Well, I apologize for the long wait. It seems to be a recurring theme for me that the closer I come to finishing a story, the longer the wait between updates, however, this story is finally complete! XD *does a little happy dance*

As far as excuses go, my laptop power cord died on me and ebay messed up my order and sent it to the wrong place. After waiting two months for my package to come I decided to just order another. When I went to pick it up, however, I discovered I had two packages waiting for me. In short, if anyone wants to buy a Toshiba power cord, let me know (that was a joke, actually. I'm keeping both :P)

As always, the comments and the support do not go unappreciated; I told myself if there was one email in my inbox tonight from a reviewer or someone faving my story I would finish it. And lo and behold, there it was, so here you go:

To ScytheMeister: Sorry for the cruel cliffhanger (and the long wait probably didn't help… heh heh…) but at least you will finally get closure from this chapter :)

To MusicSoundsMySoul 14: *puts pillow between your head and the wall* I'm sooo sorry for the long wait! I hope this will be worthwhile!

To Myameiseliza: You have a very difficult name:) I had to spell it out letter by letter XD. And indeed, the plot thickens!

To Aquatwin: *blushes profusely at your praise* Well thank you! XD Well here is the ending. I don't like to put spoilers in the comments, but I will say I was thinking of your comment when I wrote the ending :)

To The Anonymous Crazy Person: I agree with you entirely on that. I find that the more suffering a character goes through, the more you can appreciate a happy ending. Also thank you:)

To Darkfire25: Heh heh… uh soon you say? Sorry for the long wait, but at least I finished :)

To ZoruaChanKokoro: Thank you so much:) I'm so glad you liked it thus far!

^^^^^^^^^^^^Chapter 12^^^^^^^^^^^^

The room was dark, a small patch of light illuminating the fancy chair sitting on the checkered floor. Grainy sounding jazz music played softly in the background, the only noise in this quiet place. Soul heaved a sigh, enjoying the peace of his own mind.

"Enjoy it while it lasts, Soul." A sinister voice spoke from beyond the shadows. The scythe's grip tightened on the chair's armrests as he jerked upright, straining to see in the darkness.

"You can't get to me anymore." He replied, mentally congratulating himself on his confident-sounding voice, despite his unease.

"You think so?" The familiar voice laughed. "Is there a cure for madness, Soul? Do you think you can ever truly be rid of it? No, it's always inside you, just like your blood. You may not see it for a while, but it will be there. It will grow. And when our time is right, we will take what is ours!" A pair of glowing yellow eyes taunted him from the darkness, laughing at his discomfort. He tried to get out of the chair, but found he was stuck, unable to move. The yellow eyes stalked closer, the patch of light shrinking around him. A warm breath on his face made him close his eyes and…

Soul gasped, jerking up in his bed. Regaining his breath in gulps he glanced around the brightly lit hospital room, too exhausted to remember why he was even here.

Just a dream. That's all. He told himself, sinking back into the comfort of his pillow and closing his eyes.

"Is that what you think, Soul?" The boy's eyes snapped open, trying to find the source of the voice.

I know I heard it… His eyes, however, told him otherwise. I'm finally losing it, aren't I? Soul closed his eyes, hoping against hope that this was all just the fault of his over-tired brain.


Maka opened her eyes slowly, squinting at the overpowering brightness of the room. She lifted her hand to shield her eyes from the blinding lights right above her and felt a tug on her wrist.

An IV? I'm in the hospital? What…? Her last memories came crashing back to her and the young meister jerked up in her bed, ignoring the aching pain flooding through her entire body.

"So you're finally awake then?" A voice asked. For the first time Maka was aware of another presence in the room.

"Professor Stein?" She questioned, turning to the teacher who had been casually thumbing through a medical journal.

"The plane! And Soul-"

"He's fine." Stein interrupted, "There were no casualties in the accident…somehow." Putting aside the book, the professor clasped his hands together and turned his gaze to Maka.

"Other than a Kishin Egg that is." Maka nodded, remembering the fight that had destroyed the inside of the plane. Even that small action made her entire body hurt and she winced, leaning back against her pillow.

"This is the first time I've ever heard of a Kishin Egg attacking a plane. They normally go for weak and easy targets." Stein continued, his gaze beginning to drift as his mind did. "That's how they work; preying off of weak souls."

"The same thing happened to us at the hotel too!" Maka suddenly remembered. "We were almost on the top floor and the Kishins scaled the building just to get to us." The light caught Stein's glasses as he turned to the girl, hiding his eyes and making it impossible to guess what he was thinking.

