Light was amazed at how huge the orphanage is. He was expecting a little run down building but it was anything but. The walk up was silent until they reached the willow tree. L stopped in front of it with a peculiar look on his face.
"I think we should have this tree burned."
"What the fuck for?" Megan demanded.
"It brings back horrible memories of my lips being raped by yours."
"You didn't seem to care then."
"That's because I was too busy trying not to cry." He replies sounding serious. The only indicator that he was joking was the half second twitch of his lips.
Light chuckled at the two bantering. Shaking his head he noticed Lira was looking at the tree with a small, secretive smile. Curiosity got the best of him so he gently nudged the girl breaking her out of her trance. "Hmm?"
"What's with that smile?" he asks teasing.
"Nothing." She replied turning beet red.
"Oh really? That blush on your face says otherwise."
"I don't know what you're talking about." She says trying to keep her embarrassment in check.
"I'm sure you don't."
"I don't." she whispers going back in time in her mind to the day before she left to meet her father. She was sitting under the willow tree with Near. They were discussing the importance of happiness when she asked him if he was happy with his life. She will never forget the heart breaking smile on his face when he replied with a flat no.
"No? Why not?"
He shrugged. "I guess I just haven't yet found the thing that makes me happy yet."
"But I thought puzzles and the like make you happy. At least it always seemed that way to me."
"They keep me content but not happy. Not the way chocolate does Mello or video games do Matt." He explained violently hitting a rock into the ground with his toy robot.
"Then what does make you happy?" she asks frowning.
"I suppose talking to you makes me happy. You're the only one who is actually nice enough to listen to what I have to say, no one else does. They tend to tune me out or make fun of me. I guess that's the reason I'm so unhappy."
Lira didn't know what else to do so she threw her arms around him. He stiffened at the touch at first but soon sunk into it and wrapped his own around her tiny frame. When she looked up and saw that he was genuinely smiling it made her happy. Without either of them realizing it the space between them began to rapidly disappear. Upon noticing how close their faces were they both had expressions like a deer in the headlights but neither did anything to change it. Nope they both just stared at each other horrified as the gap between them grew smaller. Then Lira not caring that she was only five and a half and that Near is twelve she wanted to follow in her parents footsteps. Quickly she placed her lips against his then before Near even realized what was going on she pulled away just as fast.
Lira's blush deepened at the memory. Her paranoia kicked in and she began looking around at everyone hoping that no one noticed her daze. That's when she saw Light eyeing her suspiciously but she wasn't too concerned about him. All she would have to do is stare up with innocent eyes and play dumb and he would let it go. The only ones she was worried about were her parents, especially her mother. She already knew that her mom hates Near with a passion for reasons unknown to her. Her father didn't seem to hate him but she also knew he'd be furious if he found out.
"Holy shit they're actually here!" Screeched a high pitched voice, of course it was Mello.
They all turned their attention to the leather clad blond rushing their way. Within seconds he had his arms around Megan in a death grip. "I've missed ya Sis though it was a lot better this time around since you actually called more than once a month." He joked.
"Aw I missed you too lil bro." she said squeezing the blond closer to herself.
"Hey now tech geeks need love too," Whined Matt with a pout. "Besides bitch that's my man slut you can't have him."
Megan let out a loud snort as she let go of Mello and pulled Matt into a hug. As that was happening Near and Lira sort of just stared at each other awkwardly. That is until Lira got annoyed with it and just decided to pull him into a hug. Realizing she was holding on too long she pulled away and hugged Matt to not seem to suspicious. When Mello went to give her a hug too she let out a shriek and ran behind Light's leg to hide, bringing attention to him for the first time.
"Don't touch me! I don't like you." She tells him sticking her tongue out.
"I don't get why you hate me so much. I've never done anything to you." Mello pouts.
"I've told you this before dumbass, I don't like bullies."
"Lira watch your mouth!" Megan reprimands.
"You're really not the one to be telling her that Megan you haven't exactly been the best role model."
"Shut up Light no one asked you to butt in! Besides that's exactly the reason she's not allowed to say anything remotely foul, I don't want her to be like me." She says pouting.
"That's a relief. I'd hate for her to turn out like you."
"Don't worry Light I'm not going to get that bad, I'm too much like my father." Lira assures smiling up at him from behind his leg.
"Wait a minute aren't you Kira?" Mello asks glaring at Light.
