This is the last chapter of Star Light, Star Bright. I have loved working on this fic and I am very sad to see it go. There is a possibility of occasional very sporadic updates, but it very much depends on a lot of factors, including inspiration and my personal life (which likes to implode regularly). I'm also hoping at some point to get a full length Starkiller fic going, but that could be (and probably will be) a long time coming. Thank you all so much for reading! It's been lovely reading all of your reviews and I'm so grateful for all of your positive feedback.

96. Girl

Rham Kota knew the instant the boy approached him. He knew exactly who he was. He knew what the boy's presence felt like – dark, consuming, suffocating. He almost thought the boy was there to finish what he started. Until he felt the spark of light in his heart.

When he met Juno Eclipse, he began to understand. He might not be able to see and he might have been drunk, but he could sense the tension when Starkiller and Juno were in the same room.

She was the spark that set fire to Starkiller's heart and set him towards redemption.

97. Secret

Starkiller's heart sank when his master said that the Emperor had followed him to Vader's location. There was no way that was possible. Juno was always so careful to keep them cloaked and no one had been on the Rogue Shadow but the two of them and PROXY.

His train of thought was cut off by the searing pain in his chest. The blood red glow of his master's blade disappeared, leaving a dull ache behind.

In that moment, he knew that everything they had been working for was gone.

His last thought before everything began to fade was Juno.

98. Blood

There is enough blood on his hands, he decided. Maris Brood may have lost herself to the Dark Side on Felucia, but she was no worse than he was. Truthfully, she was better than he. He had killed her master and let Felucia fall to the Dark Side.

He was masquerading as a Jedi Knight in front of Senator Organa, but it was a lie – one that he was acutely aware of. It worked with his plans, but he almost regretted lying to the senator.

Perhaps his allegiance to the Dark Side and Darth Vader was not so strong anymore.

99. Magic

When he was a child, Galen had thought that the Force was a fascinating thing. It was a tool to survive Vader's training and it reminded him that he was not alone.

As the years passed, it became less fascinating and more dangerous. His meditations would leave him in a haze of anger. The Dark Side gave him strength. It gave him power.

The Dark Side, however, was not wondrous. It was intoxicating and it offered incredible power, but not without cost.

It took him time to realize exactly what that cost was.

100. Slayer

When the news that the Emperor and Darth Vader were dead reached him, it made Starkiller's heart constrict. The memories of the Death Star burned in his vision.

He took a deep, calming breath. Whatever could be said about what had happened, it had left him fractured. He had long ago decided that it did not matter if he was a clone or the real Galen Marek, but it did not feel like it was insignificant.

The news gave him some relief, however: the dark presence that had tormented him for years was gone. But where did that leave him?

Posted 6/13/2015