"Me and Soul thought someone might be controlling them." Maka ventured after Stein's contemplative silence stretched to an uncomfortable length.

"It's not impossible." The professor said, finally breaking out of his daze and making eye contact with Maka again.

"Maybe even that witch that was controlling the Devil Sword in Italy!" Maka gasped, sitting up sharply again.

"Mmm I doubt it." Stein replied, turning his gaze to the window and offering no further explanation. The young technician wasn't quite as willing to let the idea go, after feeling like she'd made a connection. She was about to argue the point when Stein spoke again.

"So, what happened in Germany?" Maka led her idea go for the time being and gave her professor the detailed and professional mission report that was expected of meisters. She debated whether to leave out the part where she'd gone against Stein's advice and resonated souls as well as Soul's apparent problems with the black blood, but in the end told him everything.

He could probably tell anyway. Maka wouldn't put anything past the clever albeit slightly insane professor. For his part, Stein listened quietly and intently, only interrupting occasionally when Maka forgot something. Maka ended her story with the events of the plane. How Soul (who wasn't really Soul as she pointed out) had attacked her and terrorized the passengers. The scythe master hesitantly explained how she pushed her soul wavelength into her partner, hoping to purge his soul. She still wasn't entirely sure how it had happened, but it seemed like the right choice at the time. Watching Stein's expression, Maka noticed a light of understanding in his eyes that said he knew something she didn't.

"All I remember after that is the Kishin attacking. I guess the plane must have crashed after he knocked me unconscious." Stein settled back in his chair, folding and unfolding his hands. Either he was deep in thought or really just craving a cigarette. In this case Maka figured a combination of both was probably likely since hospitals were pretty strict on no-smoking rules. The professor studied her for a moment and Maka could feel his gaze examining her soul. She squirmed uncomfortably under the intense gaze, glad when Stein once again settled deeper into the chair, eyes thoughtful.

"Your soul isn't powerful enough to shoot a wavelength into another human." He said at last, "At least, it shouldn't be." Maka frowned, confused.

"Then how-?"

"The only possible way that I can think of," Stein continued as if he hadn't even heard her, "is if you inherited the Anti-Demon Wavelength."

"The…the what?"

"Your mother," Maka didn't miss the way Stein's lip curled in disgust at the mention of her mother, "had a unique wavelength. Whether you call the anti-insanity wavelength, anti-demon wavelength, anti-kishin wavelength or any other name, the point is, it's very rare, and very powerful." Stein turned his full gaze to the bed-ridden girl again, watching her reaction.

"My…my mother's wavelength?" Maka asked, a smile forming on her face. "I inherited her powerful wavelength?"

"It would seem so." Maka's smile broke into a full grin. She felt suddenly connected to her mother, even if they were separated by hundreds of miles.

My mother's wavelength! And not just any wavelength, but a powerful one! Mom, I promise I will become just like you! A powerful meister with a Death Scythe! The goal suddenly seemed that much closer now and Maka's spirits couldn't be dampened.

"Of course," Stein interrupted her happy reprieve, "there is no guarantee that the anti-demon wavelength will completely nullify the black blood in Soul's body."

Perhaps I spoke too soon. Maka thought, her good mood quickly disappearing.

"The effect may only be temporary."


"Then again," Stein continued with a shrug, "I'm no expert on the black blood." Apparently Stein's craving for a smoke had become too strong for him and he reached into his coat pocket to pull out a pack of cigarettes. He stood from his chair and headed for the door, offering Maka one last sentence before he left.

"Oh, and when you're feeling up to it, Shinigami-sama wants to see you. Something about taking a two-star mission when you're only a one-star technician."


It was a decision he'd agonized over since he'd regained consciousness. Soul sighed and glared at the ceiling as if it held all the answers. He was a danger to this school, a danger to those around him and a danger to Maka. He couldn't recall the exact events of the plane ride home but given the past few weeks of being tormented by the black blood he had a pretty good idea of what had transpired.

He had attacked his meister.

He had tried to kill Maka.

There was no way she could ever forgive him for that. She shouldn't forgive him for that. Soul grit his teeth, clenching his fist so tightly it shook.

Maka, I promised you I would protect you no matter what. I said I wouldn't let anything hurt you. And that includes me. I'm sorry, but we can't be partners anymore. Soul knew it was going to be hard. Maka would probably try to convince him otherwise, but he couldn't keep putting her in danger like this.

