Disclaimer: Everything belongs to the lovely J. K. Rowling and WB. The only things I own are my OCs. I wish I owned Fred.

This is a Fred/OC Story. I like OCs. Sue me. Starting during the twins 7th year and continuing from there. Note: I am not killing Fred off. This story takes place from Fred's point of view mainly, mixing it up every now and then.

Emily Roth hated me.

Right now she was standing in front of me, yelling insults at the top of her lungs but my ears didn't seem to want to pick any of it up. I heard the occasional prick, and asshole but that was mainly it. I tried to resist smiling, instead choosing to cross my arms against my chest and keeping my eyes locked on hers. Even in a rage she still looked incredibly pretty. Always neat, always had her hair tied up in that pony tail with her perfect fringe that just covered the top of her eyes, but right now it needed a trim. Wait. Why was I thinking about her fringe needing a cut when she was standing there shouting and I obviously wasn't listening?

It was probably stuff like that, which made her hate me.

"Fred Weasley! You are the most…insufferable!"

"Go on..."

"Big headed!"


"Obnoxious man, no, BOY! I have ever had the displeasure of meeting. You weren't listening to a single word I was saying, were you?"


"Fine. For the last time. Stop using my brothers as your test subjects. Henry was sick for nearly four hours the other day, and when I had to explain to my mother why all Christmas William's neck was double its usual size she wasn't too impressed."

I was listening to her as she spoke but I couldn't stop my eyes from travelling down her neck, two of her buttons on the top of her shirt were undone, exposing a slight area of skin and I felt my mouth become rapidly dry.


My eyes snapped back up to her and I cocked an eyebrow. "Listen. I'm not testing any products on your brothers that could seriously harm them. Besides, I gave Henry Puking Pastels, What do you expect to happen?"

"Well stop it! You are so infuriating!"

"You love it."

"I really don't, I don't even know why I bother sometimes."

"Well it's not my fault you're so stuck up," I said rolling my eyes. "All Ravenclaws are the same. Always sat in the library with your heads stuff in your books and showing everyone else up in lessons. Do you even know what fun is?"

"Wow." She said with a smirk. "I'm shocked that you even know what a library or a book is." Her voice dripping with sarcasm as she spoke and once she had finished, violently pushed past me storming off.

"DON'T FORGET TO FISH YOUR WAND OUT OF," But I was interrupting when I felt a sharp pull on the back of my neck and I spun around to see George with a less than impressed look on his face.

"Come on, we've got to get to Potions, and you finishing that sentence probably wouldn't of helped you in the slightest. What's wrong with you?"

"Me? Nothing."

George shook his head as we started our descent to the dungeons. "I swear you just seek her out to make her hate you."

"I do not."

"Really? Since second year Charms you have pretty much tried your best to annoy her as much as humanly possible. Why? Because you secretly love her."

"I do not love her. I mean, she's attractive, yeah. But I don't actually like her. Well, I like her but I'm not...oh shut up. She hates me anyway."


"She did call me the most insufferable, big headed, obnoxious man, sorry, boy, she ever had the displeasure of meeting. I hate how she speaks; she sounds like a mini professor McGonagall."

"You love it. You love the fact she's an utter book worm and all prim and proper because she's the exact opposite to you."

"All I know is that she really needs to loosen that ponytail."

Her hatred of me, well it's all my fault. That prank, the one with all the slime me and George had found in the dungeons. Well it wasn't meant for her, and it's the reason why she hates me so much.

I vaguely remember standing there with my mouth wide open as I starred at her at the top of the staircase. Filch, who the prank had been intended for, was standing behind her sniggering, but his smile quickly faded and I knew he was thinking about having to clear all that muck off the floor. Right then I couldn't give two garden gnomes about him. I was too busy bursting with maniacal laughter, as was George, while she stood there hands slightly raised at her sides and enormous splodges of slime dripping off her. I could see her trembling, but it was more from rage than anything else, her eyes locked on me and George. But back then we didn't give it a second thought to it.

