The Nanny - AU

Author: Oborochann339

Pairing: Shunsui/Juushiro

Warning: T. Mostly just kissing and small mentions of sex but I might change it later on.

Disclaimer: Bleach is owned by Tite Kubo but I am the owner of this fic.

Juushiro's wife dies in childbirth, leaving him with a little girl to raise on his own. He has done fine the last two years but now Mao needs to be entertained always. Which is hard for Juushiro because he needs to finish his novel. So Juushiro decides to hire a nanny. Little does he know after a while he developers feelings for the stunning nanny.

AN: I came up with this idea when watching Teen Mom 2 (yeah weird I know.) I was not sure if I wanted to make it Shunsui/Juushiro since it's not that popular a pairing. But I can find this to be something that would be easier to write with them. I also know that people don't really like AU (myself included) but I still find this to be a good idea so why not turn it into something. So I hope you give it a chance. Thanks to my beta Kellie and Sara for helping me with ideas and letting me use her laptop 3 your both the epic of epicness!

By the way the characters look like they did in there academy days. It will also take a while for Shunsui and Juushiro together but theirs certain reasons why. Mostly since Juushiro has not had a lover since his wife died. ~

Juushiro woke with a daze from his dream. The dream he always has, where everything is so much better than the reality he knows now. He looks lazily at the ceiling pondering about what he's supposed to do today.

Another nanny interview, let's hope Mao does not throw a fit this time, the white haired man thought. Every time a nanny would come to meet with him, Mao would act like the world was ending. Screaming or crying when the nanny would hold her. Be it male or female, Mao liked no one.

Juushiro rolled over closing his eyes trying to block out the world. But it did not last for long. Opening his eyes a little when he heard a small sigh from across him. There was a small little girl with her eyes and hair the only thing showing.

Mao was very little, with a mop of unruly black hair and the brownest of eyes. She was always running off and doing whatever she wanted; since Juushiro always spoiled her rotten she thought she could do anything. But she never meant any harm by it. The little girl would always want to explore knew things. Asking Juushiro constantly about what he thought about her new picture she drew and what certain things meant.

The most asked questions were questions about where her mommy was. Even to a two year old, she knew there were a mommy and a daddy in a relationship. Juushiro would happily tell her about Retsu. How they had met and all about how beautiful she was.

Of course when she asked where Retsu was he could never really give her a real answer, to confused on how he should go about it. So he would always tell her she was out doing something very important that would save the world. And being a two year old she would believe it. But Juushiro knew he could not keep telling her that. Feeling bad about lying and the fact she would grow up and begin to really wonder where her mom was.

Mao looked at Juushiro with wide eyes. Her little hands lightly tugging at the sheets of the bed. Juushiro looked fondly at his wonderful daughter. He sat up and reached over to pick her up. As he lay back down with her on the bed her mouth split into a wide grin. She always liked being with her Daddy. He was the only one in the world she would love. No nanny could be as great as he was.

After an hour of laying with Mao he finally got up with her and made breakfast for his little girl. Strawberry's and pancakes, her favorite, maybe she would not be so mad when the nanny came with her favorite food in her belly.

As he began to put the strawberries on top of her pancakes he herd the ring of the doorbell. He quickly put the strawberries on top and looked at the time, reading it was 10:30.

"Alright he's a bit early, but it will have to do" Juushiro took of his apron and gave Mao a kiss on the forehead "daddy needs to get the door so sit still and eat your break fest. And don't get anything on your dress sweetheart." But Mao was digging in to the pancake and strawberry's, not paying very much attention to her Daddy. Finding strawberry's to be the first thing to eat.

Juushiro got up and walked to the door. He took in a breath and opened the door to reveal a tall young man with short brown hair and a light goatee. The man had a slight build to him and wore a pink Hawaiian shirt with colorful flowers on it with brown shorts. He looks to be interesting, Juushiro thought at the first sight of seeing the man. Only ever speaking to him on the phone.

