A reunion.

None of us wanted it, but Chris made it happen. There is one good thing about it, though. I get to see you.

You're over in the opposite side of the room. I look at you, and you can't even imagine how much I wish I was there by your side. We'd be laughing, and talking, and smiling, and things would be perfect.

But things can't be perfect between us, can they?

Still, I wish I at least had the courage to come over to you and just say "Hey." Actually, I want to say a lot more than a simple hello, but I fear that's all you'd let me get in before biting my head off. You're not exactly what I would call 'approachable'.

I want to tell you I'm sorry. I want to say I've been thinking about you a lot lately.

Sometimes it's just you that I think of, just of the way you look. Sometimes I simply go through my memory and picture you; when you're happy, angry, sleeping, calm, or just plain emotionless. Sometimes I think of when you used to get sad for no apparent reason, and you'd cry. It would never be obvious; I'd just look over at you and see you scrunched up into sadness, with little pools of heartbreak dripping down your pretty face. And then I'd think of the times when you were crying because of me, because of what I'd done. I think you were more upset with me than him, which gave me a sad sort of feeling that you were beginning to see me the way I see you. I'm sorry, by the way, for what I did. He wasn't worth it, honey, not like you are.

More often than that, I'd think of you and remember our times together. The good times. When we'd stay up all night and quietly discuss everyone, and everything. When we would make fun of our friends, and tell stupid jokes and laugh like little girls. When you smiled and told me you trusted me, and that I was the only one keeping you sane while he was gone.

But most of all, I remember the simple times. When we'd just sit in silence, enjoying each other's company. When we would sit back to back in the quiet, with your head resting against mine; just like kissing backwards.


Me: GwenxCourtney :D Because I can. It's Gwen's POV, obviously. I'm not sure what I was going for or why, but I like it. Gwen's a little out of character though :/

Blah. You don't like this couple? Fine. Don't read. You're a homophobe? Screw you. I like gays :)

Bridgette: It's her first femslash fic. She feels it needs a warning. So R&R, make her smile :D