"Yes, he was." L tells him grabbing Light's hand.
The three orphans stared at the couple in shock. "Whoa what's with the hand holding? You're L you can't be holding Kira's hand!" Mello shouted.
"He can do whatever he wants douchebag!"
"Lira! What the fuck is wrong with you today?" Megan asks her daughter truly concerned.
"I don't like Mello."
Two hours later after some very long discussions everyone settled down. Lira and Near sat in a corner putting together a puzzle, Matt was sprawled out on the couch with his thumbs moving rapidly over his DS and his head on Mello's lap. Mello was just staring moodily at Light and L who were on the love seat hiding behind a lap top. Megan was far off on the other side of the room whispering on the phone with Matsuda.
Once her conversation was over she made her way over to the rest of them. Pushing Matt's legs off she took a seat. He of course just placed them back up on Megan's lap. When she made a move to push them off her he quickly moved his foot and placed it in front of her face. She swatted it away before shooting him a glare which he returned with a cheeky smile.
Mello watched the exchange with an amused stare until he seen the sad look on Megan's face. "Hey Sis what's wrong?"
"I just miss my boyfriend. Only been away from him for a few days and I'm already going crazy."
"Oh that guy you won't shut up about?" he asks.
"Yes," she says with a lovesick smile on her face, "He's amazing."
"I've always thought he was a bit of an idiot myself." L says setting the lap top aside.
"Fuck you! If it weren't for him we never would have caught Higuchi." She argued.
"Actually Megan I would have much prefer if we hadn't caught him. Then I wouldn't have these fucked up memories."
"That's pretty selfish of you Light. I would have thought better of you." Megan pouts.
He shrugs. "Can you really blame me? I mean for months I thought I was innocent only to have these terrible memories come back full force at once. I still have a headache from it."
"So cry about it." Mello said rather rudely.
"You don't have to be a jerk you know. Light went through a lot and he was able to face it and confess. I highly doubt you would do the same if you were him." Lira snapped.
"I never would have done it in the first place."
"Doubt that. The Death Note is more powerful than you think. Something about it just, I don't know really, it just sort of pulls you in and once you write down that first name you can't stop." Light says in a tortured voice.
The room froze in shock as everyone stared at Light. L didn't like it so he racked his mind to find some way to change the subject. He wants people to forget that Light was once Kira, he wants them to see the brilliant young man that he sees. Thing that the most perfect topic changer popped in his head, cake. Not only would it bring attention to him and off Light it should also lighten the mood. However before any sound even passed his lips Megan's phone rang again followed by Light's.
"Hello? Oh hey Misa."
"What the fuck, are you serious? That's amazing!"
"Really now? And you got the ok for this?"
"That's so cool dude! The only thing that could make this better is if my love could too. I know he's busy I was just saying."
"Ok bye."
"Yeah whatever, see ya."
They both hung up at the same time. "B and Misa are going to be here in a few days."
"Why?" L asked.
"Dunno they just are. I mean I'm pretty happy I get to see them again but then again most kids here know B and thinks he's dead so having him show up isn't good."
"They won't see him. It's easy to get through this place without being seen if you really want to. L's been doing it for years. Besides with L being here most will just think it's him and move on with their life." Mello explains.
"He has a point there. I sneak through this place all the time, mainly just to avoid going to class and no one ever see me. So anyway who's Misa?" Matt asks looking up from his game.
"My ex-girlfriend/ the second Kira."
"So then why is she coming here with B?"
"Because she's his girlfriend. It was kind of a love at first sight thing though at least she waited until after the break up to actually be with him unlike some people." Megan says shooting a playful glare at Light and L.
Three days later B and Misa showed up with a surprise, Matsuda. Megan was so happy it took a whole hour to pry her off him. Not that he minded much since he was just as happy to see her.
Ten years later
Lira was waiting outside her house for her boyfriend to pick her up. It was cold out and she was getting angry. She knew he wasn't standing her up, he would never do that, but still it was pissing her off. Just when she was about to go back inside where it was warm and stocked with an unlimited amount of coffee a car pulled up. The door opened up and she was greeted by the sight of puffy white hair. She couldn't hold back the smile as she got into the car.
"You're late."
"Sorry about that. Rester got caught in traffic, there was some kind of accident I believe." He explains before leaning over and kissing her cheek.
"Rester should not be driving. You're going to be 22 in a few months you should know how to drive by now." She scolds him teasingly.
