Yeah, another story. I reeeeaaaally shouldn't be writing/posting another when I already have at least two other Sonic stories in progress, but my recent plotting and planning really made me want to write it and get something out. I think this story is incredibly interesting, and if I'm not mistaken, a unique concept. So, I hope you'll read it and love it.
WARNINGS: All characters may seem OOC, and I'm taking a MAJOR jump from canon. So just bear with me; I'm sure that once the story really gets going, you'll love it. I hope I can put in enough twists and action that you'll want to keep reading.
Disclaimer: All character, titles, logos, slogans, etc belong to their respective owners.
In the cold vacuum of space, on the first Bernal Sphere Space Station, codenamed the ARK, all hell was breaking loose. Gunfire, shouts of panic, labored breathing, and cries of despair carried on the artificial air. Amongst all of havoc, a girl and her best friend were on the run. For their friendship and their lives.
"Hurry!" the girl called out. "They're gaining on us!"
"Hang tight! I'll get us to the professor! He'll know what to do!" her friend assured her, eyes ablaze with righteous fury.
He continued running, she in his arms, until they came upon the labs.
Spotting one door in particular, they rushed in.
"Professor/Grandpa!" they exclaimed respectively.
There stood the balding, gray-haired scientist they both loved.
"There you two are. I need you to come with me; and hurry. We don't have much time." He sped out of the room, his younger family following.
They crossed the hall and entered a password locked door. Inside it was dark, but at the flick of a switch, half of the room lit up. On this side was a human sized pod thing with a reclining chair situated in the middle. The glass cover was raised and emblazoned with a forest green insignia. At the angle in which the three saw from, it was difficult to tell what it was.
Directing his attention to his granddaughter, the professor took her hand and led her to the pod. "Dear, sweet Maria. I love you with all my heart. And I'm sure he would agree. But this is for your own good. " He laid her on the seat and pressed a yellow button beside the door.
"Wha-? Grandfather, what are you…?" she tried to ask, but her eyes were drooping.
"It'll all work out; you'll see. We love you." He then closed the door.
"What did you do to her!" an angry voice shouted at his much taller back. He'd been expecting this.
"I put her into an artificial coma until all of this blows over. After there is no more danger, I intended to wake her up and continue my search for the cure." Moving back over to the wall, he flicked one switch off and another on. It revealed another pod, just the right size for the smaller of the two. Grabbing the wrist of the other, he sat him on the seat. "I'm sorry."
"But…" younger asked, anxiety clearly written on his face; "what about you?"
"I'll be fine. Now rest. Maria and I both love you like our own flesh and blood," the scientist gave a reassuring smile and pressed a button identical to the one on Maria's pod. He closed the door after the other was asleep.
Gerald Robotnik lowered a hand onto the containment unit, directly beside the stylized golden S. "My little creation... What have they done to you? What are they thinking? Why are they doing this..?" The hopeless questioning slowly faded out of the room. "I'm so sorry, little one. I've done all I can, and you've done all you can do. GUN is ruining everything; especially Maria's chances of survival and descent to the surface. But I must save you before we all perish for not. This is for Maria, and for you. May you live on and lead a life on the surface. Become a true legend, and perhaps fulfill the ancient echidna prophecies. I know you have the power. I've seen it in the shine if your eyes. I just hope that even without you we can find Maria's cure. Sayonara, my little one."
Moving to the control panel, Gerald Robotnik sent his creation, the Ultimate Lifeform, down to the surface, where he would rest for the next fifty years.
WHOO! Another story! What a proud moment this is. Well, maybe. I'm not one of those people that beg for reviews, (mainly because I rarely give them) but I'd like to see at least one.
Pls? Enjoy!
PS: Sorry for the shortness of the prologue!