She's not going to take it well. He could remember their fight with Blair and how Maka had yelled at him, fierce tears in her eyes when she thought he was leaving her. Soul knew she had abandonment issues with her father and even with her mother though she worshipped the woman. It was one of those touchy topics he'd always avoided, just like Maka never talked about his family.

That's true partnership, Soul thought wryly, not in the things that are said, but in the things that don't need to be said. The smirk disappeared as he thought of what he would have to do when he saw his partner next. The wait would be almost as agonizing as the actual conversation.

As if on cue a knock and a familiar voice came from the other side of his door. Soul took a deep breath and shot one last glare at the ceiling for not offering him any profound insight.


After hours of convincing nurses and doctors alike that she was well enough to leave her bed and visit her partner's room down the hall, Maka found it ironic that she now stood in front of the door, unable to move. The technician shifted her weight, balancing on precariously on a crutch that was too tall, and her flimsy hospital slippers making a scuffing noise against the linoleum. She raised a hand to knock again and froze.

What do I say? She had been eager to share her newly discovered wavelength with her best friend, to discuss how they had managed to complete their mission (even if they were a little worse for the wear) and talk about how they were that much closer to their goal of turning Soul into a Death Scythe. More than anything else, Maka just wanted her best friend, her confidant, her weapon, her partner, back. She thought of the last few weeks that had been difficult on both of them. Her friend's nightmares coupled with their recently strained friendship had made the last little while almost unbearable.

Soul…I'm sorry for not being the strong partner you deserve… I wouldn't blame you if you wanted to leave. And yet, Maka suddenly realized, her eyes opening a little wider, you haven't. Does that mean he really has forgiven me for being such a weak partner? For always weighing him down and putting him in danger for my sake? Maka squared her shoulders, determination flaring in her green eyes. This time she wouldn't dance around the subject. This time she would find out once and for all how Soul really felt about being partners.

But, I'm sure he would have said something already if he really didn't want to… The thought filled her with hope and she felt a genuine smile make its way to her face. She rapped firmly on the plain wooden door, calling out.

"Hey Soul? It's me, I'm coming in, okay?"

"Maka?" Taking that as a cue, she pushed open the door and limped in.

"Hey, how are you feeling?" She asked, taking inventory of her partner. He looked pretty good, although he was clearly tired. Maka could see the bandages that were still wound around his torso peeking out through the collar of his hospital gown.

"Not bad," he shrugged, and Maka noted the wince he tried to cover up with his usual cocky grin, "how about you?" Maka shifted her weight, trying to position herself more comfortably on the single crutch.

"I'm okay." Maka replied, studying Soul's face. He seemed troubled by something.

"So, I guess this means we completed the mission, huh?" Maka asked, forcing a grin, "I mean it didn't go exactly as planned, but-"

"Maka." Soul interrupted her with a quiet firm voice that was so unlike him. The technician froze; dread sitting heavy in her stomach.


"I think…I think it would be best if…if we weren't partners anymore." The words hit her harder than any of the blows she had endured from the past couple of days. Maka could actually feel the air whoosh from her lungs and she swore her heart stopped for a moment.

You knew this was coming, didn't you? Her mind scorned her. She looked up at her friend to see his gaze focused on the bed covers. If he stays partners with you, he'll just keep getting hurt. Soul deserves someone so much stronger than you. Maka lowered her gaze, trying to hold back the tears welling up in her eyes. All her other aches seemed minor in comparison to the one in her chest right now.

I'm sorry, Soul. I tried to be strong…I really did…

"I think…I think that would be best." She whispered. Soul's eyes snapped up to hers in surprise and Maka could see the hurt she felt reflected in his eyes.

"R-right. Well…I guess…I guess good luck then…" Soul spoke after clearing his throat. Maka couldn't take it any longer. The tears were almost escaping and she refused to give in to that final weakness in front of her partner.

"I know you'll be much better off…with a stronger partner…" She choked out before turning and limping from the room as fast as she could, tears dampening her cheeks.


"I think…I think it would be best if…if we weren't partners anymore." Soul couldn't believe the words were so difficult to say. He'd lied so easily to her while they were fighting Blaire, tossing around the words carelessly.

But that's just it isn't it? This time it's not a lie. He couldn't meet her eyes after he spoke. He knew she felt hurt, but she would argue with him like she always did.

"I think…I think that would be best." The meister replied in an almost inaudible voice. Soul felt his eyes turn up to hers in shock.

