A/N: Hey everyone! Sorry it's been a couple of days since I've last written. I've just been really sick and now I'm on bed rest so yeah. Thank you guys for the great reviews they really keep me going. (:

MacaqueAttack713: I know! It really is sad that this stuff really does happen. And I've honestly been meaning to put Harry in and make him talk to her, I just haven't found a time to do it. Although I think I finally got it. I hope this chapter is to your liking! (:

Angstar54: Thank you! And I know. I adore Snape as well. I will definitely try to incorporate him more in the story! (:

And now… Here it is! Another chapter for you guys!

Chapter 17: Friends?


Weeks had gone by and soon it was Christmas time and a lot of the Hogwarts students were packing up and ready to go home.

Hermione was sitting outside with Draco, her head resting on his shoulder and next to them sat Luna and Blaise who were talking quietly to each other, holding hands and laughing.

All four of the friends decided to stay behind for Christmas break, seeing as none of them really wanted to go home either.

Hermione looked up at Draco with a smile on her face. She couldn't believe that they were finally a couple, she had never felt happier.

The whole school had been in an uproar when the two of them had walked into the great hall hand in hand with each other. Everyone was shooting them death glares, which they continued to ignore.

They had ignored everyone for the most part but she couldn't stop the pain in her chest whenever she looked at Harry or Ron. She desperately wanted to go talk to them. She stood her ground however and she didn't look over at them again for the remainder of breakfast.

Now the two couples were sitting on the grass enjoying the surprisingly nice weather.

"So, what's our plan for the break? Not many people are staying behind. Just us, a couple of Ravenclaws, Hufflepuffs, and a couple of Gryffindors," Blaise paused for a second before moving on, "And Potter and Weasley."

Hermione's head snapped up looking at him, a shocked expression on her face. "Harry and Ron are staying behind?"

Blaise nodded at her and then shrugged. "Yeah, they are." He noticed the sad look on her face and he also noticed how Draco squeezed her hand comfortingly.

He got an idea, his eyes sparking up. "Hey! Why don't we go to Hogsmead? I still need to do my Christmas shopping."

Hermione gave Blaise a smile and nodded her head. "That sounds like fun. What do you think Luna?" She asked looking over that the young girl who had her head on Blaise's lap.

She sat up and gave Hermione a smile. "Oh yes. That sounds lovely. The Humbling Bumdingers say that it's going to be a good day to go shopping."

All three of their heads whipped towards the blonde, their eyes showing amusement.

Blaise let out a barking laugh before burying his face in Luna's hair. "My girlfriend the nut," he mumbled. Luna let out a huff of breath before lightly punching Blaise in the arm before standing up.

"Come on Hermione, let's go." She grabbed Hermione by the arm pulling her up and looping her arm through hers.

"Let's leave the wobbly didigons to eat their faces off." Luna turned back and glared slightly at her boyfriend before pulling Hermione along with her.

"Oi! Bring my girlfriend back Lovegood!" Draco hollered. Her heard Hermione's laugh and groaned. "Now you've done it Blaise. Come on you big oaf let's go after them."

The two got up from their spot on the grass and made their way after their girlfriends towards Hogsmead.


The four made there way around Hogsmead when the snow started to fall.

"Come on. Let's go to the Three Broomsticks," Draco said, grabbing Hermione's hand. He led them to a booth while the boys went to get the drinks.

The girls were talking quietly amongst themselves when the two boys returned.

"Thank you Draco." Hermione said taking the drink from him and sipping on it. He smiled down at her before scooting into the bench next to her and throwing his arm across her shoulder. "Any time love," he mumbled, burying his face in her hair.

The four sat talking for a little while before Hermione remembered that she still had to buy a couple of Christmas presents. She hit her palm to her forehead before exclaiming "You guys! I totally forgot to grab a couple of Christmas presents. I'll meet you back at the school okay?"

"Do you want me to go with you?" Draco asked, not really liking her walking back by herself.

