Chapter 1

Bella P.O.V


We were all waiting for our mom and step dad Phil to get home. You may wonder who we are. Well I'm Isabella, then there's my sisters Eliza and Cassidy.

It's our parents anniversary today and we made them leave the house so we could do something special for them.

We made them dinner and it's their favorite, lasagna. We also got them salads and a bottle of wine. Just then we heard a car pull up.

"Their home." Cassidy squealed.

Instead of our parents coming in there was a knock on the door. I looked at my sisters then went to get the door. Standing there were two police officers.

"May I help you?" I asked.

"Is this the Swan residence?" one asked.

"Yes." I said.

"We're here to inform you of the deaths of Renee and Phil Drawyer." the other said as my tears fell.

I heard a shuffle and turned to see my sisters.

"We need to take you down to the station and figure out where your going to stay." one said.

"Ok. Can you give us a minute?" I asked.

"Yes." they said and went back outside.

I walked up to my sisters.

"They're lying." Eliza was whispering over and over and over again.

"Eliza, they're not lying. We need to go with them." I said and wiped my tears off.

"Fine." Eliza said.

We all go up from where we were sitting on the floor and went outside. The police officer opened the back door and we all go in. We started driving.

I was in the middle and both Eliza and Cassidy we laying their head on my shoulder sobbing. We finally came to the police station and got out. We followed the officers in.

"We need to see a copy of their birth certificates." one officer said to the secretary and told her our names.

"Wait here." they said and took our birth certificates into an office.

We sat in the waiting room for about half an hour before a woman came in.

"Come with me." she said and we followed her to a small office.

"Do you know anything about your father?" she asked.

"Our mom never told us anything about him." I stated.

"Well his name is on the birth certificate, Billy Black. We have already talked to him and made arrangements for you to live with him and your half brother Jacob. We will give you a ride to your house so you can pack then your going to Forks, Washington. Billy is sending someone to pick you up at the airport. Now come on, we need to get you packed." she said.

We all sat there stunned at we had just heard. We got up and followed the woman to a car with another officer.

"This is officer Jenks." she said and we all nodded.

We go in the car and rode to our house. We got out and went inside. We started packing.

"I can't believe their gone." Cassidy said and broke down crying again along with Eliza.

I hugged them both and said comforting words. I was trying not to break down. We may be triplet and all the same age but they acted like I was older.

"We need get packed." I said and let them go.

We finished packing and went outside to get in the police cruiser. The ride to the airport was silent. Officer Jenks handed us our plane tickets when we got to the airport. We handed our tickets in and got on the plane.

On the plane I sat in the middle once again. My sisters had their heads on my shoulder and were asleep.

I felt tired but before I went to sleep I prayed that I would never lose my sisters for they were everything to me.