No! You're supposed to argue! Maka, you're not supposed to agree with me… You're supposed to make me change my mind… You're supposed to say something that will make this whole stupid thing go away… He hadn't realized he was clinging to such hope until Maka's words had shattered it. Soul swallowed the lump that had suddenly appeared in his throat, telling himself it was a side effect of all the medication he'd taken lately.

"R-right. Well…I guess…I guess good luck then…" It was a rather pathetic way to end their partnership, but Soul was still in too much shock to think of anything more appropriate.

"I know you'll be much better off…with a stronger partner…" Maka choked out, whirling from the hospital room as fast as someone on a single crutch could manage.

I'll be better off…? Stronger partner…? Maka, what in the world?

"Maka!" He called out, but she was already gone. "Damn it!" He growled out, flinging the covers off his legs. He glanced at the IV line that had been his undoing last time he'd tried to escape a hospital bed, following it with his eyes from the clear plastic bag to the needle neatly taped to his left forearm. He thought about trying to remove it properly, but decided that messing with a sharp piece of metal inserted directly into his vein, while he was in a hurry no less, probably wasn't the best idea. Turning his opposite arm into a scythe the weapon cleanly sliced through the tubing spilling clear solution all over the floor, bed and the front of his gown. Soul ignored it and slid off the bed on unsteady feet.

"Maka!" He called out, searching up and down the long hallway for her.

There's no way even she could move that fast while she's injured. Soul frowned, trying to imagine where his meister… ex-meister? would have gone. One door in particular caught his searching gaze.


She shouldn't be this upset. Knowing that didn't make anything better though.

You saw this coming! Maka raged at herself. There`s no way he would still want to be partners after Italy and then Germany and… Maka drew her knees to her chest wrapping her arms around them and cried. She was furious at herself for getting so emotional, but her own rage only fuelled more tears.

I should know better… Of course he would abandon me… Just like everyone else… Great, now she was blaming him for this whole mess? Under other circumstances she might have laughed at her absurd lack of logic, but she was far too miserable to see the humour in it now. With a growl of frustration, she buried her head in her arms, the wind chilling her tear dampened cheeks. She didn't bother to lift her head and survey the picturesque sunset that spanned over Death city. She'd hoped the view from the roof would soothe her tormented heart, but to no avail. Maka curled tighter as the wind rustled her hospital gown making her feel so utterly alone.

"Maka?" The hesitant voice shattered her illusion of loneliness. She didn't turn to face whoever had managed to find her up here. She doubted any words of consolation could make her feel better.

"Hey, Maka?" Recognizing the voice, she did turn to the speaker in surprise.

"Soul?" Suddenly aware of her rather tear-stained face, she quickly scrubbed all the moisture away with her sleeve. "Aren't you supposed to be resting?" He did look rather pale from the climb up the stairs, but determined.

"What about you?" He grumbled, moving to sit beside her, bare feet hanging off the roof of the building.

"I got permission to leave." Maka replied in almost a teasing tone, almost forgetting everything that had happened recently. The forgotten memories returned quickly enough and Maka dropped her gaze.

"Maka. What did you mean about me being better off with a stronger partner?" He turned sharply towards her, right to the point.

Oh gods, he wants me to say it again? I don't know if I can…

"Just that…that you're always protecting me…because I'm too weak to take care of myself…and…and if anything happened to you…because of me…I…" She could feel the tears forming again, how were there still tears in her body? She turned to look up at her former partner, not even sure what she was hoping to see in his eyes. Understanding? Forgiveness? Even derision would have been understandable. He looked stunned. Completely taken by surprise.

"That's…that's why you didn't want to be partners?" Maka blinked back her own surprise.

"Isn't that why you said…?" She almost dared to hope this was some sort of misunderstanding.

Oh please let this be some stupid mistake… Maka didn't

Think she'd be able to take it if this tiny hope was dashed. It would utterly destroy her.


He almost laughed at the complete absurdity of the situation.

Only Maka could somehow think this is her fault when I was the one who nearly killed her! At least twice!

"Maka…" He didn't even know where to begin! "I almost killed you! Doesn't that…aren't you…how could you want to…why don't you hate me?" She blinked, taken aback.

"What are you talking about?"

She really hasn't seen it? Maka! How could you not notice the person you're living with trying to eat your soul?

"The nightmares I've been having…of devouring your soul…and the other night when I was in your room, if you hadn't woken up I would have…and in Germany and I don't even know what happened on the plane…" He hadn't even realized that his hands had found their way into his messy mop of hair, tangling the white spikes until a pinch on his arm reminded him he still had an IV needle taped there. Maka touched his arm softly and he was amazed how reassuring that small touch felt.