The man held out his hand and began to speak "It's nice to meet you, I'm Shunsui Kyoraku," he had a warm tone to his voice as he spoke "and I'm here to try and become a nanny for your daughter." Juushiro took the man's hand and shook it lightly. Shunsui seemed very nice. Juushiro had a good feeling about this nanny.

"It's nice to meet you Shunsui, I'm Juushiro Ukitake. Let's go inside and will talk about your qualifications." Juushiro stopped shaking the man's hand and let go, moving away to let Shunsui pass through the door.

"Thank you," Shunsui said walking into the house "sorry if I'm early or anything." Shunsui paused and put his shoulder bag down and looked around Juushiros home "Your house is beautiful."

Juushiro hummed a bit and began to speak as he closed the door "Thanks, and don't worry, you're not that early. I had someone decorate the house for me though. I'm very bad at decorating; I can describe a scene in a book about some wonderful home, but can't really make a house look homey." He walked passed Shunsui and motioned to the living room. "You can go in there and sit down while I go and check on Mao." Shunsui picked up his bag, nodded, and walked into the living room.

Juushiro walked in the other direction and peered into the kitchen. Mao had eaten all the strawberry's and was poking at her now cold mutilated pancake. "Sweetheart you can't just eat the strawberries." Mao jumped a bit and looked at Juushiro.

"Daddie its cold...and icky." she made a face and looked down at her pancakes. Juushiro chuckled "Well you should have eaten them faster...I thought you liked pancakes."

Again she made a face that said she had changed her mind about the circular food. Juushiro sighed and picked her up. He took the plate and dumped the half-eaten pancakes in the garbage. Putting the plate in the sink he began to speak to the little girl "I know you hate people who try and look after you besides me, but I think you will like this one. He seems very nice. Now mind your manners and don't yank his hair or poke his eye like you did with Rukia. Poor girl had a red eye for 3 days after that. "

Juushiro walked out of the kitchen and into the hallway and crossing over in to the living room. Shunsui was looking at a picture of Mao from her first birthday. "She made such a mess everywhere. That's the last time I give her cake." Juushiro said fondly.

"I can see that." Shunsui put the picture down and looked at Juushiro, but his eyes quickly darted to the little girl in his arms "Hello, you must be Mao then. You're very pretty in that dress. It suits you."

Mao looked at him with evil eyes. But something about the way he said she was pretty made her eyes become fond. She had picked this dress out herself. And he was the first besides her Daddy to see her in it. It made her a bit shy, only her daddy complemented her.

"I picked it out myself," she leaned into her dad a bit shyly "thank you." She mentally beamed since she said thank you without her daddy telling her to.

Juushiro smiled wide. She seemed to be taking Shunsui well. When the last nanny, Urahara, came to be interviewed she had looked at him like he was an evil monkey, and she hated evil monkeys. So she freaked out and began to cry and scream. Of course Juushiro became a bit embarrassed and never really got to interview Urahara.

The white haired man went over and sat on the couch. Shunsui sat down and grabbed his bag. He flipped it open and pulled out a resumé . "This is some work I did before. I used to work with children at a preschool. But then preschool ended and now I'm out of a job. So my brother Starrk told me being a nanny had good money in it."

Juushiro looked at the paper. Shunsui did some construction at one point in life. Has a college degree in writing, which caught Juushiros eye, and is 34 "Interesting résumé you have. Tell me more about your experience with the children at the preschool." Juushiro gave Shunsui back his résumé and looked at Mao.

So far Mao had not screamed or poked anyone. She seemed content just looking at Shunsui quizzically. Juushiro began to speak "Mao is a handful. I've always raised her on my own for these two years. Back then it was easy to distract her so I could write, but now she's two and wants every bit of my attention." Juushiro stopped looking at Mao and turned to look at Shunsui. The pink shirted man was looking at him with a small smile on his lips.

"My mother raised me and my brother on her own. She was my mom and my dad. It must have taken a lot to raise two rebellious boys." Shunsui paused and gathered his thoughts "I've always had respect for single mothers or fathers." Shunsui turned away from Juushiro and looked at Mao "You have a very strong father Mao; I can see why he's your world."

