AN: So, I've been reading a lot of Tangled Fanfiction lately, and I really like how some people incorporate Rapunzel and Eugene into the REAL world, with college and life and curfews, I really enjoy reading them. Sooooo, I've decided to try my hand at writing one of my own. Hopefully you'll enjoy it!
Tangled: With a Modern Twist
Chapter 1: From One "Tower" to Another
"Rapunzel? Are you ready to go yet?" my mother called from the first floor of our house.
"Yes mother, I'm coming right now!" I called out, grabbing my last suitcase and running down the stairs with it, the wheels bumping as they hit each of the stairs. Mother covered her ears and sighed.
"Goodness Rapunzel, must you be so obnoxious?" she asked in an annoyed tone. I stared at the floor in shame to avoid my mother's gaze. 17 years with her and I still hadn't grown out of my expression of embarrassment. Mother began to cackle. "Oh I'm just kidding with you darling, must you take everything so seriously?" she asked. I stood up straight and avoided my mother's gaze. I heard a squeak and looked down at my pet chameleon, Pascal.
"I know Pascal, it's a big change, but we can get through it," I said to him comfortingly. Pascal squeaked at my touch. Mother sighed.
"Come on Rapunzel, the moving truck is here, and we must get going!" I nodded and began wheeling my suitcase out the door, but my long hair got caught in one of the wheels. I fell back with a thump on the wooden floor. Mother turned around.
"Oh dear, are you alright Rapunzel?" she asked in a strangely sympathetic tone. I got up, rubbing my backside and moaning a little from the impact.
"I'm just fine, don't worry about me," I said with a laugh. It was these moments that I was glad for her fake sympathy.
"We can get your hair braided in the van, now let's go!" she said sternly. I sighed and followed her out the door, my hair trailing behind. I stopped for a moment and looked sadly at the walls around me. They were plain old white. Oh well, I thought to myself. A new home waits. With brand new walls to paint as I please! And with that thought in my head I joined my mother in the van and we took off for our new home… Corona.
"Mother, what's Corona like?" I asked as I stared out of the window, watching the scenery blur by. My mother sighed and gave me a smile.
"I've told you a million times Rapunzel, it is a quaint little town with a little college, just to your liking. From what I've heard there are lots of nice people there. You can get an art major! I'm sure you'll love it just as much as our old home," she said, pulling up to a toll booth. I looked at the side of the booth and saw the famous crest of Corona on the side. We were almost there! Mother thanked the man at the toll booth and the gate rose, letting us through. We passed a sign that read Corona City Limits which excited me a little bit. We pulled into a little condominium complex called The Village.
"Rapunzel, be a dear and reach into the glove compartment and get the information for The Village and read mummy the house number that we are in," Mother said suddenly. I did as I was told. House Number 631.
"631," I said, scanning the rest of the page. Mother pulled into a little parking space labeled with a giant 631 painted in white on the gray concrete. Mother put the van in park and stepped out.
"Well Rapunzel, here we are. Welcome to your new home!" I stepped out of the van and stared at the building in front of me. It could be considered a tower. Pascal squeaked on my shoulder, I patted him on the head, not erasing the look of utter shock from my face. This would probably be alright after all.
"Come on man!" I yelled out from the back of the pickup. My friend Antonio ran as fast as he could, throwing his sack into the truck bed and climbing in. "Hit it, Jack!" I yelled out to the driver. He hit the gas pedal and we were off down the road towards home. Antonio laughed in my face.
"Dude, the crown jewels are ours!" he said, reaching into the messenger bag and pulling out a dusty record. "Best heist yet!" I hushed him and took the disc, returning it to the bag and setting it aside.
"Keep it down you bozo!" I said, whacking him upside the head. "Let's actually get home before we celebrate, okay?" Antonio rubbed the back of his head and grumbled. We pulled into The Village and Jack parked in our spot, 630. Antonio and I got out, taking our loot with us and met Jack at the front of the truck. We examined our goods, and while doing so my gaze fell upon a few men with large cardboard boxes walking into the condo next to ours.
"Looks like we got a new neighbor," I said, pointing out a beautiful girl with really, really long blonde hair, drawing the condo across the parking lot. She had bright green eyes that glimmered in the morning sun, and wore a purple V-neck t-shirt with a pair of worn out jeans. Antonio and Jack looked over at the new girl.
"Wow, she's a hottie!" Jack said with a low whistle. I elbowed him.
"Will you shut up? She'll hear us!" I hissed at him. It was too late, and she had already noticed us. We dropped our bags as she stopped what she was doing and approached us.
"Hi there!" she said happily. I smiled gently at her. Jack and Antonio raised their eyebrows, and I didn't blame them, she was even prettier in person. She held out her hand, expecting something. "I'm Rapunzel, my mother and I just moved here today!" she said cheerfully. She had an odd name, but it matched her perfectly. I took her outstretched hand and grinned.
"I'm Flynn. Flynn Rider, and these here are my roomies, Jack and Antonio Stabbington," I said as friendly as I could. The girl, Rapunzel, smiled at us.
"It's nice to meet you, Flynn, Antonio, Jack," she said cheerfully. Suddenly A taller woman with raven's black hair dressed in maroon sweater and black pants with noticeable gold jewelry on came striding out of Rapunzel's condo. I assumed that it was her mother.
"Rapunzel, come help unpack please!" she said in a sing-song voice. Rapunzel turned and faced the woman, calling out,
"Coming!" She turned back to us and smiled. "Sorry, that's my mother. I should go. Hope to see you around!" she said. I nodded, kind of in a daze.
"Yeah, see you later," I said in a daydreaming voice. She ran over to her waiting mother, who said something unintelligible, and then the two went inside. The next thing I knew, Antonio was snapping his fingers in my face.
"Someone has the hots for our new neighbor," he said matter-of-factly. I shook my head defensively.
"I do not!" I defended. Jack chuckled.
"Just screw her and get it over with," he said. I gave him a disgusted look.
"No, she's different. I just have a weird feeling about her, that's all," I said. Jack and Antonio shrugged their shoulders.
"Whatever you say man, I say you should just screw her," Jack said picking up the bags and heading inside. I groaned and watched as Rapunzel emerged, sitting on the porch and continuing her drawing. I followed my roommates inside. She was definitely different than the other girls in town. Then I noticed, was she not wearing any shoes?
AN #2: Okay, so hopefully you enjoyed chapter 1. I hope I kept everyone at least a bit in character, the thieving, the sarcastic mother, the hair… Well, tell me what you think. I'm waiting for your opinion. See the review button? Yeah, I think you should click it. Or not, you choose. I'll post again soon!