"No, no, don't worry. I'll be fine. I'll meet you back at school." Before anybody could protest, she quickly got up leaned down, kissed Draco lightly on the lips before dashing out of the Three Broomsitcks and into the cold.

The three friends looked after her perplexed before shaking their heads.

"Well," Blaise said, looking at the other two, "I guess we should head back."

Luna got up nodding and took Blaise's hand in hers. "Yes, let's go." With that, the three friends headed out and took the long treck back up to the school.


Hermione was looking around the shops for presents for her friends. She had been so distracted lately that she completely forgot that Christmas was coming up, and that was the main reason she didn't want them to come with her. She still had to buy their presents.

She walked into a little boutique that was off to the side, searching for Luna's present first. She knew that Luna was a little eccentric so she knew just what to get her. She walked over to the corner and picked up a beautiful pair of earings.

They had tiny little butterflies on them with a small little diamond on each wing. It came with a matching necklace and ring. The necklace was almost covering her chest so it was pretty big and the ring that it came with had a leaf and a butterfly adorning it.

She paid for Luna's and then walked out of the shop in search for Blaise's gift. She had decided to get Blaise a black watch that told you when someone's birthday was, they time, the date and whatever important even was happening.

Satisfied with Blaise's present she shrunk it putting it in her purse next to Luna's.

She then set off in search for Draco's. She bought him a box of his favorite Honeydukes chocolate that had a charm on them to keep them fresh. She then walked into the quidditch shop looking around. She finally found the broomstick servicing kit that she had known he wanted and took it up to the front to pay for it. She shrunk all of the presents to fit inside of her bag as she made her way outside.

She wasn't paying attention to where she was walking when she ran into someone and they sent her plummeting to the ground.

"I'm so sorry! I wasn't paying attention to where I was going…" She looked up her face going white as she looked into the green eyes of the boy in front of her.


She quickly got to her feet and looked at him as he got to his own feet.

"I'm sorry…" She whispered, her eyes cast downward. She made to turn around and walk away before she saw the hate in his eyes, when she felt a hand grab her arm.

She looked at the hand, following them up to the green eyes that were looking at her.

"Don't go… I-I want to talk to you…" Harry was looking at her and she could have sworn that she saw a pleading look in his eyes, but it was fleeting.

She nodded her head and he gave what sounded like a sigh of relief.

"Thank you. Can we go to the Three Broomsticks?" He asked her. Before she could answer he grabbed her arm, pulling her gently towards the pub.

They both walked inside before finding a booth to sit at and she looked at him expectantly waiting for him to speak first.

"Look Hermione… I'm…" Harry stopped and let out a sigh, bringing his hand up to ruffled his hair. He took one look at her and opened his mouth again.

"I'm sorry! I'm really sorry Hermione. I've been a right git. I know you probably won't forgive me, but I'm still terribly sorry for everything that's happened between us."

Harry looked down at his hands fearing what Hermione was thinking, he felt terrible for everything that's happened between them and he just wanted his best friend back.

Hermione looked at Harry with wide eyes, her eyes sparkling with tears.

She then launched herself at Harry giving him a giant hug and burying her face in his neck. "Oh Harry… I forgive you. I forgive you, I missed you so much."

She continued crying quietly into the crook of his neck before finally letting him go. She wiped her eyes and then looked him. "I'm sorry. I've gotten your shirt wet with my tears."

Harry looked at Hermione with a smile on his face.

"So… You and Malfoy huh?" He looked at her with a raised eyebrow noticing the blush that appeared on her face.

"Yes… Me and Draco. I really like him Harry. And he's been there for me for everything."

He nodded his head and smiled at her. "As long as you're happy Mione, then you can be with whoever you want."

"Thank you Harry. I am." She smiled up at the boy giving him the biggest smile she ever had.

They stood there in the Three Broomsticks for another hour or so just talking about anything and everything.

As she sat there talking to her green eyed friend, a feeling of peace come over her. She finally had one of her best friends back and she couldn't be happier.


A/N: Well… There you have it! (: I hope you like it! Leave a review please!