It wasn't until the start of second year when I saw her in Charms I remembered what we did. I caught her glaring at George and I and that was when I decided I was going to bug the heck out of her. It had been an accident, but if she was going to hold a grudge, fine. I was going to be so annoying when they re-wrote Hogwarts a History I would have my own chapter.

And it had been going on for six whole years.

It was a few days later when I noticed her at the opposite table while we were in the great hall working. She was sat between her younger brothers, Henry a first year and William a third year. I had never actually seen them all together, but they all looked similar. Same shocking black hair and fair complexion, only her brothers looked like they had been dragged through a hedge backwards. I would be scared to go within ten feet of them with a comb for fear of attack.

Of course I noticed how pretty she looked today as she sat there concentrating on her work; I always noticed that, although I would never say it out loud. Her tongue would occasionally slide across her bottom lip making me stare even more and completely ignoring the work I was meant to be doing. Even when she furrowed eyebrows and rubbed the back of her neck I found myself fidgeting in my seat.

Then she suddenly looked up, her eye line catching mine. Usually in awkward situations like this I would do my best to look away, look anywhere apart from directly at the person, but I couldn't stop. She didn't roll her eyes like she usually did; instead she just went back to her writing. My gaze didn't leave her and I could sense she felt it as she also fidgeted in her seat.

When she finally stood and handed her work to Professor Snape I quickly did the same, even though I wasn't anywhere nearly done then followed her out of the hall. "Oi, Emily!"

She turned slowly folding her arms across her chest. "Yeah?"

"Are, are you ok?"

She shrugged slightly looking down at the ground.

"What's wrong?"

"Don't you think this is stupid?" she suddenly said.


"This! Us! I mean, don't you get tired of arguing?"

I responded with a small shrug, shoving my hands into my pockets.

"You're such a jerk." She muttered quietly.


"You heard me. You're a jerk."

"What are you nine? That's the worst insult ever."

"Fine. You're an arsehole!

"I'm a…I…WHAT? No I'm not!"

"Yes you are. Ever since first year you have been." We stared at each other for a few moments. She was obviously waiting for me to say something. Her tongue poked out for a second wetting her bottom lip and I found myself staring at her mouth. Had her lips always been that pink?

"Well, I apologize." I said, snapping out of my daze. "About what happened, with the…uh…thing?" I waved my arms above my head in my mind intimidating the stuff falling on her, but I probably looked like a bit of a loon. "It wasn't meant for you, honestly, it was for Filch. If I had seen you coming towards it I would have warned you."

"No you wouldn't." she spat. "Don't lie! You don't care who you prank as long as you get a laugh out of it. My uniform was completely ruined; my mother was furious and grounded me for four weeks. What's even worse is that you spent the next six years tormenting me."

"I do not torment!"

"You always make fun of me." She said counting it off on one finger.


"You always try to scare me." Counting it off on another.

"That's neither here nor there."

"And you always talk about me behind my back. I have done nothing to you! I don't even talk to you! You always try to seek me out and pull me into conversations. Then when I think you're going to be genuine and nice you completely ruin it by going back to your same obnoxious self-loving shallow self."

I stood there stunned, I was definitely not any of those things, at least…I didn't think I was. With that she turned on her heel and stormed down the corridor. I turned my attention towards the door and saw a group of students that quickly scattered when I looked in their direction.

I did as I was told, I didn't talk to her, didn't go near her. Even her brothers, who were two our best test subjects considering they would try anything, I didn't go near. So what happened next wasn't my fault, but I'm kind of glad it did.

This happened a few weeks before me and George decided to leave. I was walking to my next lesson when I heard shouting coming down one of the corridors "Get off me you big ape!" I heard and started sprinting towards the noise.

"Shut up you little worm!" I recognized the deep voice immediately as Goyle's and as I arrived around the corner I saw him push the kid to the ground, recognizing the much smaller child as Emily's brother Henry. Goyle then proceeded to pick him up by his ankles; the kid looked like he was about to projectile vomit.

"Oi you git!" I yelled and all of Goyle's attention turned to me, huge smirk plastered on his face. "Put him down, now." I demanded. Goyle let go of his ankles and Henry crashed to the floor with a crunching sound causing him to let out a small yelp. I really didn't think that one through.

