Hola lovely readers. I had another one-shot idea for my darling Eclare. I was in the shower (where all my fabulous ideas come) this morning and this came to me.

Things to remember:

-Julia is not dead.

-Clare and Julia were best friends, but drifted away.

-Clare and Eli have been texting each other non-stop for a while

Ok let's get started.

For The First Time

Clare bit her lip nervously as she padded down the hallway to answer the knock at the door. The butterflies in her stomach clanged around and knocked into each other. A faint blush tinted her cheeks as she thought of the person she wanted to see that waited on the other side of the door. The metal lock clicked and revealed the rest of the misfits.

"Clare!" Ali screeched and pulled her into a tight hug.

"Ali!" Clare responded with the same enthusiasm.

"So do we just to stand out here and watch the Clare and Ali show?" Adam rolled his eyes.

Fiona elbowed him in the side.

"Ouch Fi!" He rubbed his injured body.

"Be nice!" She scolded.

"I'm always nice." He muttered under his breath.

Clare and Ali parted, giggling softly. Ali led the way into the living room followed by Drew, Fiona, and Adam.

Clare turned to face the remaining body at the door. The boy that had haunted her dreams for the past several weeks stood in front of her. Eli Goldsworthy and his infamous smirk greeted her.

"Hey Eli." She spoke quietly.

"Hey Clare. Do I get that hug you promised me?"

Clare laughed, "Of course."

Their embrace seemed to linger on longer that it should have.

"Can I talk to you outside?" He whispered in her ear.

She nodded, ushering them both out the door and closed it behind them.

"What's up?" Her brow pinned in worry.

"Oh nothing serious. I just wanted to give you something."

Clare's puzzled features were erased into panic and his lips came into contact with hers. She pushed at his chest and grabbed his arms to steady herself.

"Eli! Julia's going to kill me if this happens."

"What? What does she have to do with anything? We broke up months ago." Venom laced his voice at the mention of his ex.

"She and I were best friends. I think there's some girl code somewhere stating that it's illegal to date your best friends ex." Clare rambled on, pacing back and forth on the front step. She vaguely heard him repeat the word illegal.

"Clare! Stop! You're going to give yourself a panic attack at this rate." He placed a firm grip on her waist to halt her ministrations. Clare's blue eyes looked up at him washing over Eli that she was deeply upset by this.

He took a deep breath, "Just tell me one thing. Do you like me?"

Clare looked him incredulously, "Yes."

A smirk reappeared on his face, "Good. Cause I like you too. We'll deal with the Julia situation if it comes up….together."


"Really. I won't let her kill you. That's no bueno to have my ex kill my current girlfriend."

Clare let out a shaky laugh, "Girlfriend. I like the way that sounds…boyfriend."

His smirk turned into a grin. He leaned into her to kiss her again. This time she didn't pull away. They both jerked away when a chorus of awes rang out.

Clare's face turned scarlet, "How long have you all been standing there?"

"Long enough." Fiona skipped over to her.

Clare glanced at Eli sheepishly. He kissed her cheek.

"It'll be ok." He gave her a reassuring smile and led both girls inside to start their movie night.

I know I know. It's short. It's just something that I was thinking about and kind of something I worry about in my own life.

Anyways, read and review.