"Yeah yeah you've been telling me this forever."
"So then why haven't you listened to me yet?" she asks.
"Because I'm a spoiled brat and driving is unneeded work."
She let out a deep sigh. "Whatever will I do with you?"
"Love me and all my faults." He suggests leaning in once more this time to capture lips.
She giggled into the kiss before pulling away. "Near!"
"Right, yes I forgot I have to be on my best behavior." He mumbles against her neck before lightly placing kisses there.
"Yes you do, now stop."
"You don't sound like you want me to stop."
"Well of course I don't want you to but you have to." She tells him half-heartedly pushing him away.
"But why?" he wines childishly causing her to giggle again.
"Because we're having dinner with my family tonight and you know how my parents feel about us being together. Showing up with wrinkles in our clothing sporting hickeys is not going to go over well."
"I suppose you're right."
"Of course I'm right." She giggles curling into his side.
Near pulls her closer and for the rest of the car ride they're silent. When they finally got to restaurant Lira was half asleep. Near had to pretty much drag her out of the car and inside. As he approached the table Megan fixed him with a stern glare and he was half tempted to turn around and leave. Lira's mother has always scared him and it was even worse that her father hated him as well. He wondered how their relationship would ever work when her parents hated him so much, he didn't even know why. Well other than the fact that he's so much older than her but to him age doesn't matter. Besides it's the same age difference between L and his boyfriend Light but at least he wasn't an ex criminal.
"Hello." He mumbles politely taking the seat in between Megan's husband Matsuda and Lira.
Everyone said their hellos and began catching up since everyone was now there. Get togethers like these were rare these days since everyone lived in different parts of the world. Megan had convinced Matsuda to move in with her in her old house in Phoenix, of course he agreed. Two years later they got married and a month after that Megan gave birth to twins Dexter and Sayaka Matsuda. Lira moved back to Japan to live with L and Light after they were born. She still stays there even when they move around to work on cases. Occasionally she'll go with them to help every once and a while. Sometimes he would call Lira and all she could talk about would be how in love the two are which he found unusual since she left Phoenix to get away from how sickening in love Megan and Matsuda are. She would just tell him it's different with two men.
It seemed that everyone was in love now. Beyond and Misa married three months after meeting and she's currently pregnant with their fourth child. They've been living in Paris for the last seven years. Matt and Mello live together in New York. They own a gaming store but Near was pretty sure that's only a front to cover up the fact that Mello is in some kind of secret organization.
"So why are you two so late?" Megan asked.
"Traffic." They replied in unison.
"Sure it was just traffic?" L asks eyeing them suspiciously.
"Yes father it was just traffic."
"Why do I not believe that?"
"Because you're paranoid, the both of you." Lira says glare at both her parents.
"Nah I think it's just that we don't like Near."
Near sank down into his chair taking great interest in the different colors on the table cloth. He could feel the grin on Mello's face. That sick son of a bitch took too much pleasure in his pain and discomfort. Didn't make him feel any better that no one else was coming to his defense. He knew Lira was the only one that likes him but hey they could at least try, god knows he does. Near wants them to like him more than anything. His future was with Lira, he couldn't live without her he loves the girl too much. Having the people she cares about most hate him though really wasn't helping. How long would it be before they brain wash her into leaving him? Even Kira he more liked then he is and he was the fucking worst serial killer ever known!
"Maybe I should just go." He mumbles getting up.
"Sit the fuck down!" Lira demands glaring daggers at the rest of the table. Fearing for his life Near quickly sat back down.
"Look I understand that you're not very fond of my boyfriend but he's not going anywhere. So get use to having him around and learn to be civil or I'll leave and you'll never see me again." She threatens.
Everyone at the table stared wide-eyed and mouth opened at her even Near. It didn't bother her though she fixed every single one of them with an icy glare.
"Lira it's not that I hate Near," L started.
"I hate Near." Megan interrupts.
"Like I was saying, I don't hate Near, I dislike him but only because I feel like he's taking my little girl away. Honestly it could be anyone and I wouldn't like them. If it makes you happy then I'll try to be nicer."
"I'm not trying to take your daughter away. I love her very much but the last thing I want to do is tear apart her family. I'll back off some if I must but I'm not leaving her." Near tells him. He never had a problem with L and sometimes it even hurts him that L doesn't like him. He always respected him.