Mao looked into the man's eyes, at first her face was blank, but soon it split into a wide grin. "He's the best Daddie ever. There's no one else like him and never will be." Mao looked at her father fondly.

Juushiro began to chuckle. It seemed like he had finally found a nanny that Mao approved of. Juushiro noticed Shunsui begin to reach his arms out to Mao. The moppy haired girl looked at Shunsui and then to her father, then back to Shunsui. She scooted a little bit towards Shunsui then stopped. She looked at Juushiro and back to Shunsui and scooted over a bit more to the man. Looking between the two men once again she sat in Shunsui's arms and he lifted her up.

This was a bit new to Mao. Someone else holding her and her being content. As a baby she was a Daddy's girl and would cry if her aunts or uncles tried to pick her up. She looked at the new man holding her and lifted her small arms up to wrap around his neck. Now face to face with the man she finally made her choice. This was the man she would choose to be her nanny.

Shunsui had stayed the whole day. Playing with Mao as Juushiro happily watched in awe. Finally it was bed time for Mao. She was a bit upset that she had to go sleep when she was having so much fun with her nanny.

"Its 7:30 cupcake tomorrow is another day and I'm sure Shunsui would be happy to come and play with you tomorrow." Juushiro looked at Shunsui and the brown haired man nodded with a smile, Mao just looked unsure.

Shunsui leaned down and picked up Mao and began to speak to her "Don't worry, I promise I will be around to play tomorrow. Maybe your Daddy can get some writing done then." Shunsui looked at Juushiro knowingly. Juushiro gave a smile back.

Mao looked between them and then stated in a small voice while rubbing her eye "Ok." She really was tired. Juushiro and Shunsui both went into the little girls room and laid her down. "You're going to tell me a story right?" she looked at Juushiro "Where the Wild Things Are!" She raised her little fist in the air. Which made Shunsui laugh.

"I don't mind waiting for you out in the living room" Shunsui said. Juushiro looked at him thankfully. Shunsui left the room and Juushiro began to read to his daughter.

Twenty-minutes later Juushiro walked out to find Shunsui reading a book. His first book in fact.

"It's not my best work. But it was the first to get published. Everything I know now, I learned from writing that book." Juushiro said, laughing when Shunsui jumped a bit when he first began to speak. Thinking back on how Mao had jumped when he walked into the kitchen.

"Sorry, I get absorbed when I read." Shunsui put the book back on the shelf and went to get his bag "So I guess I'll be going then." He lifted the bag over his shoulder as he walked into the hallway. Juushiro began to speak "Sorry if I took up all your time today. She seemed to enjoy playing with you a lot though. You're the only nanny who made it through the whole interview. Though I'm not sure if it would be called an interview. Since you played half of the time." Shunsui and Juushiro chuckled.

"So the pay is ¥ 30,000 every week. I hope that's fine." Juushiro looked a bit unsure of whether Shunsui would except the pay or not.

"Of course that's fine." Shunsui turned and smiled "Your little girl is very sweet when she wants to be I'm guessing," Shunsui paused as Juushiro laughed "but shes very fun. I would love to be her nanny."

Juushiro smiled very brightly "I can finally stop going through hellish nanny interviews and I can finish my novel I'm working on. I lost a bit of my muse, but I think it's coming back now that I know there's someone to entertain Mao all the time. So tomorrow you can come over at 11:00 if it's a good time for you." Shunsui laughed and nodded his head at the time.

"Alright then, I'll be off" Shunsui said looking a Juushiro as the white haired man held his hand out for a shake. But Shunsui being the touchy-feely person he is, brought Juushiro into a hug.

Juushiro tensed a bit at being hugged by another person. It felt like he had not had a hug in years by someone other than Mao. He awkwardly wrapped his arms around Shunsui's torso. After a couple of seconds of the hug, which felt a minuet for Juushiro, Shunsui let go and waved good bye at his new employer/friend.

Juushiro shut the door after waving good bye. Wondering what was to come and questioning why his heart was beating so fast.