up. "Wait here." She went towards the semi's hood to get something on her bag. She pulls out a white handkerchief and went back to the wolf, the wolf growls. "It's okay, I won't hurt you." She purred to the wolf to calm down, her hand pets the wolf's head. Once the wolf has calmed down she started to tend the wolf's injured leg by wrapping the white cloth on it. "There all done."
The wolf sniffed her injured leg and looks back to Maaya, she went closer to her face and starts licking her face again. Prime smiled to see Maaya laughing; he was quite impressed to see her tame a wild creature. The wolf stops and looks back to the bush she came from. Maaya notices her looking at the bush; she soon heard some howling of another wolf. The wolf howled as well, Maaya knew that the wolf was probably being called by it's mate.
"Looks like you need go back now." She pets the wolf again before standing up and watch the wolf take it's leave.
She sighs in relief and grabs her bag; she opens the door and climbs up on the semi. She revved her semi's engine alive and took off and head back to her home. Prime is now interested on this femme, he saw her tame a wild animal as well as tending its injuries. He has kept a note that Maaya has a liking to nature and its wild animals. For some reason he can feel something in his spark.
Qatar/ US Military base
"Alright, run on this me again."
"Well, our good friend needed some more back up here in Qatar."
"They need good snipers."
"Yes, they are also hiring more mercenaries as well. Sounds like that they are running out of soldiers."
Ryou looks at Jin who was looking at his laptop and was reading the message that the military sent Ryou checks at his sniper rifle for any problems.
They just left California two days ago. Just after two days when they returned home, they immediately got a private call from man called General Morshower. He told them that they're in need of help; he said their losing some good soldiers against the terrorists. Ryou and Jin were tied with the contract with the General, both brothers were once in the military and they saved the General before.
All they wanted is to stay with their little sister back in California but as well as doing military jobs, so in exchange for saving the General's life he agreed to let them go back to their little sister as mercenaries. However they're not just normal hired mercenaries, the two brothers are the true elites. They can get any kind of job done before the government even knows; the two was truly the best of the best. Both in military action and strategies, they even have sharper eyes than anyone so they were THE best snipers in the military.
But Ryou wasn't only a best sniper; he was also the best in hand to hand combat. The contract, however, says that if they got an emergency call from the General they do not have the option to decline the job, that's their only catch.
They both trained Maaya to be like them at the age of 10, she also has sharper senses. The two brothers know that this was in their genes; they never talked about their family much. Only the three of them would talk about each other's stories, their parents died when Maaya was only 7, Maaya was with her parents on a plane to go visit the two in America. However a malfunction happened in the engine's systems and they crashed, thankfully, on land. Because miraculously, Maaya was the only survivor of the plane crash, the others along with their parents died. The two heard what happened and rushed to the hospital that Maaya was in; they couldn't believe it but was thankful that their little sister survived the crash.
They were horrified, Ryou most of all, to see her weak body. Her body was wrapped in bandages and casts. The doctor told them her injuries. Apparently Maaya suffered a third degree burn on her chest and had two broken bones on her arms. She had multiple deep cuts on her legs, stomach and her back as well. But her back had a large gash that her spine could almost be seen, even the middle of her chest had a deep cut. What made her survived was the small piece of shard that was imbedded on her heart. The doctors said that if they were to remove the shard she may die. They also said that it was a miracle for little Maaya to survive a plane crash that has only a slim chances of survival.
Ryou and Jin were the only two relatives left in her life; at first when she was young she would always get sick when her two brothers are gone. Jin always provides her a guardian to look after her before they left, but knew that they would both miss their little sister and she would still keep getting sick without them. But while the two are with her they would sometimes train her to be like them, and also helped her get through their parents death.
Thankfully Maaya was able to pull through, Jin suggested to not mentioning anything about their parents death or even their reason for traveling. Ryou knows that they both need to tell Maaya about their parents but time will tell. Jin was more worried about her; she might have post traumatic stress. She may have nightmares about the plane crash and the laying lifeless bodies of their parents; sadly it did happen at stormy nights. Loud thunders and flashes of lightning would trigger those nightmares somewhere in Maaya's mind.
Ryou and Jin rushed towards her room when they heard her loud cries and sobs at the middle of the stormy night, when they enter they saw her on the ground curled up into a ball while her eyes were full of watery tears. As the eldest, Ryou decided to do the jobs alone while Jin had to stay at home to ensure Maaya's mental health and to help her at stormy nights. Jin agrees without hesitance, he knew how strong Ryou is, but that's not what made him stay it was their weak little sister.
When she reached 9 years old the nightmares were gone, she didn't have anymore of those horrible nightmares. Both the brothers are relieved to see her well, she was back to being her cheerful self and they are able to do the jobs again as partners.
"Alright boys we're here!" The pilot of the chopper shouted at them.
The rope was lowered to the ground, Ryou was first to slide down the rope and landed on the sands, Jin was the last to land.
"Hey the two jap brothers!" Ryou turns around and grinned.
"Will, my man!" Ryou grabs the shoulders of a man in a military uniform.