"I don't care what you say Near I still fucking hate you and I always will. You're not good enough for my little girl." Megan says her voice laced with venom.
"I don't care to much for you either Megan but at least I attempt to be civil because I do love Lira. I don't even know why you hate me so much."
"Because the first time I met you I was reminded of an emotionless robot. Not only that but you insulted me and instantly took a liking to my little girl and it made me uncomfortable. I'll never like you but I suppose I can be a bit nicer since it's obvious you're my future son in law anyway." She says rolling her eyes in the end.
"Don't you think you're thinking a little too far ahead? I mean they've only just started dating." Matsuda asked shooting his wife a please don't kill me for expressing my own opinion look.
"Oh please I realized this the first day I saw the kid. I mean come on she's been sneaking off to talk to him since she was five. L and I used to get into arguments over this all the time that is until he actually saw them together and realized I was right."
"Can we please not talk about this and just enjoy our dinner, please?" Lira begs.
The table quickly agrees since all the drama was beginning to get annoying. Conversations ranging from the weather to horrific crime scenes were discussed until the food arrived. They ate in a comfortable silence only speaking to comment on how good the food was. When the plates cleared the chatter started back up. Two hours later they finally leave the restaurant.
As Lira was hugging everyone goodbye she noticed her father whisper something in Light's ear. The smile that slowly spread on his face at her father's words sort of gave her the creeps. It was one of those I'm gonna get laid smiles which she has seen way too many times for her liking. It freaked her out even more when Light slowly began to approach her.
"Hey Lira can I talk to you for a second?" Light asks leading her away from the group.
"Do I have a choice?"
"Not at all." He says pushing her further away until they could no longer hear everyone else.
"Alright so what is it that you want?"
"Well your dad's too embarrassed to ask you this but would you mind staying over at Near's or your mom's, whichever." He asks looking hopeful. "We haven't had much alone time lately and well…"
She let out a laugh as his cheeks turned four different shades of red. "I get it. I'll ask Near on the way home. I'm sure he won't mind. I need to talk to him anyway."
"Oh thank you so much Lira! You're the best!" he exclaims pulling her into a big hug. "I'll go tell L. Bye Lira!"
She watched as he rushed towards L excitedly, swooping him into his arms. He whispered something to him before the two scurry away. Within seconds their car shot out of the parking lot at top speed. Lira walked back over to Near's cars laughing.
"What was that about?" Near asks holding the car door open for her.
"I'm staying with you tonight." She tells him pressing a quick kiss to his lips before getting in.
"Great." He says following after her.
"I'm really sorry about the way dinner started. I hate the way they treated you, you've never done anything wrong. It's not right." She says cuddling into him.
"It's alright. I have a feeling things are going to get better for us soon enough."
"Nate," she says using his real name, "I really love you."
"I really love you too Lira. Have for a very long time and I always will."
What should have been a 30 minute drive took Light ten. He was in such a rush to get home he ignored every traffic sign. It has been too long since he and L had any real alone time. His cravings for the other man were becoming unbearable so when L suggested they spend the night alone together he jumped at the chance. Once it was in his head he couldn't have L fast enough.
The second the car stops Light attached himself to L. They became locked in a battle of teeth and tongue, never getting enough of the other. Always needing to be closer. L's pants were already unbuttoned and falling down before they even reached the door. Each was completely stripped of clothing before they entered the bedroom. In seconds the two blissfully became one over and over and over again until they were too exhausted to continue.
"Mhm that was amazing." Light said breathless.
"That it was. Ahh I'm happy we were able to have this time alone."
"Me too. We don't get it very often." Light says pulling L against his chest.
"Do you remember the day we met?" L asks out the blue.
Light let out a chuckle. "How could I forget? Hell I remember the first time I saw you, how odd you were."
Even L had to laugh at that. "Yes I got yelled at for sitting oddly in my chair but what I remember most about that day is thinking how much more beautiful you are in person."
"Oh yeah that's right I almost forgot about you placing hidden cameras in my room."
"Mhm and I how enjoyed watching you though it was a bit weird with your father sitting next to me the whole time. Rarely did I get to look at the footage myself." He says with a pout.
"You always were a creep. A very, very sexy creep."
"Looking back now I never would have thought we would ever be like this. Never would have thought that I could actually love someone or that I'd have a beautiful daughter. So many things have changed." L says in a dreamy voice.
"All for the better."
"Yes for the better." He says bringing his lips to Light's.
The End