All right! This is the Sequel to "Freak Accident" a story you can find on my page! I highly recommend reading "Freak Accident" before starting this story, because I can garenty you WILL be confused!

To those who have already read "Freak Accident", I thank you for loving it soooo much that you want to read this one :) I hope it meets your standards!

Enjoy the Prologue, the first chapter should be up within the week.



I've been told it was a dream.

That I imagined everything, that none of it was real.

My mother and Father paid for many different therapists to have a "look" at me to see if they could figure out why I held on so tightly. Some thought I was insane and should but put in what my brother calls a crazy house. But I know they will never allow that. Others said it was just the trauma of the storm that night on the plane.

It was true, that storm.

I had met Shelby at the bathroom. But we were never hit by lightening. We never crashed. She never died. It was all in my head. Issac said when I got back to my seat I passed out into a sleep that I could not be woken from. Almost like I was in a coma.

They say the storm cued a fear of falling, crashing and dying. That's why I had that dream. It helped my body coup with the fear.

But, I know the truth.

Everything was real.

Short? Yes, I know. But, what are your thoughts on the story that is to come?