You want me to what?

by Foayasha

Disclaimer: Standard I don't claim to own the toons from Inuyasha.

Rating T - Adult Themes

'You want me to what?' - 'You heard me, bend over Wench.'

"You want me to what?" she shrieked, with horror lacing her tone. He couldn't be serious.

"You heard me, bend over Wench," her best friend quipped. Really, couldn't she tell he was serious? "There's no other way, just do it, Kagome."

Her hot glare focused toward the location he had just mentioned, seemingly attempting to melt it. There was no way she was going there. Didn't he know what that meant if she did? Didn't he see what she would have to do? Didn't he understand that if she did that there would be no going back? With a deep sigh she put her unoccupied hand on her hip, and redirected her hardened gaze at the boy next to her. Forming her best pout, she tried to change her fate.

"Isn't there some other way," her eyes batted at him. "I mean… I just don't think…"

Sure it started out innocent, and it had been fun, but now… well now things were getting intense. How long were they going to keep playing this game? Like it didn't matter the strain it was putting on their bodies. She could even feel the prick of sweat on her brow; she had over exerted herself, already.

By this point proximity was tearing down her mental barriers that she had put in place; he was her best friend, he couldn't learn that she was also secretly in love with him. But… if she did that, surely… his youkai senses would notice the change in her body. This was probably the worst suggestion she had ever made. What was she thinking?

"Don't think what, Wench?" his tone firm, unrelenting. "Like I said, there's no other way. I can't change the way things work."

Watching her body twist and turn under the weight of her next move, he smirked. Who would have thought that something so foolish could have brought her so close? At least in this way he could be near her in a way that reflected his role as more than just a protector. Her scent was overpowering at the moment, and it took a bit more than his normal self control to stay at his top performance.

Their skin had already been lightly scraping together from the activity; igniting chills of pleasure to course heavily through his body, he could only dream that she had felt the same. All of the travel they had done gave her form a lithe shape, limber and supple. From this angle he was able to fully appreciate it, but now she was resisting her fate. If only she would take that next step, then he could possibly die and go to heaven.

He knew where it would lead her, and he would not relinquish the sublime opportunity it presented him. She was going to go through with it no matter what. He'd be sure of it, and be glad of it. Not that he'd admit something like this aloud; but it was turning out to be the best suggestion she had made in a while.

"But… Inuyasha, what if someone comes by and sees us," she whispered, not looking in his eye. It was a valid concern. Nobody would understand what was going on, surely they would have suspected less than virtuous activities taking place. She felt the hanyou swallow hard at her words, and she felt triumphant. There may be a possibility she could get out of this yet. "I mean… what would they think? We're practically…"

She couldn't meet his eyes as her rough words left her lips, realizing what she had almost just implied left her body even warmer than before. The creep of a flush made its way down her sensitive neck, and her body seemed to slump unconsciously as her legs lost a smidgen of their strength. Although, her own flush seemed to grow exponentially as a clawed hand found her bare thigh, trailing light and teasingly upwards.

Her eyes snapped to attention to find his gaze glassy and lidded. The sensation, the thrill she felt as his calloused digits seared upon her delicate skin, was mind numbing. He couldn't possibly know what he was doing to her; how his heated stare pierced directly into her soul; pouring slow steaming waves of heat through her entire core.

She couldn't move though, if she did… she would lose everything she had worked for. What if he found out… no, she had to be strong. She could beat him at this, even if he was playing unfairly at this point. Pulling together the shredded remainders of her resolve, she focused back upon his façade, seemingly engorged with lust.

He must have been toying with her, there was no way those were his true feelings. They were friends… always only friends; never to be more, never to trespass that valley within their hearts.

"Practically what?" his low sultry tone purred lightly next to her ear. He was near enough if he had wished, he could have pulled her to rest directly on him; encapsulate her entire being, and scent within his memories for all time. "That you're practically dripping with arousal? I doubt any mortal would be able to tell. That doesn't mean I can't."

