If you've stayed along for the entire ride and are now here with me at the end, I thank you so much for your support of my writing. The reviews, suggestions and feedback you've given me have been much appreciated, and it's kept me believing in my abilities as a writer.
I cannot tell you how much fun I've had writing, and recently editing, this long winded journey into a rainbow hued abyss! It's been incredible, and of course I have the world's best band (fact!) To thank for their inspirational album :) Thank you to My Chemical Romance, even though they'll never read this. Thank you for your music that has given me hope even in the darkest of times. Thank you Gerard for this wonderful band of characters to work with... and I can only hope you don't hit me with a lawsuit. XD
It never ceases to amaze me how much you readers out there have stated your love of my O.C. characters. In fact, the fact that I had original characters made me wonder this 'novel' should ever see the light of day... I'm glad you've allowed them into your hearts! Bloodshot was so much fun to write, I'm considering writing her a one shot spin-off... I just don't feel like she's done with me yet!
So, all you crash queens and motor babies... here's a little request from me as the writer of this twisted tale; tell me what you think, and if you like this story enough, pass it along to someone else who you think might enjoy it! I'm always looking for artists to help me out with illustrations as well, so if any of you draw, please do get in touch with me!
Thank you once again and don't forget to keep running!