Hi guys! This is another fanfiction I came up with one day, it's sort of random and amazingly AU... well I hope you like it... :) I'm hoping this is going to be a novel-like fanfic.

Disclaimer: I don't own anything that you recognize


But it's worth reading, trust me.

Buon Divertimento ;)



Chapter I

Severus Snape looked nervously at the clock on his office wall. 'It's past midnight, she should be back now.' He thought nervously. He pushed away his thoughts of all that could've happened to her and continued to grade potions essays, but he continually checked the clock and began getting restless. Soon, after fifteen minutes had passed, he began to stare at the office door, now grading the papers with random grades, not bothering to cross out bad answers or things that were wrong, worry clouding his mind.

Soon a small timid knock coming from the door made Snape snap from his concerned trance and jump out of his seat. "S…Severus?" Her voice was heavy from crying. He quickly opened the doors and embraced the delicate figure in the doorway.

"What kept you?" He asked as she cried into his shoulder. "I was so worried that something bad had happened. Were you proven innocent easily?"

She pulled back and looked at him; her green eyes were wet and scared, and nodded. Snape was relieved, half because she was innocent and wasn't in Azkaban, half because she didn't have her ridiculously big glasses on that she wore to hide who she truly was, but didn't really need.

"I…I don't e…ever want to go b...Back, S...Sev…" she stturted, still crying. Snape winced at the silly name Lily had given him, and was slightly angry that the girl he hugged now had used it, though he knew she didn't mean to. "They h…ha…had dementors."

Snape brushed the essays off his desk and picked the twenty-seven-year-old up by the waist and placed her on the desk, where she sniffled. He quickly took the potion he'd made earlier that day out of his robe pocket and handed it to his best friend.

"Drink this, it will help," he said kindly. The girl sniffled and nodded, than downed the potion, feeling somewhat calmer.

Snape pulled her into a hug again, placing his hooked nose in her unusually straight, dirty blonde hair, which smelled of flowers. He pulled back, took both of her hands and led her off his desk, where he pulled her close and began to spun her around, and soon they were dancing. Her tears had vanished and her frown had been replaced by a smile. Every time she or Snape fumbled or tripped, she laughed pleasantly and Snape joined her. It was not odd for him to be laughing at this time, for it had not happened yet.

The two lovers, though they didn't realize they loved each other, were careless and burden-free. When the office clock chimed two, the girl hugged her "friend".

"Goodnight Sev," she said cheerily. Snape didn't wince at the use of the weird name.

"Goodnight Sybill."

A/N: Please please please review! It makes me super duper happy! I'm working on the next chapter :) Hope you like it!