"Piss off." Goyle said standing over Henry but his gaze fixed on me. "What you going to do about it?"

I pulled out my wand directing it at the idiot. Henry remained on the floor obviously too scared to do anything, not like I could blame him. Goyle was two years below me but I was pretty sure if he sat on me it would do some permanent damage. "Why don't stay out of this Muggle lover and leave the half-blood to me." He chuckled and stood on one of Henry's hands. The poor kid let out another yelp, like a puppy being crushed.

That was it, before I knew it I ran forward tackling Goyle to the floor with tremendous force. Sure he was a 5th year, but he was almost my height and built like an Ox, so it wasn't exactly a fair fight. Besides, it was my turn to get into trouble for fighting seeing as I never got the satisfaction of being able to beat Draco. Punches were being thrown and Goyle suddenly had me pinned down on my back twisting my arm behind me. I was preparing for the pain that would follow but strangely there was nothing. I looked up and saw Professor McGonagall standing there with her wand out, anger contorting her face.

"What do you students think you are doing!" she screeched. I turned around and saw Goyle lying flat on his back. I had to hold back the snigger.

"He was attacking me Professor!" Henry said scrambling to his feet. "Fred was helping me!"

"All three of you to the Hospital wing. Now!" Goyle was first to stand and sulk off. Henry looked at as if he was about to say thank you but when he saw the Professors face he ran off after Goyle, not too quickly though. "Unfortunately," the Professor started before I could leave. "I'll have to inform Professor Umbridge. Even if you were sticking up for a student, you were still fighting." She said, giving me a sympathetic look. "Yes Professor." I slowly made my way to the hospital wing without another word.

Goyle was quickly sent off having only receiving minimal injuries from me. Unfortunately I had a rather large gash under my eye and my jaw hurt like someone had just smashed my face in with a brick. Umbridge had eventually come down in her sweet natured way blamed the entire incident on me and gave me a week's worth of detentions for attacking another student. Henry insisted I was protecting him, trying to get me out of trouble, then she threatened him with detentions also and he shut up immediately.

While Madame Pomfrey was cleaning the blood off my face the doors slammed open and Emily rushed in running over to her brother's bed and wrapping her arms around him as tightly as she could. As I watched them I felt a sudden sting in my gut, she started to study him, turning over his wrist and checking the small bruise that he had on his forehead. I could hear him telling her to stop fusing but she wouldn't have any of it and a small sile crept on to my face.

When she finally stops henry starts talking. He looked like he was speaking a mile a minute but it was very faintly, I was only across the room and a couple of beds down but I couldn't hear a word he was saying. He suddenly pointed over at me and Emily's attention turned my way for a brief second before she looked back to her brother. They were still there when I was finally allowed to leave and I retrieved straight to the common room to tell George of my heroic tale.

I went to breakfast early the next day; the pain in my jaw hadn't made for a comfortable night's sleep. I didn't see Emily until she took a seat next to me, fiddling with the spoon on the table. I didn't really know what to do, so I continued to eat my toast, keeping my eyes down on my plate. A few times she turned to talk to me opening her mouth to speak, then just sighing and continuing to play with the spoon, spinning it on the table and tapping it gently against the wood.

"You didn't have to do that." She finally said.

"Whut?" I asked, still chewing on a mouthful of toast.

"Protecting Henry. Getting hurt." She brought a hand up to my face but quickly lowered it, placing it in her lap. "You didn't have to do that."

I swallowed the contents in my mouth slowly, thinking of a response. "If it was anyone I would have done the same thing. It just happened to be your brother."

"Well, Thanks. Is your jaw ok?"

"Yeah. I mean it hurts when I move it, talk, chew, yawn, or even when it's stationary, but it's ok. Maybe a kiss would make it better?" I chuckled, obviously not expecting anything. But I felt it, I felt her lips just on the edge of my jaw and I froze clutching my glass of pumpkin juice so hard I thought it might crack.

"Thanks Fred." She whispered and left the table. Several people were starring but I just shook it off and continued to eat my breakfast, slower than before. Still thinking about how her lips had felt against my skin.