"Shit!" I said before grabbing Kim's limp body in my arms. I hurried into the living room and laid her on the couch. Camy was already awake and hugging onto Seth, but when I walked in, she was by my side.

"What happened?" she asked, running over to me. I was happy she asked 'what happened' instead of 'what did you do'.

"I told her everything, and then she stopped breathing, then she passed out," I started pacing. "Damn it! I shouldn't have told her! She wasn't ready…"

"She would've found out, Paul," Emily said, stopping my from pacing by grabbing my arm. I sighed in sadness. How do I fuck everything up?

"She's singing," Camy whispered. I rushed past Emily and looked down and Kim, listening intently. She was singing. It was a big jumbo of words, but they wore pouring from her mouth and her fingers were dancing on her leg, like she was playing something. Then she whispered something that broke my heart into a million pieces.

"Don't leave me again," then she started balling. Saying she had killed her father and everything was her fault. She spun around to look at me when I had asked Cam if she was okay. She wiped away her tears angrily, kind of like Leah used to do, and ran out of the house. I ran after her, telling her I loved her over and over. All she did was cry and hold onto me for dear life.

When she was okay, and had no more tears left, she looked up at me. "Why me?"

"What do you mean, baby?" I asked, brushing her hair away.

"Why'd you imprint on me?"

"You're perfect for me," I whispered, kissing her forehead.

"Did you find that out by the magic?" she asked, already pulling away.

'The magic just showed me you, in a different light. But, I fell in love all by myself," I said, pulling her closer. She laid her head on my chest and hugged me closely.

"I killed him, you know," she whispered. I sighed pulling her down so we could sit on the old dirt road that no one used anymore.


"My father. He had a bad heart, from drinking and 'excessive stress'," she said, frowning a little. "He never talked about it, though. Always cracking jokes that weren't funny," she smiled knowingly, "Every morning he would wake us up by tickling us. I always had a smile on my face. Unless my uncle was around," she stopped smiling, "That's another story though. My dad taught me how to play the piano and the guitar. I was good-really good. We sang together and played together.

"I just wanted him to come see me. He never came to any of my musical performances. Always saying he had work, or Uncle Nah needed help at home," she sniffed, "Only thing he needed help with was picking up the bottles… Anyways, I wanted him to see me perform one time. Just once, it was my biggest audience and my mom was in rehab at the time. My grandmother was being the moral supporter or whatever so I pretty much had no one.

"When dad didn't show up like he promised he would, I got angry. So, when I got home, I yelled at him and Uncle Nah. Saying what a pain in the ass it was to take care of two stupid men. My dad tried to contain me but I told him I wanted my mother. The next day, I got what I wanted. I called my dad, begging for him to take me back but he wouldn't listen until he finally started trying. He got so stressed out he went into a coma and my Uncle Nah was the only one who could pull the plug.

"I mean, of course he would. My dad had a lot of money for his music and most of it was sent to me but a large amount was to my uncle and mother. I cant get any of it till I'm eighteen, not that I want it." she laughed, unhappily, before shrugging. "I just wanted a dad. But I couldn't have that. All I had was a music teacher, a 'toucher', and a drugged up mom."

"Toucher?" I choked out, holding onto her tightly.

"Uncle Nah used to come read me bedtime stories and get me ready for bed. Always said that he had to check if they were 'inside out', running his hands up and down me…" she drifted off, her hands becoming fist. "Who would do that to a baby. I was only six…stupid bastard. Most of the time I'd wake up to the clicking of beer bottles…

"I think that's what killed my father. I think my uncle gave him to much to drink. If only he would've stayed away like the cops said he should. But no, he was my dad's brother, and you 'have to help family'. Now the bastard is the only thing I have left of my dad," she sniffed, looking angry. I was already shaking, but trying to control it by knowing she was in my arms and no longer in his.

"I'll kill him," I said lowly. She laughed, kissing my cheek.

"He's already dead to me Paul." she said before hopping off of my lap. "Let's go, I want to show you something."

We walked, and walked, and walked, before we finally came to a small shack, about two streets away from Kim's house. It smelt just like her, everything. The old piano in the corner, the small guitar on top. The cleaning supplies on the desk. Everything was…Kim.

"What're we doing?"

"My Uncle Nah is good for something. He bought me this, along with everything in it. I accepted it, but just to have for occasions like these," she smiled, taking my hand and sitting me down on a stool across from another empty one. She went over and grabbed the guitar before sitting in the empty stool.

"Ready?" she asked, nervously. I nodded.

Kim started strumming, her fingers moving liquid-y across the small guitar, making a beautiful sound. Before I knew it, she was singing along with the tune.

I can't pretend to know how you feel. But know that I'm here, know that I'm real. Say what you want or don't talk at all. I'm not gonna let you fall. Reach for my hand, 'cause it's held out for you. My shoulders are small, but you can cry on them too. Everything changes, but one thing is true. Understand, we'll always be more than a band.

She sang quietly, almost too quiet, and then hummed the rest. Kim looked up and smiled at me when it was over. "My dad wrote that. He always said we were the father-daughter band. A little depressing now, huh?" She laughed quietly before standing up and walking over to her piano. She patted the seat next to her. "Wanna' hear another?"

I nodded, before following and sitting beside her. She smiled at me before playing the first few keys.

There's a song that's inside of my soul. It's the one that I've tried to write over and over again. I'm awake in the infinite cold; but you sing to me over and over and over again. So I lay my head back down, and I lift my hands and pray to be only yours; I pray to be only yours. I know now you're my only hope. Sing to me the song of the stars. Of your galaxy dancing and laughing and laughing again. When it feels like my dreams are so far, sing to me of the plans that you have for me over again.

She ended the song humming and smiling softly. I leaned in and kissed her briefly, she blushed before covering her piano back up.

"Thanks, but we should get going. My mom will be home soon and I need to cook. Wanna' stay for dinner?"

She knows me so well…

Yeah, I know. Lame-ass chapter. Sorry if it hit a nerve with anyone, it was hard to write but it had to happen in order for my story to end the way I want it too. (:

Please review and tell me all the things I messed up on.