"Captain William Lennox." Jin looks at Will and nods.
"You know Jin, you don't have to be so formal around me just cause I'm captain and all, so you guys the back up?" Will placed both his arms on the two brothers' shoulders. "C'mon I'll take ya to the General's room." He lets go of them and walk towards the base. "So, how's your little sister doin'? She okay?" He asked while taking a glance on the two.
"Yeah, she's a real woman now." Ryou replied.
"So I heard, she got any boyfriend?"
"Nope, never will be." Jin replied.
"What? You two gotta let her have one, unless you guys planning on letting her grow up without any guy."
"I ain't on Jin's side on that one; I've been trying to find her a match. It ain't easy finding a real guy for her; most of those guys back home are just wussies." Ryou pats Jin's back. "C'mon Jin, I know you'll agree with me on this one. She needs a guy."
Jin looks at his older brother and just stares blankly, Ryou just laughs. "I'll think about that." He replied while Ryou kept laughing.
"Yo! You two back here in the military." A black man approaches the two.
"Hey Epps, sup?" Ryou greeted while he grabs the black man's hand and shakes it.
"Doin' okay here." Epps replied.
"Okay you two go on inside the General's waiting for ya." Will points at the door.
"Thanks Will, see ya guys." Ryou waves at the two then followed Jin towards the room.
"Ryou, Jin, welcome back you two." A man around his 40's greeted them; the two immediately salutes at him. "At ease, you two don't have to salute me every time we meet. You're not in the military anymore, your special ops mercenaries."
"We're still part of the military General, even if we are just hired mercenaries." Jin responded.
"I know that, but your only deal here is that you do the jobs and missions we give you." General Morhsower grabs three cigars on his pocket. "Here, it's Cuban." He tosses each cigar to each of them.
"Thanks, General." Ryou puts the cigar on his belt pouch. "Maybe I'll light this up after we got done with the job."
"Suit yourself, anyway on to business." The General started to explain the situation to the two.
Maaya lifts her head up from her book while she was sitting on her semi's hood, she saw a teenage boy walking towards her. "Sam what are you doing here?"
"I was wondering if you wanna go to the lake party with me." He asks.
"What, so you can have a girl with you and act cool?" She jumps down on her semi.
"No, I told you I'm not interested in you." He stuck his tongue out. "Everyone's there already."
"Oh I get it, you're gonna go show off with the hottest girl in school are ya?" She narrows her one eye while the other widens and looks at him smirking wolfishly.
"I thought you're my best friend!"
"Yep hit the spot!" She laughs hard.
"By the way, is that your new ride?" Sam points at the semi.
"Yeah it is, sweet isn't it?" She pats her hand on the hood. "What about you?"
"Over there." Sam points his thumb on the yellow and black racing striped Camaro.
"Looks cool, how much did you get it?"
"4 grand."
"4 grand! That's the price I got with my semi! Weird, anyway, sure I'll go with you on the lake and help you out on your girl problems."
"Shut up and mind your own issues, I'll meet ya there." Sam went towards his yellow Camaro.
Maaya kept laughing while climbing the semi, Prime on the other looks at the yellow Camaro. He opens the comm. Link
::"Prime to Bumblebee."::
::"Sir, I didn't know your going to be that femme's guardian."::
::"Ratchet and Ironhide are busy getting here, I want you to keep looking after Sam."::
::"Okay Sir, by the way, you sounded like you just had an overload. What happened sir?"::
::"…":: He couldn't answer anymore as he was getting very embarrassed to answer, this morning he saw Maaya naked again and dressed in her bikinis to give him a car wash, he was being washed by her. As a matter of fact, he did have an overload earlier, thanks to Maaya's soft hands and her soft breasts being pressed and rubbed on his frame. So while she was washing him, he was pleasantly enjoying it! While his arousal systems are kicking to maximum overdrive and soon he overloaded by shivering. Thankfully Maaya didn't notice him shiver, she was too busy scrubbing his grill and her hair bangs were always in the way.
::"Yes Bumblebee?"::
::"Are you alright?"::
::"Yes I'm fine, Prime out!":: He immediately cuts off the comm. Link to avoid hearing anymore of his subordiante's questions while Maaya was driving him towards a large lake filled with young teenagers both boys and girls.
Oh how much he became obsessed with her ever since he saw her changed in front of him on that small lake. He wondered how far his obsession of Maaya will go; she is a very interesting femme as well as a dark secret that have yet to be known in time. If he's right he might fall in love with her, but will Maaya feel the same way? After a few days without her knowing that the semi she was driving was actually an alien in disguise, he will just have keep studying her for the time being. And probably enjoy her touch, which he both thankful for and ashamed of it.
Yay chapter one finish!
I'd like to thank my best friend for helping me with this.
Ryoma's one of my four my best friend! Those two characters, Ryou and Jin are his OC's! We're actually using our nicknames as the names of our OC's! I'm usually called Maya in my school, Marz in our group! We mostly called him Jin, and sometimes Ryou on occasions!
Ryoma and I own this fic, so don't forget him or else he'll blame me! XP
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