"That's why?" She wasn't just talking about this decision, Soul knew. She meant the whole last few weeks since they'd returned from Italy. That's why he'd been so disturbed by the nightmares. That's why he'd been so distant. That's why he'd rarely spoken to her. That's why he'd come to this decision. There was almost an irony in the situation that he could read so much from two words and yet miss the bigger picture of how Maka had been feeling the last few weeks. Soul would have smirked at the dry humor had the situation not been so completely unfunny.

"Yeah." He replied softly.

Now she knows. I don't know how she managed to miss it this whole time, but now she knows that we can't stay together. Maka's face broke into a smile, the waning light of the sunset making her still damp green eyes sparkle like emeralds. It actually took Soul's breath away for a moment, before he reminded himself that Maka was no longer his partner.

"Soul, it's okay. You're not going to eat my soul. I trust you." He looked at her in wonder, only the two of them truly knowing how significant those three words were.

"But I…"

"It's the black blood, right? We have a way to fight it now!" Maka clenched the fist of her good hand, grinning wildly, "Stein told me I inherited my mother's special anti-demon wavelength! It worked last time so I'm sure it would work again if that black blood tried to take over or anything. Of course I'll have to be around to make sure that doesn't happen, so it would probably be best if we stuck around each other." Maka straightened up, offering her hand to Soul like she had the first time they met.

"So, Soul Eater. Would you be my partner?" He glanced in wonder at this incredible girl. Despite his confession that he'd nearly devoured her very soul, despite the terrible monster that lived in his head, despite everything they had been through the last few days, she wanted to be with him.

I shouldn't. The only way I know she'll be safe is if I stay away from her. And yet he wanted to say yes so badly. He wanted to be with this incredible person who could somehow elevate him to the level of trust reserved for only a very select few. He wanted his partner back. It was selfish of him, he knew, but he couldn't help himself.

I don't know why you would give me your trust, Maka, but I promise I will do everything in my power to keep it.

"Yes." He answered, reaching out to grasp her hand. "To make me the most powerful Death Scythe, right?" Maka grinned in response, eyes glowing as she nodded.

"Right. I'll become just like my mother and surpass my dad."

"And I'll become the coolest Death Scythe ever." He could feel his crooked grin pulling on the corners of his mouth, coming easily for the first time in weeks. Whatever happened with this curse that he'd been given, they would find a way through it. For the first time Soul felt as though he had the power to take on this curse, this black blood, this madness and win. Soul noted suddenly, with a creeping blush that their hands were still entwined as they continued to watch the last dying rays of sun disappear from the city's horizon.


"Soul?" The blonde turned to him, smiling gently, "Thank you."

Oh Maka, only you would thank my when I'm the one who should truly be grateful. He smirked to himself, holding her hand a little tighter.


Who would've expected this turn of events? She mused to herself, thumbing through the file, despite the fact that she already knew it by heart. That the girl would have the anti-insanity wavelength! She clucked her tongue and tossed the folder back on the desk, leaning back in her office chair. She massaged her temples slightly, frowning at the folder. She stopped for a moment before turning to her filing cabinet and rifling through a few more of the files there. She drew out several, studying them a moment and returning the ones that didn't suit her purposes.

Well, no matter. Even a powerful wavelength like that shouldn't be a match for the black blood. Eventually the madness will win, A smile began to form on her lips, growing as she continued to page through the new stack of files, it always does.

Well there you have it folks! That is the end of Kuroi Chi no Yume! I would like to thank everyone who took the time to read this story and stuck with me to the end. For those of you who just started reading this story and didn't have to put up with my erratic updates: you are the lucky ones! Once again, my deepest apologies and utmost gratitude to you all!

No really, that's the end.

Well, yes it does almost seem to be a setup for a sequel now that you mention it…

Well I honestly hadn't given it much thought, but if there were a sequel, it would probably contain more angst and friendship (possibly a dash of romance) some more action, hopefully a more developed plotline and it would be called Kuroi Chi no Noroi (Which translates to Curse of the Black Blood, I believe, but again, my Japanese isn't very good so I could be off). But honestly, I haven't given much thought to it. :P

Okay, so I've thought about it, but I have yet to write anything for it. I still think this could be a standalone story though, so if I never do get to that sequel, at least this one had a satisfying enough ending:)