He had lost his battle to keep his hands off the alluring woman before him, the need to feel her milky skin beneath his fingertips, and if he could dream… surrounding them, was too much to bear. Leaning forward slightly, his arms pushed him upwards towards the girl who was currently entranced by his touch. That was a good sign, she hadn't shied away.

Could it have only been shock? Maybe she was so disgusted that he had felt her, that he had tainted her purity, that she was literally unable to form a hold on her body. That couldn't be the case though, she knew what this would entail, and she suggested it. She wanted to be near him, so she must be enjoying the stimulation he had been applying.

Closing the distance between them, but careful to keep her balanced so that she wouldn't topple over, his nose brushed against the flushed skin of her collar; softly moving upward into the recesses of her neck, to where her scent blossomed beautifully. He could barely hold a coherent thought at this point.

This was it, there was no going back, she could either accept that he wanted to be more than just her protector, more than just her friend, or she could deny him. He would finally know. There was no longer a way to bridle his desires.

"I don't think you have any other choice Kagome," he lulled once more, lips grazing against warm skin as he spoke. "You only have one option."

The slight nod of her head was all she was able to actualize during his sinful torture; opening her eyes she found the small triangle ear nearly brushing her face as he teased her. Feeling a surge of spirit, she made the choice to solidify this deal he was making without words; it was better to go out in the flames of glory, rather than let the embers of her emotion fall to a slow painful death.

Seeing the appendage flicker lightly under her warm exhalations, she drew in her last breath as his friend, and lightly let it out in a steady stream. It had been directed into the canal, causing the boy, who was currently below her, to shudder violently; a light growl vibrating her body as she felt his available arm rub roughly along her thigh, under her skirt, and came to pressured rest on her full ass cheek.

She was sure that her panties were more than a little saturated, but at this point it wasn't something she was concerned about. Throbbing heat pulsed through her, while time seemed to pause in this moment. This point in time where the love of her life was pleasuring her, was acting upon his desires to be with her. She had always dreamed, but… never had she thought he would ever have the aptitude to follow through with such wicked acts. Never before had he ever shown such a libido; she was more than a little surprised by his forwards, outwardly lustful actions.

Looking away, and returning her eyes to location she had vaguely recalled as the trigger for this heated moment. It wouldn't be easy, and she was going to move, but she was ready; it appeared that he was more than ready. So lifting her leg to cross over his, effectively straddling her hanyou, and outstretching her left hand; when she was finished, it was firmly in place upon a yellow circle.

"Mmm, that wasn't so bad, was it," he murmured into her hair, pulling her down on top of him, in a small heap. "I think I'm the winner."

She hummed in response as he lightly attacked her throat; her head arched away prettily giving him full access to her front. His arms were all over her body, deliciously exploring her curves and dips. Her own hands began to trace light trails on his chest while she waited for the chance to delve into his own tanned skin.

"What do you mean? You fell down, not me," she managed to whimper huskily. Why were they even talking right now?

He grabbed her hips, and ground them down onto his own, raising to meet her. She felt the pressure of his own arousal; hot and firm between her legs, eliciting a groan from both participants.

"I like this game," he replied nonsensically.

"But you lost."

He growled lowly, twisting their positions so that he was above her, his eyes focused directly on her full lips. There was no wasted time as he closed the distance between them; her flushed and plump lips giving his own a fine resting place, as they lost themselves in the heated kiss. After only a moment, he broke the connection, but didn't move away. Instead he brought his allowed his passionate gaze to heat hers with its intent.

"No Koi, I certainly won."



Vocab Time!

Koi - Beloved; My love - shortened Koibito

Twister - yes... that is what they were playing.

So no haters, I know it's cliche. I know its been done. A girls gotta practice writing this kinda stuff. I wanted to write something... er, hot? without actually including any citrus. Sometimes those are the best moments, and so this was a first try sorta thing.

let me know what you think, i'd appreciate it.
